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The whole trip to the planet made Nova sick to the stomach

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The whole trip to the planet made Nova sick to the stomach. When they first dropped off Nebula and Rhodey on the planet Morag it wasn't bad. Nova had wished them luck before the three bordered a plane to the planet the soul stone was on. The planet, Vormir gave her creepy vibes with all these odd creatures.

Nova couldn't shake off the chills that were rolling down her spine every five minutes when they walked off the sand dunes. The only thing she liked about the place was the sky and how there was a huge planet blocking the sun, causing the outline of the planet to have a fiery velvet orange that reflected purple on the clouds and mountains.

While they had been climbing the mountain that was snowing Nova almost tripped down but luckily caught herself when she reached the top.

She quickly dusted off the dirt on her hands while ignoring the wind that blew her golden locks back.

"Technically he's not a raccoon" Clint argued, as Nat had began to talk shit about Rocket.

"Whatever he still eats garbage"

"Why are we even talking about him?" Nova questioned confused.

"Welcome" a sudden whispered,

Nova on instinct pulled out her bow and arrows, pointing it in the direction where she saw a black shadow.

"Natasha" it said,"Daughter of Ivan" it's voice echoed. Was it a man? It sure sounded like it. Nova glanced at Clint and Nat who too held their weapons at the shadow,"Nova, daughter of Nicholas. Clint, son of Edith."

How did it know my Dads full name?

Nova didn't bother to put down her bow and arrows as they walked toward him cautiously,"Who are you?" Nova asked, feeling a sudden ounce of bravery.

"Consider me a guide to all who seek the soul stone" the shadow answered.

"Oh good, you tell us where it is and we'll be on our way" Natasha said.

The shadow came closer, that it's face revealed, with it being a skull almost like head shape, with its skin being a deep red that reminded her the color of one's blood,"If only it were that easy."

The being floated over to a cliff as the three followed him.

When they looked down to the cliff Nova immediately stepped back with her heart dropping to the stomach. They were too high off the ground. No one would survive that fall if they dived down this cliff.

"What you seek lies in front of you. As does what you fear" the being added.

"The stones are down there" Nat frowned,

That sounded so bad, Nova threw her head back. Why did it have to be at the bottom? This mission was already a failure for her.

"For one of you. In order to take the stone you must lose on what you love. An everlasting exchange. A soul for a soul."

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