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"Still no word from Stark? Or my daughter?"

"No, not yet. We're watching every satellite on both hemispheres and still nothing. Well Nova..we haven't herd a word from her since two years. The only thing we know about her is that she was there on the attack on New York right before Stark went missing."Mariah Hill answered.

Fury sighed looking down at the beeping device while driving the steering wheel,"What is it?"

"Multiple energy sources from Wakanda"

"Same energy source as from New York?"

Hill shook her head,"Ten times bigger."

As Nick Fury began to speak Hill gasped looking up ahead at a sharply turning car,"Nick! Nick!"

Nick noticed and quickly slammed on the breaks in time only being a very inches away from the other car beginning to hear cars honking in the distance.

Nick and Hill exited the car checking to make sure the car in front of them was okay,"Are they alright ?" Fury questioned.

Hill looked into the drivers seat shaking her head in disbelief,"There's no one here." Nick raised an eyebrow confused opening his mouth to speak but a helicopter in the sky suddenly crashed into the building creating panic throughout the civilians.

"Nick!" Hill yells staring down at her hands that were beginning to evaporate. Nick stared at her in fear as Hill was now a pile of ash in a second.

Hurrying back into the car Nick grabbed a device pressing buttons while pulling out another device sending a satélite signal that would be sent to where Nova was at if she possibly made it out of alive.

Nick cursed as he dropped both devices to ground feeling a little uneasy. Fury closed his eyes just as his whole body vanished into thin air.

The device began to beep suddenly showing an image of a star in the center with blue and red with the satellite signal reading:



I've made the decision that this book will include the Avengers 4 being the third and final part of this book.

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