Chapter 25: Rainfall and Bath Time

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"Life's a happy song

when there's someone by your side

to sing along."

-The Muppets


I look down at my phone as it vibrates, and I see Jc's contact pop up on my screen. I slide to answer and put the phone up next to my ear.

"Hello?" I ask, popping a chip into my mouth.

"Hey, babe. I'm not doing anything today, so can I come over for a few hours?" Jc asks, and a smile lights up my face immediately. I nod, but then realize he can't see me.

"Yeah, that would be great." I tell Jc, and lean back in my chair. He tells me he'll be over in twenty minutes, and that he can't wait to see me.

My stomach flips and gets butterflies as I think about wrapping my arms around him into a big hug when I see him.

I definitely can't wait to see him either.


I look out the window, looking at the dreary sky and the rain, falling hard. I'm a little worried, because Jc was supposed to be at my house ten minutes ago.

A million thoughts run through my head, thinking of every possible scenario that could have happened in the past half hour, until my mind wanders to the most dreaded possibility.

Did he get in an accident?

I shake my head, taking a deep breath. No, he couldn't have.

Could he?

I remember the last time he was in the hospital, and I didn't know about it. It bothered me that I didn't find out until way after the accident, and I couldn't comfort Jc in the hospital.

I know it bothers Jc that I wasn't there the entire time, right from the start, even if he doesn't say anything about it. But he doesn't need to say anything. I just know.

I hear the doorbell ring, and I scramble out of my chair, rushing to the door in hopes of it being Jc.

I swing the door open and see a very drenched and cold Jc, shivering in front of me. I take him by the hand, and pull him inside.

"Where were you? What took you so long?" I ask, trying to sound calm, but I don't think I succeed. I rub my hands over Jc's trying to warm his ice cold ones.

"I'm sorry, love. The rain was pouring so hard, I could barely see where I was going." He says, his teeth chattering. My poor baby, all wet and cold.

I plant kisses over his hands and his face, in attempt to warm him. I don't know if it works, but Jc doesn't complain.

"Here, let's get you out of those wet clothes, and take a bath?" I suggest, watching as Jc pulls his sweatshirt over his head.

"Together?" Jc asks, sounding a little stunned. I smile a little, shrugging and nodding. He smiles wide at me, and nods back.

Killing two birds with one stone. Getting Jc warm, and taking a bath with him.



Kian took my clothes and put them in the dryer while I started the bath. I turn it on a little hotter than warm, because I'm still freezing. I add bubbles and light some candles around the bath, just to set the mood.

I climb into the bath and wait for Kian to get in. I hear the door open, and I see Kian come in, but I can barely see him as he takes off his clothes since the only lighting is the candles.

He slides in the bathtub and scoots close to me. I turn him so that his back is pressed against my chest, and I wrap my arms around him.

Kian plants kisses on top of my arms, and I get goosebumps wherever his lips touch. I kiss the top of his head, tightening my grip on him.

"I've never been more happy." Kian mumbles against my skin, and I take a deep breath. I know exactly how he feels.

As I sit in the tub with the love of my life in my arms, I decide I've never been so happy, loved, and satisfied in my entire life.


satisfying? :)

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xoxo, Alli

The Jock and the Nerd (A Jc Caylen and Kian Lawley Story)Where stories live. Discover now