Chapter 37: Late Night

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I watched Kian sleep next to me, looking peaceful and as beautiful as ever. I could barely make out his facial features because of the darkness, but I already knew every aspect of his physical appearance, and his personality.

Kian shifted underneath me, making a small noise. His face contorted into what looked like frightened. I hummed to him softly, running my hand up and down his arms and chest comfortingly. I could feel his heart beat fast underneath my hand as it rested on his bare chest.

"It's okay, baby. I'm right here," I whispered softly to him, even though I knew he couldn't hear me. My hand ran through his soft, smooth hair, and he immediately relaxed against my touch. I smiled, knowing that even in his sleep, I had an effect on him.

Since I couldn't sleep, I pulled out my laptop, scooting slightly away from Kian so he could have some room. As soon as we broke skin contact, he started whimpering. I pulled Kian's head onto my chest, readjusting my laptop so it wouldn't hit him.

I scrolled through my laptop, clearly bored. I sighed, not knowing what to do. I opened another tab, resting my hands over the keyboard. I finally typed in 'YouTube' and looked up Kian Lawley. I saw that he already had hundreds of subscribers, and my eyes widened in surprise. Not that I ever doubted him; Kian is hilarious. YouTube is perfect for him. I'm not so sure about myself, though. I don't do well under pressure. I just hope Kian would help me out with the kinks.

An hour and a half later, I had finished watching all of Kian's videos. I had to contain my laughter in so many of them so I wouldn't wake him up.

My mouse hovered over the link that led to 'Sign Up'. I sighed, looking down at Kian. He told me he wanted me to make one...Maybe I'll give it a shot.

I typed in all my information, and soon I had a YouTube channel. I leaned back, surprisingly pleased with myself. I got the feeling that was similar to when I first met Kian. Excited and ready to take on this journey.

I put some more things into my channel, spicing up my channel a little more. I put a photo of myself into the profile picture, and a picture of some palm trees in the background picture. I added a description and some other little things.

After fixing that up, I decided to check out some more channels. I found some that were linked to Kian, and I was surprised to find Ricky, Connor, and even Trevor. I also found a guy named Sam Pottorf, and I knew him because Kian has been friends with him for a while. I found some other guys like Cameron Dallas and Jack Johnson.

After I finished with that and got some major inspiration, it was 5am. I closed the tab and opened another, looking up some houses. Kian and I had agreed to move in with each other a while ago, and I decided to get on it. We were getting a place near campus of UCLA, which is the college we both agreed on.

I found a couple, highlighting some links and decided I would tell Kian about it when he woke up. For now, I need to go and snuggle with my baby.

I set my laptop to the side, closing it, and then covering myself back with the covers. I snuggled my head into Kian's chest, placing a kiss on his chest before falling asleep.


I woke up at around 11:30 from a good night's sleep. I stretched, sitting up and readjusting myself in the tangled sheets. I saw Kian sat upright with his laptop in his lap, seeming to be editing a video.

"Hey, babe," I said in my low, husky morning voice. Kian flashed me a smile, kissing my cheek before turning his attention back to the screen.

"So, last night I was doing a little work, and this happened," I showed him my laptop with my channel made.

"Jc!" Kian's face lit up, and he tackled me into a hug. I chuckled at his reaction, stroking his back with my hands.

"You did this last night?" Kian asked with a giant smile, tilting his head at me. I smiled and nodded, not wanting to elaborate that I also looked up the apartments. I'll save that conversation for later.

"Well, go film something then!" Kian laughed, shoving me with a hand. I caught his hand on my chest, placing a kiss on it.

"Why're you so eager to get me to leave?" I asked, giving him a cheeky wink. He shook his head, his cheeks tinted pink. I gave him a sweet kiss before gathering my laptop and grabbing a camera I've used for photography. I headed downstairs into the living room to start my video.

This should be interesting.


sorry it's so short again!
ive been busy and writing different things! :p
hope you're enjoying this chapter though. (:
Xoxo, Alli

The Jock and the Nerd (A Jc Caylen and Kian Lawley Story)Where stories live. Discover now