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Ross lied asleep on the table inside the Wakandans plane that was they're way back to Wakanda

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Ross lied asleep on the table inside the Wakandans plane that was they're way back to Wakanda.Nova bit her lip sadly just as the other three were in front of her arguing trying to ignore them leaning back into the seats.

"Our mission was to bring back Klaw. We failed. This man is a foreign intelligence operative. How do we justify bringing them into our borders?" Okoye snapped.

"He took a bullet for me!"

"That was his choice."

Nova released her lip glaring at the solider ready to fire back at the women's harshness,"So your suggesting that Ross shouldn't have saved her? That your going to let him die because he put others before him?" Nova argued standing up and marching over to the general.

Okoye stared at the Agent who was sending daggers through her eyes. "You do not understand the duties we carry American."

"But I understand that one of your citizens could've died as your proving to me that, that doesn't matter?" She shot back.

Okoye and Nova stared each other down til Nakia told them both to stop.
"The case is it is their duty to report back to their country. It is your duty to protect-"

T'Challa looked at Okoye almost snapping at her,"I am well aware of my duties general. I cannot just let him die knowing we can save him."

"Where exactly are we taking him?"

Nova and T'Challa met each other's eyes but she refused to stare any longer. Nova sighed walking away from the Wakandans done with their arguing.

After the ride Nova followed the group to a huge high tech building. Nova had to admit. She was impressed. But then again Wakanda never failed to amuse her.

A young skinny women dark skinned as well wearing mainly white hurried down to the group uncovering the blanket that was placed on Ross almost smiling.

"Great another broken white boy for us to fix. This is going to be fun." She joked putting the blanket back on Ross.

Nova looked at the girl confused but decided to not comment on it.

"Whose this?"

Nova and the girl made eye contact which took it as her cue to introduce herself,"Nova Fury."

The girl smirked at T'Challa giving him the finger,"Ah I see you have brought your crush here as well brother."

T'Challa gave Shuri a look to shut up but Nova thought little since she figured they were just messing around. But secretly she hoped that it was true.

"But I am Shuri nice to meet you." Shuri said before examining Ross.

After a moment or two it showed a diagram of Rosses back seeing where the bullet hit his spinal cord.

Nakia was right. It did hit his spine but Shuri reassured that Ross would heal soon. Nova then later on was examined by Shuri telling her that her head bleeding was cause by when she had hit the ground harshly and her nose bleed was a effect of stress.

Going out to the Wakanda streets Nova decided to let loose since it had been a while since she had here seeing if there was anything for her to do.  But she was mainly hoping to watch the sunset.

The agent walked down the streets admiring how people were still carrying on as some kids were running around playing tag or in general messing around.

Nova sadly smiled at the kids before walking down to a clothing booth.

The Agent didn't really remember much of her childhood. All she could remember was sweet memories like those til her father was discovered to own a private organization at the age of 16.

Nova and her mother moved time to time so that her father's enemies wouldn't come after them. So that had the effect of Nova not being able to be around many people.

Nova looked at the clothing deciding to a dress that was a tan color that had many detailed designs including golden flowers on the chest as the dress went down to her ankles liking how comfortable it was but in case Nova put on black leggings since the dress had a cut on both sides to exposing her legs.

After that Nova went to the top of the hills wanting to star gaze more longer while speaking on the phone with her father,"Don't worry Dad I'll be fine. How's Mom?"

"Your Mother is fine too. Almost forgot what it was like hearing her nag to me but she likes the new city. She wonders where you've been."

Nova shifted slightly uncomfortable,"I've been going.. place to place."


"Okay so yes I was laying low but I got a call from someone I knew and they needed my help and i took it. Besides it won't last long either way. Soon I'll be going back and doing my own jobs as a secret agent. But hey Dad be safe okay?"

"Always am. Be safe out there too."

"Always am.Bye Dad." Nova said with a smile.

"Night Nov. Stay safe."

Nova smiled at her old nickname suddenly feeling a tear come down her cheeks. The call hung up and that's when Nova realized how much she missed her Dad.

Nova hadn't talked to her Dad in a long while. She missed him but sadly she didn't really know where he was. And that was okay. It was him trying to lay low.

Nova put her phone down and lied on her back staring straight at the stars beginning to feel her eyelids drop heavier. Nova began to sing a song her father would sing to her whenever she would have nightmares. But since nightmares were a common thing for Nova she would always sing this song to herself at night as if it was a good luck charm of keeping the bad dreams away.

"Just close your eyes, you'll be alright, sleep til morning rise no shadow can kill your light, for stranger things would happen in the midnight headed stream. Wear a strength of hope side by side with me.Sleep til morning rise no shadow can make you flee. Midnight reaches hope side by side with glee. Sleep til morning rises no shadow can kill your dream."

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