Mission Impossible

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"I have a mission for you, boys."

Henry and Charles looked at each other before turning to General Galeforce.

"We'll take the job."

[Location: Christian's Mansion]

The general explained that there is a special pink diamond being kept by one of the most dangerous mafia in the world, in his mansion.
And it can be extremely dangerous if someone found out how powerful that gem is.

Their task, received the diamond before anyone notices.

"So, we are breaking in this mansion instead of walking in?," Charles said.

"Well, with a party is going on. All the guards are too busy on the first floor," Henry said.

"Why can't we just walk in?"

"Because they have a guest list."

"Ellie got in with no problem."

"That's because she flirted with one of guest to be his plus one."

"Well, Ben will be frustrated."

"Charles!? Can you just focused!?"

"I am. Just asking."

Henry slowly opened the window and climbed inside. Charles follow him as the two of them made their way to the vault. Just then, Henry heard someone coming and he quickly grabbed his boyfriend's hand and hid behind the wall.

A butler walk along the hallway with a flashlight, thinking he heard something. He flashed his flashlight, but saw no one, so he went away.

Henry let out a relief as Charles check his phone for the map of the mansion. The vault was located in the basement and in a hidden room which it will be hard to find.

Henry checked on his boyfriend and Charles gave him an assured nod. They kept walking until they saw a bright light and saw the party was being held in the huge banquet.

"Says here that the basement is somewhere below the living room," Charles said.

"Then, that's where we're going," Henry smirked.

Henry and Charles walked down stairs and acted like a wealthy couple. And thanks to the expensive suits, nobody expected them. Henry quickly spotted Ellie with her target and she winked at Henry as Henry rolled his eyes as Charles giggles.

Anyways, they made their way to the living room and searched everywhere for the basement until Charles noticed one of books are missing from the shelf. Soon, he found a book on the table and placed the book in their rightful place.

Suddenly, a secret door opened as lanterns lit up. The couple looked surprised as they slowly went down stairs as the door closed.

"What is up with rich people having secret places in their house," Charles said.

"Jealous," Henry said.

"No, just curious."

They soon made it in the basement and the vault was right there in front of them. Charles was about to walk towards the vault, but Henry stop him.

"What?," Charles said.

"Have you ever see a spy movie!?," Henry said.

"Yes, no. Maybe?"

Henry took out some flour and blow them on the invisible lazers which is now visible in the room. Henry gave I told you so face to Charles as his boyfriend rolled his eyes as he made his way through the lazers.

Henry also made his way, but in a cool way. He jumped through the lazer and slide through the major of lazers. Henry pressed the button and the lazers went away and Charles fell to the floor.

"Show off."

"You're just mad I made it first."

"Whatever, just take out the bomb."

Henry took out the electric bomb and placed it on the vault. He pressed a few buttons before the screen turned green and opened the vault. It revealed a lot of stolen treasures especially rare gems. But, the pink diamond was right there and Henry quickly grabbed it and put it in his pocket.

"Great, now we have it let's get out of here," Charles said.

"What are you guys up to?"

Christian, the most dangerous mafia pointed a gun at Henry and Charles as he grins.

"You guys don't think that this will be easy."

"No, but it could be," Henry said.

Henry immediately throw something at the guy as he stumbled and his gun went off. Luckily, Henry grabbed the bullet while Charles jumped on the wall and knocks out criminal.

"Great job, babe," Henry said.

"It's not over yet," Charles grinned.

Henry and Charles quickly made their way out of the basement and ran into some guards.

"Charles, may I have this dance?"

"Sure, Hen."

With that, Henry swung Charles into some of the guys while he takes out the rest. After five minutes, most of them was lying on the floor, defeated and tired.

One of them tried to attack Henry from behind, but Ellie immediately knocked him out.

"I was wondering where were you," Henry said.

"Sorry, I got busy. Also I call in some backup They'll be here in a few minutes," Ellie said.

Just as Ellie said, all the criminals including that mafia guy were being arrested. Charles gave the diamond to the general as he smiled.

"Great job, Triple Threat. You did an amazing job," Galeforce said.

"When did we ever fail you," Henry said.

"You have a point, Stickmin."

"Anyways, can I get the day off. That mission was so hard," Ellie said.

"You did nothing!?," Henry said.

"Who called for backup and stop a guy from knocking you out!?"



Charles and the general stood there, laughing at Henry's and Ellie's friendship. What a mission.

Author note: Hey, if you guys read my first book or plot, then please try to forget about it. I don't like that plot I made before this book. Also, forget the remake, I'm deleting it soon.
Anyways, have a good day.

Henry Stickmin Oneshots(Mostly Stickvin)Where stories live. Discover now