Chapter 12: Birthday&DisneyWorld

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Song of the chapter: Fireproof by One Direction


It's a week into summer vacation and all I've done is lay around and slept...Sometimes with Kian, sometimes without. I have a surprise planned for him, though. His birthday is in two days, and my family and his family have planned a surprise party. Also, in July, my mom, my sister, and I usually take a trip somewhere, and this year, I'm going to invite Kian. That's his birthday present: I'm taking him to DisneyWorld.

Kian lays across my bare chest and groans in his sleep. I've been awake for a while now, but I don't wake him up. It's nice laying in silence with him. Plus, he needs his sleep. Kian yawns and stretches, breaking me out of my thoughts. He rubs his eyes and smiles at me, and I smile at him. It's nice waking up to someone you love.

"Hey," Kian says in his morning voice. Deep and soft. It sends shivers up my spine...The good kind. "Hello," I smile at him, kissing the top of his head. He runs his fingers through my hair and I close my eyes, savoring the moment. I think that's one of my favorite things, when Kian runs his fingers through my hair. It's so comforting and it feels nice.

"Do we have plans for today?" Kian asks, slowly waking up. Now I feel bad. I have to pretend I'm busy so that I can go plan for his surprise birthday party. I hate lying to him. "Oh, I'm sorry, baby. I have a family dinner thing...For my aunt's birthday." I say, looking away. I know he can tell when I'm lying, and he's starting to get curious about what I've been doing these past few days. I've had to pretend I was busy a lot. He's almost caught me once, too. Before he can say anything, I kiss his lips softly, knowing that it'll be worth the hiding in the end.

"I promise I'll make it up to you, alright?" I say, softly, trying to give my best 'trust me' face. "Yeah, okay," Kian nods, and I know that I'll make it up to him. I really hate hiding this. I never keep secrets from him. I just have to keep imagining the look on his face when we surprise him, and when I tell him he's coming to DisneyWorld with us. It'll all be worth it, and it's only two days. I can't wait until his birthday.



Today is my birthday, and I turned 18. I always imagined it would feel bigger, more dramatic...But I still feel like me. I mean, I can technically move out, get a house with Jc if I wanted to. No one can control me. If anything, I'm not excited, I'm scared. It means responsibility, and am I ready for that? Not really. I've actually been on my own for a while now. My parents could care less about me, only getting good grades. Only wanting me to seem like the perfect child, when in reality, I'm not. They care about what the outside world thinks of me, not what I think of me. And don't you think that should prepare me for this? Apparently not.

My day started out quite strange, actually. My parents didn't even acknowledge me as they were busy with work. It stung a little, but honestly, I could care less about their birthday wishes for me. I only care about Jc's birthday wish. It was cute, he called me at 12am, and at first I was annoyed, thinking maybe he got drunk at a party and needed me to pick him up, and then he wished me a happy birthday, and I felt guilty for getting annoyed, and really appreciated the effort of being the first person to wish me a happy birthday.

The second thing that happened that was weird, was Jc's mom came to my house. Yes, just casually showed up at my front door. Don't get me wrong, I was really happy to see her. She's become like a second mother to me, closer than my parents are, but I'm shocked and surprised. After wishing me a happy birthday, she asks if my parents are home, and I tell her that they just left to get some groceries. She nods and asks if I want to come over. I immediately agree, eager to see Jc. He's the best birthday present I could ask for.

We pull up in the driveway and walk to the front door, and Ms. Costello opens the door for me and I step inside. I'm taken aback, as it's usually a busy and loud household. There's usually the tv or radio on, or Jc and his sister fighting, but it's dead silent. I'm about to ask Ms. Costello why it's so quiet, when something cuts me off.

"Happy birthday!" A bunch of people jump out from behind couches, the counter tops, and other furniture. Jc is there, of course, and so is his sister, and my parents, and even about 10 kids from school that Jc and I hang out with sometimes. I smile at them, feeling truly happy. Jc walks up to me and wraps his arms around my waist, and I do the same.

"How's the birthday boy?" Jc mumbles into my chest. I chuckle, telling him I'm good. I greet a bunch of people, saying my thanks and I'm glad they came. Jc sticks by my side, and I avoid my parents, not really wanting to talk to them. I just smile at them and they smile back, not making any move to have a need to talk to me. After a while, Jc's mom announces that I should open some presents. Everyone brings something, and I'm so grateful. I get basic things: movies, books, a sweatshirt for a college I'm applying next year. My parents just give me a check for my college fund. Great birthday present, really put thought into that one. Jc takes my hand, as he has the last one for me.

"Here, babe," He says softly, handing me an envelope. I look at him, cautiously, wondering what could be inside. I slowly open the envelope, and a letter is inside. I unfold it, and it reads:

Dear Kian,
I hope your birthday is everything you want it to be. I'm so glad I know you, and I want you to know I'm here for you for whatever you need. You can tell me anything. You're not just my boyfriend, you're my best friend. Happy birthday, and I hope you like my present.
Love, Jc

I look at Jc, wondering what my present is. He didn't have to get me anything, just putting up with me is enough.

"Look in the envelope," Jc says softly, reading my confused expression. I reopen the envelope and look inside. Sitting inside the envelope is a ticket. I pull it out, confused, and I see it's a DisneyWorld ticket. I look at Jc with big eyes, excited and confused.

"You're coming to DisneyWorld with us in July. Happy birthday, baby," Jc chuckles, kissing my cheek. And it is a very happy birthday.


600+ reads??!! That's amazing!

Xoxo, Alli

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