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Nova ran as fast as she could towards the monsters clicking her pen stabbing two in a instant

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Nova ran as fast as she could towards the monsters clicking her pen stabbing two in a instant. She turned around shooting one in the head before it could take M'Baku.

Nova then thrusted her spear into the monster when it scratched her leg. She hissed in pain but ignored the pain moving onto the next ones.

She pulled out her gun again shooting at ones that came any close to T'Challa before hurrying over to Bucky when seeing one of them on top of him.

She lunged at it instantly killing it and quickly turned around fighting off two that were nearly close at making more wounds on her body.

Nova knew they had been fighting for at least a good while now and Nova could still see so much demon dogs all over the place like all the fighting they had done was worth nothing.

"Shuri are you done!?" Nova yelled through her earpiece.

"Not yet Nova."

"Uh? Mind hurrying up alittle?"

"You sound just like my brother" Shuri sighed.

Nova muttered a curse going to face the White Wolf but when looking behind him she pushed him down and stabbed viscously at the monster feeling it's blood splatter on her cheek.

"Guess what they say about you is right, your strong. If I meet you back then I would've been scared of you." Bucky said causing Nova to turn to him with amusingly grin.

"Guess what they say about you is right too, your old. This battle a little hard for you old guy?"

Bucky went to argue but a sudden bolt of lightening shot down to the ground appearing Thor with a raccoon and tree? Nova smiled in relief at her God friend ignoring the weird combination.

Thor screamed charging at the entrance with his two friends behind ultimately slamming his axe down causing all the monsters around him to evaporate.

The agent cursed seeing the big one charging its way towards T'Challa,"Well old guy I need you to give me a boost on my signal" Nova said.

Bucky frowned confused noticing where Nova wanted to land,"You sure?"

Nova nodded,"Don't worry I've done it before." The white wolf looked unsure but nonetheless lifted her up,"Ready?"

She nodded watching it come more closer,"Now!" She screamed.

Bucky immediately did as told boosting her up in result of Nova landing exactly on the big guys back almost losing balance ,"Hey buddy did you miss me?" She teased before stabbing it.

"Nova what are you doing!?" T'Challa screamed. But she ignored him wrapping her legs around its neck to bring it down.

The alien threw his axe down trying to get her off but she held on tight using her gun to do more damage.

"Nova look out!"

The sound of trees falling down Nova looked over her shoulder seeing ginormous spiker wheels heading their way.

"What the hell?" Nova muttered shocked.

She slowly began prying her hands off but as soon as she realized it the alien grabbed her throwing her into the air.

Nova screamed unsure of how to brake her landing but T'Challa was quick to catch her before hurting herself. "Everyone fall back!" T'Challa warned.

Hurrying fast with T'Challa, Nova found herself sloshing down when seeing Wanda on the field.
Wanda used her powers to get rid of the wheels killing more of the dogs. Nova felt a moment of relief but then realized Vision was left unprotected along with Shuri.

"Guys Vision!" Nova screamed.

"On it!" Wanda yelled.

Nova looked over to her seeing how the alien girl from earlier knocked Wanda down. Nova cursed running over to them but a dog jumped onto her.

The agent grunted kicking it with her feet giving her a second to pull out her gun to shoot at it but it stabbed her in the thigh making more blood ooze out of her. She winced pulling out her spear to kill it but right away the raccoon from earlier stood in front of her shooting them all down in a instant.

Nova frowned while the raccoon gave her a look,"I got them go!" She nodded muttering a small thank you before rushing to Wanda already seeing Okoye and Natasha there.

Okoye and Wanda were sent to the ground as Nat was being put in a choke hold, Nova growled immediately flying at dagger at the aliens neck before kicking its body to the ground.

The alien looked at Nova as the agent smirked.

"Great another child of Thanos? Gotta tell you none of you look pretty" Nova sassed. The alien scoffed but right away a wheel crushed it surprising both Nat and Nova automatically making them turn to Wanda.

"I gotta get to Vision" she breathed heavily.

"We're right behind you" Nat said.

Wanda didn't waste time flying away but what Nova seemed to notice was that all the monsters were going away.

"Guys look.. they're leaving"

"Isn't that a good thing?" Okoye questioned confused when hearing Novas concerned tone.

Nova shook her head facing her two friends,"Think about it. They came here for the stone but they're just leaving?"

"Somethings wrong" Nat said catching onto what Nova was saying.

"You don't think he has the stone does he?"

Nova covered her mouth in realization,"Or..what if they left because he's here? Only needing the mind stone? We have to head to where Vision is now!"
Nova hurried down to the forest with Okoye and T'Challa leaving Nat to go where Steve was.

The three stood giving each other nervous looks.
"We have incoming" Steve spoke into the ear piece once everyone was there. Nova glanced around the forest feeling her heart beat fast almost hurting her chest.

The birds chirping and the wind whistling made the anticipation worse.

Turning her head forward a portal began to form seeing a huge purple creature with a golden fist come out standing still.

"Cap that's him" Bruce spoke.

Nova widened her eyes seeing the golden fist contains all five stones,"Eyes up, keep sharp" Rogers ordered.

On mark Nova ran without thinking, Bruce tried to throw a punch but Thanos used a stone to send him to the wall attached him to it. Rogers went over but was flown back.

Nova angrily lunged her spear to him but the spear shattered to pieces as he grabbed her body and threw her harshly.
T'Challa growled in anger jumping at him but Thanos held him in a choke hold slamming him to the ground as well.

Nova being thrown her body hit the large tree trunks coming down with her head coming in contact with a huge boulder causing everything to suddenly go black.

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