Chapter 38: Errands

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I sat back in my chair, letting out a gratified sigh in finishing editing my video. I had started uploading regularly for about a month now, and there's nothing more satisfying than uploading a video on schedule.

I only had 52 subscribers at that point in time, but I was determined to get as many as Kian. He now had around 5,000, and it kind of made me feel discouraged that my journey was moving so slowly. Not that I wasn't happy for Kian, I am. Completely. It's just, I wanted to feel how he feels. I loved making videos, it gave me happiness. Close to the happiness that Kian made me feel.

I had also recently took a look at the apartment I was thinking about renting. It was the perfect size, and I could definitely see Kian and I living there for a while. We wouldn't live there forever; after we got enough money, we'd buy a three-storied house with a yard and everything.

Looking at the house made me consider kids. Did Kian want any? He might, but we've never really had a deep conversation about it. I'd want kids with him, I want to expand our family.

'Speaking of family', I thought to myself, getting up and checking the closet. I was out of kitty food. And litter. I was a terrible father. (Who forgot about Snickers? lol)

I put a reminder on my phone to run to the store to grab some. I was about to grab my car keys to run some errands when I heard the doorbell ring. I completed the task of grabbing my keys and hurried down the stairs to answer the door.

I smiled upon seeing that Connor was stood on the other side of the door. I quickly opened it, pulling him into a bro hug. "Good to see you, man," I told him, inviting him inside. He stepped in, smiling at me.

"You too. Just wanted to check in on you. We haven't really hung out in a while," He laughed lightly, shoving his hands in his shorts' pockets.

"I was just about to go out to do some errands," I informed him, sliding on some sunglasses and squinting against the sun that made its way through the shades.

"Mind if I join you?" Connor asked with his famous crinkled eyed smile. I nodded, reopening the door and stepping out into the warm air.

"I could use the company," I chuckled, unlocking the car and climbing into the driving seat. Connor opened the passenger door and slipped in, pulling on the seatbelt. (Safety first, kids ;) )

"Sometimes I feel like some middle aged man, running errands for his husband and his mother that lives in an old person's home," I joked, even though I did feel like that most times. But I didn't mind, though. Anything for my family.

Connor laughed heartily, running a hand through his quiff. (I love his hair)

"How is your mom, anyway?" Connor asked once his laughter died down. He tilted his head towards me, his gaze interested.

"Oh, you know. She's mom," I said simply, shrugging my shoulders and laughing slightly. "I guess she's good. How's yours?"

"Oh, you know. She's mom," Connor mimicked me in a playful manner, and I laughed loudly, punching his shoulder gently while trying to concentrate on driving.

We pulled the car up to the grocery story parking lot and parked the car, quickly getting out. I locked the car behind me as we entered into the relief of air conditioning.

I grabbed a cart, handing Connor a list of what we needed. All the basic things were on there: milk, eggs, bread, and donuts. Yes, donuts; they're good, okay?

We strode through the aisles, finding everything we needed quickly. My mind wandered back to when I had been here a few months ago and ran into Alfie. A shiver raked up my spine, and I was glad that Connor didn't notice it.

A vibration went off in my pocket, and I pulled out my phone to see a text from Kian.

Kiki: don't forget cat food :)

I cursed under my breath, leading Connor back to the pet section. I thought I would remember this time. I even put that stupid reminder on my phone...

"Is something wrong?" Connor asked me curiously as I slammed some cat food and litter into the cart and then swung it around.

"Oh, uh, yeah...sorry. I have a short temper," I mumbled, maneuvering the cart back to the front of the store.

"I saw Kian texted you..." Connor trailed off, taking long strides beside me. I sighed, raking a hand through my hair, trying to calm down.

"It's just that, he's so smart. He always remembers things, and I forget everything. It makes me think I don't deserve him," I explained to Connor, but I didn't expect him to understand exactly. He's never really had a serious relationship.

"I get it," Connor said, surprising me. My head turned to look at him as a cashier started ringing our items. "I mean, not exactly, but I have a sister who is pretty much a know-it-all. I love her, but it makes me feel dumb."

I nodded my head, swiping my credit card to pay for the things and then grabbing the white plastic bag from the cashier.

"I know it can be frustrating, but try not to let it get to you too much. You love each other, and it would be a shame to ruin a relationship over something so stupid," Connor said the last part softly, and I couldn't help but wonder if maybe he had lost someone because of a stupid argument.

"Plus, that's why Kian's there. Without him, you would've forgotten about the kitty stuff," Connor rested a hand on my shoulder as we now sat in the car.

"Thanks, Connor," I spoke, putting the car in drive to go back to my place. "Want to stay over and have a movie and pizza night?"

"Sure," Connor smiled at me, nodding his head. And with that, we drove back to my house to hang out. Something we haven't done in a long while.


Told you I'd have a chapter ready ;)
Connor is bae omg

Update: everything thinks something is going to happen with Connor and jc omg but you never know ;)

Xoxo, alli

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