Chapter 35: Memories

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I rested in my bed, staring up at my ceiling and listened to the rain pattering on the roof. It was a gloomy, rainy day, and I hated it because I felt constricted.

I sighed dramatically, checking my phone to see that it was just past noon. Jc was probably up. I scrolled through my contacts before selecting his icon, hitting the FaceTime button.

The phone rang twice before Jc picked up the phone, his face filling my screen. A smile immediately illuminated my face as I took in his attractive facial features. The little things about him were my favorite parts.

The crinkles on the edges of his eyes from laughing so much, his perfectly shaped nose, his wild hair, and mostly, his full lips.

"Hey, gorgeous." I half joked, giving him a wink. Jc blushed slightly before sending me a death glare.

"Hello, dearest." Jc bantered back at me, knowing that was my least favorite nickname. I scrunched my nose in a playful manner, and Jc's laugh echoed through the speaker.

"What're you doing today, honey?" I said, trying to keep the teasing conversation going.

"I don't think anything, pumpkin. Why? Do you miss your knight in shining armor?" He smirked through the screen, and I rolled my eyes at his big ego.

"Maybe, you tell me." I stuck my tongue out at him, and he gave me back a cheesy smile.

"I think you do. Do you want me to come over, sugar?" Jc licked his lips, and even though it was supposed to be a playful act, it made my whole body tingle. I wanted that tongue tracing my-

"Earth to Kian." Jc called through the phone, and I snapped out of my deep thoughts. I took a deep breath, trying to relieve myself of my now tightened pants.

"Please, do come over, love." My voice sounded strained, and my voice seemed to stretch out the word 'come'. I heard Jc let out a shaky breath, and an intense silence fell between us, and we stared at each other for a few moments.

"I'll be over in ten minutes." Jc said quickly before hanging up. I stared at the blank screen, my heart racing. Jc and I have been dating for a long time now, but sometimes it still feels like we're at the beginning of our relationship, when it was very intense.

In fact, it feels like that a lot of the time.

The doorbell rang in under ten minutes, and I pranced down the stairs as fast as I could. I opened the door to Jc standing in front of me with his hands behind his back.

I looked at him curiously, and then took a step back to let him inside. He took a step through the door, and then stuck his hand out in front of me. He held a bouquet of lavender roses, which are my favorite, and Jc knew that. They stand for enchantment.

I gingerly took the thriving roses, leaning up to press a gentle kiss on Jc lips. He immediately responded by placing his hand on the small of my back, softly pressing me against his body.

I gently nipped his bottom lip with my teeth before pulling away, sending him a mischievous look.

"I'll go put these in water...I'll meet you in my bedroom." I tried to keep my voice casual as I strolled into the kitchen, looking for a vase.

My parents were at work, which I was very grateful for. I'm sure they wouldn't appreciate walking in on their child making out with their boyfriend.

I finally found a vase, filling it fairly high with water, before slipping the roses in it. I set it on the kitchen table carefully, before running up the stairs to my room.

I pushed open the door, and then shut it behind me. I looked to my bed and saw Jc looking like a freaking god, even in sweats. He was scrolling through something on his phone, and I couldn't help but wonder what it was.

I decided not to invade his privacy, and jumped onto the bed next to him. Jc barely bounced up, and he looked up, smiling at me. Before I could say anything, he grabbed the back of my head, smashing his lips against mine.


Jc's hand gingerly rested on my crotch, and I gasped against his lips in surprise. He smirked slightly at my response, his lips now only grazing mine.

His hand started rubbing over my hard, and I arched my back slightly, willing him to gain more access.

He had barely touched me and I was already begging for mercy.

His hand slid past my waistband, and I found the strength in me to search for his member. I slipped my hand down his underwear, as well.

His hot skin twitched at my touched, and I smiled in pleasure. I bent my neck over to nip my teeth at the tender skin on his shoulder. His hot breath spread against my ear as we started to pump our hands up and down.

My vision became blurry as I tried to hold on for as long as I could, wanting us both to have a lengthy experience.

The next thing I saw was blackness as I came undone underneath him.


Jc and I walked down the sidewalk, watching the sunset. He had asked me to go on a walk with him after our...activity. Jc slipped his warm, rough hand into mine, and I smiled widely at him.

I love these moments in our relationship, when we can just appreciate each other.

Soon enough, I recognized the place as where Jc took me for our first kiss. What was he up to? He never did anything without purpose. With me, at least.

Jc was soon leading me down to the beach, the air starting to get slightly cold. He noticed my shivers, and pulled me closer to his warm body. I smiled gratefully at him, before setting a kiss on top of his hand.

We soon stopped in front of the water, at almost the exact same spot he took me when we kissed. My eyes narrowed in suspicion.

"Kian..." Jc started to say, and when I looked him in the eyes, I immediately knew what he was doing. My heart pounded so hard against my chest, I thought it might pop.

"I know we're young, and I know we're still trying to figure things out. But if there's one thing I'm sure of, it's that I want to be with you for the rest of my life," Jc said sincerely, and I bit my lip to keep myself from crying. He slowly slid onto the ground, kneeling in front of me.

"I love you so much, Kian Robert Lawley. Will you marry me?"


i have been waiting for forever for this moment.

did you think this was going to happen so soon?

who did you think was going to propose?

i definitely always thought it would be jc, even from the beginning.

sorry for the cliff hanger.

Xoxo, Alli

The Jock and the Nerd (A Jc Caylen and Kian Lawley Story)Where stories live. Discover now