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Her thin fingers glided against the golden silk sheets that had yet to be replaced

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Her thin fingers glided against the golden silk sheets that had yet to be replaced. Picture frames remained in tact. Books she promised to read T'Challa were stacked against her bedside with his kimoyo beads. Everything has remained untouched since that night. Haunting it was, but comforting at the same time.

She took a deep breath, unable to shake off the tears building up in her eyes. "I miss you, T'Challa" her lips barely moved, with her voice just above a whisper. "Please, watch our children as I fight this war. Give me the strength to protect them from my sins. And if I must let me die a warriors death." Nova held his kimoyo beads close to her chest. Her eyes that were screwed shut opened wide as the sound of someone's sneakers squeaked against the vibranium floor.

"Agent Fury?" The young scientist barged into the room. Nova quickly wiped any tears that managed to escape. "Oh! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to..."

The spy grinned revealing her perfectly straight teeth, "Don't worry about it. Is there something wrong?" The scientist widened her eyes, unable to explain why her heart suddenly jumped. At a young age, she always heard the teenage boys drool over the woman in the Avengers and how badly they wanted to marry them. Now, she understand why.

"Uh, the Queen, she's looking for you" the scientist cleared her throat, adjusting the suit she was in. Her doe cinnamon shaded eyes flickered around the room nervously.

Nova raised her eyebrow. The scientist looked liked she could possibly pass out any second, "Come walk with me. The Queen can wait." The scientist finally met her gaze again. A force smiled they both shared. Nova gripped on the hem of her skirt, wishing the nurses hadn't put her in one of her uncomfortable dresses. It was tighter than she remembered. Maybe the curves she had made it a harder to breathe in.

The scientist joined her side as Nova took her time walking through the stretched halls. Their eyes narrowed around the glassed walls, drawn into a state of awe from the city. Nova sincerely smiled, clasping her hands together, "How are you liking Wakanda Miss?"

"Riri, Riri Williams" she introduced herself, "And it's great. The stories don't do this place justice."

Nova's heels finally stopped clicking against the black vibranium floor. Stopping shortly, Riri pauses facing her. "But something troubles you"

Riri sighed shakily. Nothing went unnoticed by the spy. It was no wonder why everyone spoke so greatly of her. This intimidating front she put on fooled many. "I really would like to go home"

Nova hummed, nodded understanding how homesick she was. Right now, the mothers heart ached. Holding Azuri, Njari and Nailah in her arms was a dream come true, but before she could even return to them she had to make sure the world was safe for them to be in again. "And where is home for you?"

"New York."

Nova smiled, unable to stop reminiscing the holidays she spent in Harlem. Miles was reckless, but he was a good kid. It was gonna bite him in the ass one day. Nova only wished  Aaron was still looking out for him. "You really do remind me of someone" Nova admitted.

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