Puppy Troubles

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Charles POV

"Stella, where are you," I said.

"Yeah, you need a bath," Henry said.

Me and Henry looked everywhere for Stella, our dog in our home until I heard some noises in the living room, Henry crept behind the couch as I follow him.

"Okay; you lifted up the couch and I'll grab Stella."

Henry nod his head as we prepared our selves.




I gently launched at Stella but she immediately zoom off. Henry try catching her but she swiftly dodged and went in an another direction.

This soon turned in a dog chase scene until I collapsed to the ground out of exhausted and Henry just lie down next to me, catching his breath.

And ironically, Stella popped out from the corner climbed on my boyfriend, and starts licking his face. Henry let out sign and softly grab Stella and sit up.

"She's very fast for a puppy," he said.

"Yes and a troublemaker."

"Well, we are also troublemakers. So I guess Star learned from us."

We both laughed as we got up. Our pup's name is Stella but Henry like to call her Star since he claims Star's fur shined bright as gold and her eyes.

I hate to admit but I sometimes jealous of Stella.

I gave her a quick bath and she suddenly jumps out and shake all the water off of her as I dried her off.

Stella raced down stairs as I ran after her. She is very fast dog as a golden retriever. Henry put a leach on Stella's collar as I grab my jacket.

"Where are you going?"

"Taking Star for a walk, you coming?"

"Of course, you two might cause trouble."

"At least I don't it with a helicopter."

That did it, I tackled Henry to the ground putting him in a choked hold and mess with his hair.

"I what!?"

"Alright, alright, you don't cause too much chaos except it's true."

I was about to bonk him but Star crawled on top of my head and rest on me. Eventually, I got off before hitting Henry on the head and we soon left for a walk with Stella.

We went to a small park as Star starts to calm down. Me and Henry walked hand in hand while he holds the leach.

"So? The season is changing," I said.

"Yeah, the leaves are turning red and orange." He soon peck me on the cheek as we kept walking. "Halloween is coming up, any plans."

"No, not yet." As we stopped and our dog rests on the path. "But what are you planning to be?"

"Probably a sexy villain."

"Why? Because I thought you didn't like being a bad guy."

"Well, old habits never dies but I remember you saying I looked hot as a toppat king."

My face slowly turns red as we kept walking with Stella.

"What about you?"

"Well, since you wanna play villain. I'm either going to be a z angel or cool superhero."

"A Z angel?"

"Basically, dressing up as an angel but in my style. You know like a badass"

"Well, you certainly a badass."

Just then, Stella started barking at some random dogs and ran towards them with Henry in toe. I ran after them as Star soon stop, wanting to play with other dogs while Henry was on his knees, out of breath.

"Oh? Um... are you okay?"


"Yes! Don't worry, he's fine. He been through worse."

Henry gave me a f*** you face as I helped him up. The person turns out to be a very nice lady let us play with her dogs. She had three dogs: a friendly toy poodle, a huge husky, and a German shepherd.

I cuddled with the poodle names Becky while Henry play fetch with Stella, Jim (German shepherd), and Amy (husky). Soon, Stella started running and kept playing with the other dogs even Becky, who jumps out my arms.

I still wanna hold her like a baby.

Star soon got tired out and rest on Amy which she didn't mind but I slowly grab her. Henry got the woman contacts and we said goodbye to her and her dogs.

I put Stella in her doggie bed as I rest my head on Henry's shoulder but he picked me as I wrap my body around him.

"You tired?"


"Well." He stroked my hair as he used a seductive tone. "Hope you are fine, hot stuff~"


I pushed Henry to the ground as I pin him down.

"You think you're so romantic."

Henry grins at me as Stella bark and suddenly at the top on the couch. She jumps on my head and sleeps on my head.

I carefully got up as Henry stood up. I put Stella back in her bed and I went to bed and Henry followed from behind. We were about to fall asleep until Stella busted in and starts jumping on the bed.

I wasn't in the mood, so Henry let Stella in the blankets as I turned to him and moved closer. Star pops out between me and Henry as we giggled as we drifted off to sleep.

What a lovely dog.

Henry Stickmin Oneshots(Mostly Stickvin)Where stories live. Discover now