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Nova stopped the car when they finally approached the nicely designed wooden house

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Nova stopped the car when they finally approached the nicely designed wooden house. She turned off the engine, instantly seeing Stark and his little daughter Morgan.

"Think he'll be up for it?" Nat mused to the girl.

"I highly doubt it" Nova huffed.

The four stepped out of the car with Tony's face turning stiff. Nova crossed his arms as she nodded her head to him with him doing it too in response before he went inside with his daughter in his arms.

Nova glanced over at the three before she began to walk toward the house but was surprised to see Tony right there with a couple of drinks on the table.

"What can I do for you guys?" Tony asked, as he poured a green drink for them when they approached the porch.

Nova's face scrunched up to a bitter one that she instantly declined the beverage.

"Well we wanna talk to you about quantum physics" Scott began when the three came behind her.

He explained everything that he had explained to the three of them with Tony sitting down and taking in every word he was saying.

"Tony after everything you've seen is anything really—"

"Quantum fluxeration messes with a plank scale which then triggers a door proposition can we agree on that?" Tony asked, as he interrupted Steve.

Tony handed the weird drink to Scott in which he politely thanked him,"In lament terms it means your not coming home" Tony finished.

"I did" Scott argued.

"No, you accidentally survived. It's a billion to one cosmic fluke. Now you wanna pull what you call it?" Tony questioned, stepping closer to him.

"A time heist"

Tony lowly chuckled,"Yeah a time heist. Of course why didn't we think of this before? Oh yeah, because it's livable, it's—"

"Tony, the stones are in the past. We can go back and get them" Steve began,

"And snap our own fingers and bring everyone back" Nat continued,

"Or screw up worse than he already has" Tony disagreed, with them knowing he was talking about Thanos.

"I don't believe we would" Nova spoke up.
This was their chance to get everyone back, didn't that mean something to him?

Tony sighed, looking to the three,"I gotta tell you, sometimes I miss that giddy optimism. However, high hopes won't help if there isn't a logical, tangible way for me to safely execute the time heist. I believe the most likely out come will be our collective demise"

"Not if we strictly follow the rules of time travel. I mean no talking to our past selves, and no betting on sporting events—"

"I'm gonna stop you right there, Scott" Tony said. Nova sighed, crossing her arms,"Are you seriously telling me that your plan to the universe is based on,"Back To The Future"?"

Nova raised her eyebrow at the mention of the movie. Was is sad to say, she never actually seen the film?

Scott sighed, shaking his head,"No"

"Okay, good to had me worried there. That's not how quantum physics works"

"Tony" Nat called out to him,"We have to take a stand."

"We did now here we are. What more can—"

"Tony, stop" Nova interrupted, raising her voice. She took a seat beside him with her staring straight into his eyes,"I know you got a lot on the line. You got Pepper, Morgan, but we're not all lucky like you. Okay, a lot of people lost someone they loved and now that we have the chance to bring them back and you're telling me your not gonna—"

"That's right Nova. I won't, I'm sorry, I can't" he declined.

Nova could see it in his eyes, Tony wasn't galvanizing over the idea of this because he was scared. Shit, Nova knew herself that she too was scared. But she had to take this opportunity, not just for herself but for Bart, and Miles.

Suddenly, Morgan came out, with Tony bringing her onto his lap,"Mommy told me to come and save you."

"Good job, I'm saved" he said to her, as he wrapped his arms around her,"I wish you guys came to ask for something else. But I'm happy to see you guys—" Tony said to them as he rose up from the chair.

"Forget it Tony" Steve blocked Tony's path,"I'm happy for you, I really am. But this is a second chance"

"I got my second chance right here"

Nova looked to Morgan who calmly rested her on his shoulder. She sighed,"What about the ones that also deserve that second chance? Peter Parker could be getting his second chance too if we brought him back" she told him sternly, knowing that at the mention of the teenage boy would press a button.

She didn't want to do so but Nova knew that this would be the only way for him to see that doing this was the right thing to do.

Nova got up from her seat and walked past them, not caring that she was wrong for mentioning the teenager into the topic.

But Nova wasn't giving up on this chance. She was gonna do this for Miles, Bart, for the people who needed it.

They just needed to find someone who had a big brain, perhaps bigger than Tony's. But the only other person she knew was..Bruce.

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