Special Wedding

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Henry Pov

A few months ago

Okay, today is the day. Today I'm going to propose to Charles. We have been together for a year now and I want to start a new chapter in my life with him.

Me and Charles drove to our favorite place as it was getting late. We just got finished with dinner while Ellie was watching our dog, so we can have the night for ourselves.

We slowly walk in the forest as we saw fireflies coming out. One even landed on Charles's hand as he chuckled.

"Why are you so attractive to fireflies?," I said.

"I don't know. I guess I have a glowing personality," Charles said.

"What about me?"

"You have a golden heart despite being quiet."

I blushed as Charles laughed. Soon, we arrived at our spot, originally Charles, but I soon to grow to like it. It was a cliff side with a great beautiful of the sunset and sometimes stars, but it's a great view.

But there was something different, enchanted flowers was growing in the ground, plus some glowing particles was flying to the sky leaving light behind.

"Wow, that looks so beautiful," Charles said.

I carefully grabbed one of the flower and gave one to Charles. "A beautiful flower to my beautiful boyfriend~"

Charles bloomed red as he took the rose and smell it. "Nice flirt, but I think I can do better."

"Oh, really. I would like to see you try."

Charles smirked as he slowly grabbed blue crystal flower and hand them to me. "If you were a flower, you always make me feel beautiful~"

I turned red as I took the rose. "Touché."

Charles giggles as he watched the small light show. I checked on the ring as I took a deep breath. It's now or never.

I slowly took Charles's hand as I looked in his eyes.

"Charles, I love you so much. And I'm very thankful to have you in my life. With that..."

I got one knee and pulled out a beautiful emerald ring. "Charles, will you marry me?"

Charles looked surprised but he smiled softly as he took out a velvet box. "I was going to asked you if you want to marry me."

I bursts into tears as I hug Charles as he hugged me back. "Glad, we agreed on something."

The next day

"You guys are getting married!?," Ellie said.

Me and Charles both nodded our heads as everyone clapped us and congratulated for our engagement.

"Well, it was about time," Rupert said.

"Huh? Really. When's yours," I smirked.

"Oh, fuck you."

"So, when's the wedding?," Ellie said.

"We decided to do it in the early spring. Most likely in March," Charles said.

"Alright, I'll be there."

"Wait, is it going to be a indoor or outdoor wedding?," Ben said.

"Outdoors," I smiled.

"Okay, I'm coming too."

"Aren't you guys planning to go to the wedding in the first place," Rupert said.

Everyone laughed as I chuckled. "Thank you for your concern, Rupert."

"Oh, whatever."

"Don't worry, we're coming too," Dave said.

"Thanks Dave," Charles said.

The general put his hand on my shoulder as he signed. "Henry, please take great care of my son."

"Of course, general."

Present Time

I was pacing back and forth as I fixed my suit. Today is the big day, my wedding and I was nervous as heck. I have no ideas what was Charles was doing. Maybe he was having second thoughts. I looked in the mirror as I calmed down.

Charles is one of the nicest people in the world.
Of course, he's not going to say no, he's the love in my life. I signed as I fixed my tie and smile at the mirror.

"Henry, are you ready?" I almost jumped as Ellie stared at me as the room got awkward. "Really dude."

"What? It's normal to be nervous at your wedding. Right?," I said.

"Yes, but not not way you're doing it." I rolled my eyes as Ellie put a blue flower in my hair.
"Relax, Henry. You will do great. And Charles would say that."

I smiled as Ellie grabbed my hand as we left the room.

All the guests already arrived as I waited at the altar. Ellie and Ben are my bridesmaid and best man while Rupert and Dave are Charles's best man. The wedding music started as everyone stood up to look at the entrance.

Charles walked down the carpet as the general led him down. He was wearing a black suit as me, but he have a green flower in his hair. There was a small emerald pin in the flower while mine have a tiny diamond.

Soon, we joined hands as the priest begins talking about how today we are gathered to celebrate me and Charles's wedding. Then, he started saying other boring words that I didn't pay attention to until we reached, "if anyone have a reason that this couple should not be wedded, then speak now or however hold your peace."

Everyone looks around, but no one raised their hand, so the wedding continues.

"Henry, do you take Charles as your husband?"

"I do."

"Charles, do you take Henry as your husband?"

"I do."

"By these power vested in me. I'm announced you as husband and husband."

Me and Charles kissed as the crowd cheered.

"Hey, don't forget your rings," Ben said.

I took the rings from Ben and I put the ring on Charles's finger while Charles put one on my finger. We carried on with the wedding as everyone was having fun.

Soon, it was picture time as me, my new husband, and all our friends took a few photos. The last photo was of me, Charles, and our dog, Stella.

Author note: This is story is a birthday gift for me. Next story will be adventure story involving Henry, Charles, Ellie, Dave, Rupert, Ben, and Stella (Henry's and Charles's dog). And few guests will be joining them.

That story will be posted on next Friday or Saturday. Anyways, have a good day.

Henry Stickmin Oneshots(Mostly Stickvin)Where stories live. Discover now