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As Peter looks through the newspaper, files, and notes on the crime rate in New York City, The police department, Commissioner Stacy, and a crime boss named Carmine Falcon, he hears the doorbell. Ben opens the door to reveal Harry Osborne, Peter's best friend.

"You mean to tell me, I have to hear you're back in town from the tabloids?" Harry jokingly says.

Peter shrugs with a smile.

"Honesty, I'm surprised that you read the news paper." Peter replies.

The two share a chuckle and a hug.

"I missed you, Buddy." Harry tells him.

Peter smiles.

"I missed you too."

"Alright so, it's your first night back, we gotta do something tonight. Something big, and with girls. Lots of girls."

Peter laughs.

"As much as I want to, I can't. I have some Parker Industries stuff to look over since I'm going to be running it one day."

Harry jokingly groans.

"See you haven't changed, you rather stay home and work than have some fun."

Peter chuckles.

"Sorry to disappoint. How is everything? How's your dad?"

Harry scoffs.

"The man's busy himself. Oscorp's profits are at an all-time high, and he's become even more of a workaholic."

Harry then looks at Peter's smile.

"So you already saw Gwen, huh?"

"What? How do you- what makes you say that?" Peter asks.

"Come on, you've made that face every time you see Gwen since we were five. Gonna finally make your move, or what?"

Peter doesn't answer for a minute.

"I don't know. Things have- changed, you know?"

"Come on, Pete. She likes you, you like her, nothings changed. You're smart, so start acting like it."

Peter smiles and nods at his friend, hearing his advice but still not sure of what he should do about his feelings for Gwen. Harry then gets a text from someone.

"Woah, it's the twins I met last night, I gotta go. See you around buddy."

As Harry leaves, Peter sighs and takes off his glasses, Ben looks on at the boy.

"Are you not going to tell Mr. Harry or Ms. Stacy?"

Peter sighs.

"No. This is the safest option. The less people know about what I'm about to do, the better."

"Whatever you think is best, Sir."

Later, Peter and Ben then walk down a secret path way to the cave under the mansion. The young man flips a switch, turning on the lights he installed.

"Charming." Ben sarcastically says.

The butler then looks around and sees bats all around them.

"At least you'll have company."

Peter smirks and looks at the cave, thinking about all the possibilities.

"Let's get to work."

That night, peter starts spray painting the suit he got from Anna Maria. He spray paints the suit black and red, with lines that look like webs. He then makes a mask of the same material as his suit and connects the two together. Afterwards, he starts carving batshaped metal shurikens that he calls baterangs. Ben walks over and sees it and the symbol on the front of his suit and becomes curious.

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