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At first she couldn't make out the voices she was hearing

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At first she couldn't make out the voices she was hearing. It sounded so distant and annoying. It made her banging head ache more. What didn't help was that her body that felt so stiff.

But when she felt something cold and wet touch her, she finally had snapped out of it. Her eyes shot open, with her looking around frantically,"You okay Nova?" Clint asked as he kneeled beside her, coughing out the dust in his lungs.

She met his eyes, relieved. But that relief vanished when she took in her surroundings,"Where are we?" She asked, slowly standing up.

"In the tunnels it seems."

"But how, who the hell bombed us?"

"No idea."

The only light that was provided for that was this odd red light,"Cap!?" Clint called out, with his voice echoing through the tunnel.

Nova carefully looked around. She needed to figure out a plan to get them out of here, or else they would die. She sighed, turning to the left with her eyes catching the glove,"Clint look" she said, bending down grabbing the glove.

Before Clint could open his mouth, Nova froze when she heard something in the distance. You would think that the sound would be relieving but it wasn't. It didn't sound human whatsoever.

Clint carefully pulled out his bow and arrow. Nova put her hand on her gun, watching him fly his glowing arrow down the tunnel.

There were these creatures hanging onto the wall with claws that looked like they could slice a persons body in a instant. Their teeth baring out of their mouths, a single bite could kill her.

Nova widened her eyes, knowing that was their signaling to run. She instantly grabbed Clint made a run for it.

She fastened her pace, at the sounds of the creatures feet chasing after them,"Come on!" She screamed to Clint.

Nova gripped onto the glove taking multiple turns in hope of finding a way out,"There's more of them!" Clint said,"We gotta do something!"

She up ahead noticed a hole on the ceiling,"Get the grabbling hook ready, here!" She tossed the gauntlet to him, before she stopped, turning her body around. She pulled out her bow and arrows, and swiftly shot the arrows at them that had bombs attached to them. The creatures screeched out to her as it blew up in flames.

"Nova come on!" Clint screamed,

She looked to the creatures, quickly hurried to his side. She grabbed onto Clint with the grabbling pulling them up.

A couple managed to grab onto her leg, Nova screamed out as she was almost dragged down but Clint quickly sliced them in half, just as they got to the top, now in a room that was apart of the building.

"Oh thank god" Nova breathed out tiredly. She lied on the ground to catch her breath, but was thrown off when seeing Nebula stand above them.

"Hey I know you" Clint frowned, handing her the glove.

Nova thought little and shut her eyes to relax,"father I have the stones" she suddenly heard her say. Nova reopened her eyes,"What? No!" Clint attempted to make a move toward her but she put a gun to him.

"Stop" a new voice joined in. Nova looked over seeing a women in all green with her hot pink hair, hold a gun to Nebula.

"You're betraying us" Nebula seethed, in disgust. Then, another Nebula came out.

Holy shit, Nova instantly stood up, that she pulled Clint to the side, knowing that she wouldn't step in unless it was necessary.

"You don't have to do this!" Nebula she assumed the present one argued, holding her hands up in defense.

"I am this" her past self disagreed.

"No, your not" the hot pink hair women agreed.

"I see what you've become"

"Nebula listen to her"

"You can change" The present Nebula encouraged. The hot pink women, lowered her gun down, signaling her that she didn't wanna fight.

"He won't let me" the past Nebula said, seeing her black eyes show disappointment. And before she knew it, the past Nebula shot her gun,"No!"

The present Nebula took charge and shot her with the glowing bullet hitting her chest. Nova jumped back surprised, as she turned to Nebulas present self noticing that her pasts death wasn't impacting her.

How odd..

Yet, she snapped into reality and quickly grabbed the glove from the now dead Nebula, looking at the three of them,"We have to stop Thanos" the hot pink women said.

Nova nodded, agreeing,"You must be.."

"Gamora" now it hit her, she was Nebulas sister,"I'm Nova, this is Clint" she introduced.

"My father has an army of thousands right here. It's wise if we leave now" Nebula said,

Nova followed them out into the clearing that Nova looked around astonished. Everything was destroyed. There was no green, no lake, it was all crumbles of the Avengers building, and dirt all around, with flames surrounding the place.

Not even a hint of blue was in the sky. It was all grey, full of smoke.

"Holy shit" Clint cussed.

Nova noticed up ahead, Thanos standing in front of Steve who was on the ground all bloody, with Thor and Tony in the same state,"Oh god" she whispered, worriedly.

"This just a whole lot better" Clint sarcastically remarked, looking to the thousands of creatures in armor in different shapes and sizes.

This had to be worse than the battle she fought in Wakanda. There was more than ever before, and with the small number of people they had on their side made it a lot horrifying.

But she was ready to die in honor.

Nova wrapped the glove around her waist band securely with her gripping onto her bow and arrows,"on the left" Nebula whispered to them.

She didn't understand what she meant. Nova looked to where Nebula was looking to. And to her surprise she saw a portal being opened.

Nova tilted her head, that she couldn't help but step closer to see who exactly was coming out. It was three people, they walking to Steve who was now standing up.

She squinted her eyes, trying to make out who it was, but when she saw the silver necklace around his neck she realized who that belonged to. Nova nearly dropped her bow and arrows that were barely handing to the top of her fingers.

She put her hands to her mouth with tears of sudden joy coming to her.

It was her King, T'Challa Udaku.

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