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"Erik Stevens, graduated at Annapolis age 19, MIT grad school

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"Erik Stevens, graduated at Annapolis age 19, MIT grad school. Joined the CIELS and went straight to Afganistán and confirmed kills like it was a video game." Ross explained.

Nova sighed continuing after him,"Started calling him Killmonger. He joined a ghost unit. They would usually drop off the grid so they could commute assassination and take down governments."

"Did he reveal anything about his identity?" T'Challa questioned walking toward the hologram of Erik Stevens.

"He has a dog tattoo. But we have no record of him." Shuri explained.

Nova looked at T'Challa and back at Killmonger wondering if that was the cousin he mentioned about. If it was things were going to get more complicated.

Later on T'Challa and Shuri left to go figure out the problem with Killmonger in the throne room. Things could go down hill or not.
While Nova and Ross were in Shuri's lab watching the scene from one of Shuri's computers.

"Is this man Wakandan or not?" One of the group leaders demanded.

On cue Killmonger entered the room with chains on his wrist stepping towards the King with a soilder standing by his side. Nova let out a heavy breath ruffling her hair.

As she watched the scene unfold Nova kept her calm composure til Erik stated he wanted the throne and to become the new Black Panther.

Laughs went around the room. But sadly things were going to go down hill. Just as T'Challa refused to listen to him one of the groups leaders demanded who he was as it was revealed he was the son of T'Challa's uncle.

Gasps erupted throughout the room. Nova and Ross shared a look but continued to watch.
The Queen went on that he had no rights here but everyone knew that was false. He was royal blood after all. He had every right.

This guy took down governments and controlled them. It was like he was training for this his whole life.

Nova began to beg the heavens that T'Challa would say no but sadly his next 4 words brought down her hopes.

"I accept your challenge."

"Son of a bitch!" Nova cursed standing up from her chair not wanting to hear anymore of the conversation. Her blood began to boil annoyed that this is what T'Challa chose.

She left Ross not wanting to be inside the kingdom any longer. She didn't want to face T'Challa nor see the after math of this battle. As she was about to leave to the grass lands she noticed T'Challa in the distance.

She ignored him trying to walk past him but T'Challa was quick to grab her wrists. Nova tried to fight at first but instead pushed him which didn't budge him.

"Are you serious!? You accepted his challenge? Why on earth would you do that? This guy has killed more people than I ever have. He won't do anything to stop even if he has to kill you." Nova let out a heavy breath trying to take everything in her body to not punch someone,"How could you do that to your people? How could you do that to m-" Nova stopped her from spilling anymore words.

T'Challa grabbed Novas hand Ms again bringing them up to his chest. She could feel his heart beat,"Nova listen to me. I will be fine. Do not worry about this.I'll will be safe after this." He assured but Nova was having none of it.

"You don't understand do you? I'm a spy T'Challa, an assassin. Anyone in the field knows when trouble is around and who to take out. You should've listened to your Mom when she was refusing him." Nova snapped angry trying to walk away again but T'Challa got in her way.

"Nova please don't be worried. You have my word that after the fight I will return to you proving that I am still alive." Nova was forced to look into his eyes and when she looked at her angry features went away and were replaced with soft ones.

She slowly smiled feeling more calmer with his smile. "Fine. But if you die I'm coming after your ass."

"Okay deal." He chuckled.

"Please go wait with Agent Ross, Nova. I don't want anyone especially Killmonger knowing you are here." T'Challa ordered.

She nodded understandingly and went back to Shuri's lab. However, Nakia came later on to lock them up in her office in case someone came into Shuri lab.

The challenge was happening right as they speak and Nova felt so nervous that she kept pacing around the room while Ross read some English book on Nakias shelf. She wondered how he could be so calm. Maybe he had more faith in T'Challa and she didn't. That was bad but she was a spy after all. Can't trust anyone nor anything.

Ross looked over at Nova sighing. He could see her hands beginning to shake a little. The girl was stressing out and he had to admit it was a first time seeing the strong fierce agent like this,"Nova calm down. I'm sure everything is going to be fine."

"But how can you be so sure Ross? This new guy will do anything to get what he wants and if he hurts or even kills-"

"Nova, Nova hey it's going to be okay." Ross assured now squeezing her shoulder in comfort.
Nova let out deep breaths finally beginning to calm down."You look tired. Go ahead and take a nap. I'll wake you up when T'Challa comes okay?" He said and Nova nodded thanking him as she walked over to the chair and cuddled.

Anyone could see now that Nova cared for the King and for that she didn't care if she expressed it.

After a minute Nova fell asleep and soon two hours had passed and fall had fell upon. No one had come in yet. Ross stared out the window bored but snapped out of it when Nakia stormed into the room startling the sleeping Nova awake.

"Okay I'm up!" She groaned sleepy almost falling off the chair.

"What's wrong?" Ross asked confused.

Nova had noticed Nakia wearing a blanket around her neck while holding another two set of blankets.
She tossed one to each of them looking at Nova with tears in her eyes,"The King is dead."

"Come with me unless you want to join him."

At that moment it felt like the ticking of a bomb had finally stopped and devastatingly exploded.

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