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"So the,"How" works

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"So the,"How" works. Now we need to figure out the,"When" and,"Where" Steve began, as everyone was now in the conference room, staring at the multiple hologram screens about the stones,"Almost everyone in this room has had an encounter
with one of the six infinity stones."

"Or substitute the word encounter for nearly been killed" Tony piped in, as the two stood up like they were doing some presentation.

"Well I haven't. I don't even know what the helm you all are talking about" Scott claimed.

"Regardless, we only have one pin particle for one round trip for each, and these stones have been in a lot of different places throughout history" Banner said.

Nova who stood at the corner of the room, listened to them closely, while leaning against the wall.

"Our history. So not a lot of connivence to drop in" Tony continued.

"We have to pick our targets then" Nova spoke out with Tony nodding to her,"Correct."

"So lets start with the ether. Thor what do you know?" Steve questioned, with Novas eyes going to the corner of the room, seeing a very..not the same looking Thor that she saw five years ago. He looked a lot different. His beard got longer, along with his hair, and stomach too.

Nova raised her eyebrow, as Thor made no sound. She couldn't tell if he was awake due to the sun glasses he had on.

"Is he awake?" Natasha asked.

Nova tilted her head,"No, I'm pretty sure he's dead."

Yet, Banner was quick to waking Thor up. Thor who blinked a couple of times to adjust his vision, stood at the front of the room, pointing at the reality red stone with his sun glasses,"Where to" he mumbled,"The ether is not a stone, someone called it a stone before. It's more of a anger sludge sort of thing. So someone's going to need to amend that and stop calling it that. Here's an interesting story about the ether, my grandfather many years ago had to hide the stone from the dark elves, ooh" he added the ghost sounds, causing Nova to eye him, weirdly.

Was he okay? Nova asked to herself. He was acting like he was drunk and miserable. She couldn't blame him. Deep down she felt miserable too that she wished to have a drink.

"Scary, yeah so with Jane, Jane is an old flame of mine. She stuck her hand inside a rock one time and the ether stuck itself inside of her and she became very, very sick, so I had to take her to Asgard which is where I'm from, and we had to try and fix her and we were dating at the time. I—I got to introduce her to my mother..whose dead oh —and Jane and I aren't even dating anymore" Thor began to say with his face now frowning up looking like he really wanted to cry.

Nova glanced around the room room seeing everyone but Scott not finding this story time interesting.

"You know these things happen though, nothing lasts forever" he sniffed his nose,"But—"

"Okay! Thor, it's okay, how about you just sit down" Nova interrupted, unsure if she could sit through that entire thing fully, she walked up to him and gently tried to move him but Thor shook his head at her,"I'm not done, the things permanent in life aren't even permanent" he tried to continue on. But Tony had stood up, standing on Thor's other side to help her get him to sit down,"Just go sit down" Tony told him,"What you want? Eggs, breakfast?"

"No, I'd like a Bloody Mary" he sheepishly smiled. Did he really needed he really need another drink? He smelled straight up beer.

But after that day Nova was studying the rest of the stones with everyone else. It had gotten to the point where she was exhausted and was lying on Bruce's arms who was playfully lifting her up in the air like she was a weight while on the table Tony and Natasha, about the stones and the people who were in control of it.

What was more odd was that at certain points while she was studying she would wake up in front of the fridge with food right in front of her or be asleep on top of Natasha with Rocket placing a bunch of trash on top of them.

Despite the days being exhausting, the time she spent learning about the stones was worth it. It was a step closer toward reaching their goal to bringing everyone back.

And today was the day they would finally travel through the quantum realm.

Everyone was split into groups. Tony, Steve, and Scott were getting the tesseract, Thor and Rocket mission was the reality stone, Bruce decided to go alone for the time stone, Rohdey and Nebula were gonna get the space stone.

While Nova was going to get the soul stone with Natasha and Clint. Apparently after Nebula had told them that Thanos had murdered her sister, Gamora to get the soul stone, no one really wanted to go with their moods dampened. Nova understood, in fact she felt bad for Nebula but she knew they had to do it to bring everyone back.

Right now everyone was suited up in their white ant man like suits heading to the quantum plate that was now fully built.

"There's six stones, three teams, and one shot" Steve stated when they all were on the plate,"5 years ago we lost, all of us. We lost friends, family, we lost a part of ourselves. Today we have a chance to take it all back. You know your teams, your mission. Get the stones, get them back. One round trip each. No mistakes no duo overs. Some of us know where we're going. That doesn't mean you should know what to expect. Be careful, look out for each other, this is the fight for our lives.  And we're gonna win, whatever it takes. Good luck"

"He is pretty good at that" Rocket said.


Banner quickly ran to the switches to get everything ready as Rocket told Clint to bring the object in his hand in one piece.

Nova looked to Natasha who held a smirk on her face,"see you in a minute" she said to the rest of boys.

Nova looked at Tony and Steve,"Be careful, all of you"

"You too, Nov"Tony said back, before she got into place.

Nova stood beside Natasha when the plate began to shake. Nova put her mask on fully that said her last goodbyes to the team before they all were sucked in through the quantum realm.

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