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Twenty three days

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Twenty three had been twenty three days since Thanos destroyed half the population of the universe. Where the streets were empty that the winds whispers were louder than ones own thoughts.

No good had come out from this. Everyone had lost their loved ones. Some were lucky and didn't lose much but most weren't.

The sound of fists hitting the hard boxing bag echoed through the Avengers gym. Her heavy breathing sounded like low gasps as Nova Fury had been at this all night.

The gym was the only place that kept her from having nightmares of watching T'Challa turn to dust, where she wouldn't be in the royal kingdom destroying every piece of furniture to release her sorrows, along with the fact that her parents, boyfriend, and mostly everyone she cared about was no longer alive.

With her last hit, steadied the bag from swinging back and forth. Nova panted heavily as she ignoring the sweat that was dripping from her body. She rested her head on the bean bag with her trying to steady her breathing pattern.

Nova wanted to rest, but she couldn't do that. If she did she would then think about them, and she would think negatively. She wanted to be positive about this. That they could find Thanos. That the memories she had of each person she love wasn't going to be the last one.

Nova exhaled deeply, she reopened her eyes and backed away from the bag to sit down to take off the bandages that wrapped her badly bloody bruised knuckles.

There almost was no white left on the white bandages. It was all soaked up with red. Even the boxing bag that was white showed her bloody stains. But despite her hands being in a weak state her hands went completely numb four days ago. She couldn't feel a thing with her hands, not even a pinch. And she desperately wanted that numbness to spread throughout her entire body.

"Your team wants you" Nova heard that she looked up seeing the women, Captain Marvel, also known as Carol Danvers.

Nova remembered her Dad sending her a message to find Captain Marvel. Nova didn't know why but either way she didn't need to find the alien women. She had found them, asking where her Dad was.

Nova remembered questioned her on how she knew her Dad. But the women said that she was the first superhero that her Dad met and mentored. Nova knew she was extremely powerful. But with the days passing by Nova slowly felt herself becoming depressed and not caring.

"What for?" Nova questioned, looking back down to her hands that she began to bandage, and clean up.

"Your friend is awake."

That was right, Carol had found Tony and another alien that the raccoon knew, Nebula in space. Stark was weak when he first came last night but Potts had been taking care of him. She wondered how Stark's felt right now.

"I'll be there then" Nova replied to her, before she finished cleaning up her hands. She quickly banged her hands before she followed her to where everyone else was.

When they approached the conference room. The first thing she was Stark in a wheel chair. And then she saw on the holographic screens everyone that had vanished. Doctor Strange, Bucky, Sheri, and more.

Nova immediately looked down to her feet ignoring the eyes that followed her. It was clear to them all that Nova had changed over the course of these past days. She had been more distant, more quiet, the only one who could manage to get much of a sentence out of her was Nat and Carol.

It was clear that she was in pain, just like them all.

Nova who kept a straight face sat at the corner of the room hearing out what they all had to say.

"It's been 23 days since Thanos came to earth" Rodney said to the crew.

"World governments are in pieces. The parts that are still working are trying to make a senses and it looks like he..did exactly what he was gonna do. Thanos wiped out fifty percent of all living creatures" Nat stated with her voice even becoming a bit shaky.

"Where is he now?" Starks questioned, about Thanos's location.

Steve held his arms crossed,"We don't know. He just opened a portal and walked through."

Tony sighed, with him glancing over at Thor who was in another room glooming to himself,"What's wrong with him?"

"He's pissed, he thinks he failed. Which he did but there a lot going around ain't there" the raccoon, Rocket answered, causing Tony to look at him confused.

"Honestly to this last second I thought you were a build a bear"

"Maybe I am."

"We've been hunting Thanos for three weeks now" Steve interrupted the conversation between Tony and the raccoon,"Through deep space scans and sati-lights and we got nothing. Tony you fought him."

"Who told you that?" Tony retorted,"No, I didn't" Tony began to go on about how Thanos beat him up as Doctor Strange gave him the stone. Nova frowned upon hearing that as she could hear the frustration his voice.

Steve reluctantly nodded,"Did he give you any clues, any coordinates?"

Tony blew a raspberry with his hand making a straight line from his head, which meant that he had no clue either on Thanos's location. "I saw this coming a few years back. I had a vision and I didn't wanna believe it. Nova had a memory about Thanos when we fought in New York. I guess we both were in denial"

Nat made eye contact with Nova as she could see the confusion on her face probably wondering why Nova never told her but Nova ignored her stare as she looked at the the two men sensing a argument coming out,"Tony I'm gonna need you to focus."

"And I needed you" Tony snapped,"As in past tense, that trumps what you need, it's too late buddy, I'm sorry" then he sighed,"You know what I need?" Tony tossed a couple of glass cups to the ground as he stood up,"I need to shave, and if--"

"Tony, Tony" Steve began to call him as he ripped out his tubes from his arm, and tossed the shades off of himself.

"What we needed was a suit of armor around the world, remember that!? Whether it impacted it impacted our precious freedoms or not, that's what we needed."

"Well that didn't work out did it?" Steve questioned.

"I said we'd lose and you said we'd do that together too. Guess what Cap, we lost. You weren't there" Then Tony began to raise his voice with Rhodey attempting to calm him down.

"We're the avengers! Right, not the pre avengers!?"

"Okay! you made your point just sit down" Rhodey said, trying to sit him down on his wheel chair but Tony pushed him away.

"No, no, okay, we need you new blood--" Tony began to say to Captain Marvel as he stomped up to Steve yelling at him as he had nothing, no coordinates, no options, tragedies, and no trust for him. Nova sat up alarmed as she saw Tony grab his glowing chest piece,"Tony don't!" she yelled but it was too late, he had already yanked it out and shoved it into Steves hand,"Here take this. You find him and put that on and hide."

Then, Tony collapsed to the ground. Nova rushed up hurrying to Tony's side," Tony!"

"I'm fine" Tony argued, attempting to push Steve and Rhodey away but his breathing began to heavy with him weakly grabbing onto Nova,"Shit!" Nova cursed as he fully fell unconscious.

"Get him to a room fast and call Potts" Nova ordered, with her eyes trembling around the room. Carol helped carry him away that Nova met Nats eyes hating how the cocky Tony Stark was now shattered.

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