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Landing in New York was more quicker than expected

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Landing in New York was more quicker than expected. Nova didn't exactly know where to go first but decided to use Shuri's phone device to track someone close to her.

It was perhaps time to finally see him.

Nova turned to the soldier giving her a nod,"I need you to stay here and make sure the ship stays. And if I for some odd reason don't come back after a while call me. I put the devices number in there." She said handing the women her own phone.

The women nodded making a X with her arms as a salute.

Exiting the ship Nova studied her surroundings instantly being able to tell she was in Central Park.

Nova sighed looking down at her device,"Alright where are you?" She muttered to herself. The phone showed the hologram of a map of all New York. Zooming in she noticed that he too was here in Central Park.

Guess this was going to more easier than expected.
Nova followed the map ignoring the stares she got from people and hurried away to where he was.

"We should have no more surprises I mean I should promise you" She hers getting more closer to him.

"Yeah" His fiancé replied before kissing him on the lips.

Nova now standing a few feet away from them looked down at her shoes quickly clearing her throat,"Afraid my arrival will have to break that promise" she said gaining the attention of the couple. 

"Nova" Stark widened his eyes shocked.

"Hey Tony" She said meeting his eyes just as Potts smiled widely and pulled the Agent into a huge hug,"Hey Potts how you been?" Nova greeted.

"Good. Now you and I need to have a talk. You've been gone too long" she scolded causing Nova to chuckle amused.

But upon seeing a man come out a portal Nova took her eyes off the blonde quickly going to stand beside Stark,"Tony Stark, I'm Doctor Steven Strange, I need you to come with me. Oh and congratulations on your wedding by the way" he said gesturing to Potts.

They're getting married?

Nova scrunched her eyebrows confused as Tony scoffed,"I'm sorry your giving out tickets or something?"

"We need your help because I'm afraid to say the fate of the universe is at stake" Doctor Strange said.

Nova raised an eyebrow crossing her arms,"How so?"

"And whose we?" Tony asked just as another person come out of the portal.

"Hey Tony" Bruce said causing Nova to widen her eyes,"Banner?"

Bruce looked at Nova shocked,"Nova?" The Agent smiled as Bruce walked up to the two in a big hug tightly,"It's been a long while my hulk guy." Nova teased but stopped when noticing how Bruce still hadn't let go.

"Hey are you okay Banner?" Stark questioned as Potts looked at the four worried. Nova looked at Doctor Strange glancing her two friends before meeting the strangers eyes,"Tell us more."

Doctor Strange nodded motioning to the portal. Nova followed the boys saying a bye to Potts before entering the portal teleporting them to a building.

Stark sat on the couch while Nova sat on the last step of the broken stairwell hearing out the three.

The Asian man, Wong used his powers to show images to explain the problem,"At the dawn of the universe there was nothing. Then there was the six elemental crystal hurdling across the virgin galaxy. These six infinity stones created an aspect of existence."

"Space, reality, power, soul, mind, and time." Doctor Strange finished turning towards the two showing them the time stone in his necklace.

"Tell me his name again." Tony questioned.

"Thanos, he's a plague Tony, he invaded planets, he takes what he wants, he wipes out half the population. He sent Loki for the attack on New York. That's him!" Bruce explained.

Nova sighed hating how right she was, everything that God said was right. And she hated this more than ever.

Nova stood up straight to speak for the first time they got here,"The day New York was attacked Loki told me about Thanos being the one behind it. Recently I had a dream about that day and since then I felt something wasn't right. But now that I know that this wasn't just some weird feeling Thanos is coming to Earth to get that stone whether we all like it or not."

"Okay what's our time line?" Stark questioned facing all of them,"No telling. He already has the power and space stone which already makes him the strongest creature in the whole universe. If he gets his hands on all six stones, Tony-"

"He could destroy life on a scale hither to undreamt of" Doctor Strange said as Tony held onto some object stretching.

"Did you seriously just say hither to undreamt of?"

Doctor Strange looked at him disbelief,"Are you seriously leaning on the cauldron of the cosmos?" On cue his cloak slapped Tony causing him to eye Doctor Strange.

Nova rolled her eyes at the arrogant boys,"Im going to allow that. If Thanos needs six why don't we just throw that in the garbage disposal?" Tony gestured to the time stone.

Nova looked at the billionaire in disbelief knowing it wasn't going to be easy to get rid of a powerful stone.

"No can do"

"We sweared an oath to protect the time stone with our lives" Wong explained.

"And I swore off dairy and then Ben & Jerry named a flavor after me so.."

"Stark Raving Hazelnut" Doctor Strange said.

"It's not bad"

"A bit chalky."

Nova scoffed at the guys as they began to discuss of the ice cream flavors they liked.

"That's a thing?"

"Am I seriously hearing you all talk about ice cream at a time like this? Christ we don't even know what time and place Thanos will be coming here on Earth already giving us a disadvantage. We may have the time stone here but just like Bruce said he already has two stones. Now if any of you have an actual plan instead of talking about ice cream then go ahead talk be my guest." Nova snapped causing all boys to shut up and look at her a bit scared.

"No? Exactly" she scoffed.

"She's right. But we can't destroy the stone, the time stone could be our great weapon against Thanos" Strange said but Tony disagreed.

Nova sighed at the annoying argument she felt Shuri's device suddenly begin to vibrate.
She pulled out the device seeing that it was her phone calling her.

"Okay I'll be back to make a phone call and behave or else I'll shove a stick down all your asses" she snapped before leaving the building and answered the call.

"I forgot to tell you where I went but everything's fine-"

"There's an indication of high levels of-"

Nova abruptly pulled the device away when a strong force of wind suddenly pushed Nova back hearing cars crash in the distance.
Screams erupted everywhere along with a weird sound coming from the sky.

What was happening?

People began to run away from a certain direction making the agent curious. She followed the direction that the sound was coming from looking up at the sky and felt her feet instantly stop.

Her hand dropped the device as she let out a shaky breath.

"What the fuck is that?"

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