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After Nova had talked to Tony, the group had met up together and made an agreement to get the team back together

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After Nova had talked to Tony, the group had met up together and made an agreement to get the team back together. So while Bruce and Rocket went to get Thor, Natasha and Nova we're heading down to Tokyo to get Bart all thanks to Rohdey who gave them his location.

Nova wore a yellow suit with a sword hanging on her waist band. While Natasha decided to safely walk amongst the streets to look for him, Nova had already found him. He was fighting a bunch of Japanese men, inside a building, setting of bombs, gunshots and more. Nova carefully followed after him, doing her best to ignore the bloody bodies around that he had killed in a instant.

She had to stop him from doing anymore of this. Nova had to show him that there was no satisfaction in this whatsoever.

While gunshots were repeatedly being fired, Nova could hear the sound of thunder striking in the air, seeing a bunch of rain pouring in one of the hallways due to the window being busted.

She looked down to the ground seeing Bart speaking in Japanese to a man who he had sliced his throat, asking him for what he wanted.

But Bart declined his offer and without any mercy, stabbed him with his sword, wiping the blood off with his sleeve.

Nova stared at him conflicted. She couldn't tell whether she wanted to beat him up a bit for it or just hold him in her arms.

She smacked her lips, jumping down just as Bart was about to turn around. But she had used her sword to block him as he stood still.

The cold rain poured on the both of them as he removed his mask, revealing his face,"You shouldn't be here..both of you"

Nova at the corner of her, saw Natasha stand behind her with an umbrella covering her from the rain, unlike them.

"Neither should you" Natasha remarked.

"I've got a job to do" he argued staring at them as Nova studied his face. It was like her anger towards him almost vanished. His face was so cold, with dark circles under his eyes, with him looking almost lifeless.

"Is that what your calling this? Killing all these people isn't gonna bring your family back or give you the satisfaction you want" Nova sternly told him, as he looked away from her.

"Bart, we found something" Natasha told him, as she came to Novas side,"A chance maybe."

Instantly Clint shook his head,"Don't."

"Don't what ?"

"Don't give me hope."

Nova darted her eyes at with ignoring the rain drops that continued to roll down her face,"We're sorry we couldn't give it to you sooner" Nova apologized sympathetically. She could see the disappointed he felt. But she didn't care. All she cared about was him being here with her. So she threw her sword to the side and grabbed his hand.

And just as she hoped, he too held her hand back with Natasha grabbing their other hands, assuring each other that they'd be here for one another.


When they arrived back to the U.S Nova saw that the quantum transportation was almost done being built as it was this one huge round thing in the middle of the building.

And while Clint decided to be the one to test it, Nova was in the back of the building outside making a quick phone call to Miles. But knowing today he had a family event, he wouldn't be able to answer the phone with it going straight to voicemail.

"Hey, Kid it's me Nova. I—I know I said that I wasn't gonna be able to talk to you for the week but I wanted you to hear this from me. My friends and I may have found a way to bring everyone back, and as crazy as it sounds it's true. I'll be going to the past to get the stones and it may sound easy right now, I'm not so sure it'll be easy coming back. I don't wanna worry you, but I gotta admit when you're a secret agent since the age of 14 you already know that missions don't always go as planned. Something always happens. And it may not be any different." Nova exhaled through her nostrils as she began to pace back and forth.

"I don't want you getting scared. I just want you to know that if you don't hear from me in a long time you'll know why. Just know, in case I never see you again that even though I may have not been enough for you, you were good to me. You were there for me when I felt so lonely, and felt like I deserved nothing in the world and for that I thank you for it."

"Nova!" Natasha yelled, catching Novas attention. She turned around, telling Natasha to wait a second.

"I gotta go Miles, goodbye." she whispered before hanging up the call. Natasha had reached her giving her nod,"The time machine, it worked" she painted.

Nova suddenly felt her spirts be lifted up,"Does that mean—"

Natasha nodded,"Yes" she smiled, laughing half heartedly.

Nova let out a grand smile, immediately hugging her,"We'll get them back Nova, and we'll do it right this time" she said, patting her hard on the back.

Despite the happiness flowing through her, Nova had felt a bit of sadness of what she told Miles on the phone. 

Yet, she knew that even if she felt horrible for what she had done she knew it would be wrong if she didn't tell him any of it. He deserved to know, and even if it'd take him the next three days to see it, she didn't care. By that time he would hear her voicemail, he would have his Dad and she would be satisfied that she did good in the end.

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