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Party Poison's POV

"Got any sevens?" I asked Ghoul. "Go take a zone-hike, Par." he chuckled his response as a way to say, "Go fish." "Ugh." I tsked. The living room was awfully quiet. Fun Ghoul and I had been playing card games at the dining room table, Jet-Star and Girlie had been playing some sort of dress up or something, and Kobra was just staring at the floor on the couch...

Ghoul noticed me getting distracted and turned over to see what I was looking concerned over. He looked at Kobra who I was looking at and got confused. "What's up with him?" he asked. "I hear you!" Kobra grumbled from across the room. "Angry much..?" Ghoul nagged. "Motherfucker, I told you to-" Kobra raised as I shut him up. "KK! Ghoul! Knock it off!" I say.

"Kobra, please don't curse in front of Girlie..." Jet asked kindly. "Ghoul, leave Kobra alone..." Jet added. We both knew what was wrong with him. Jet more so then me in a way, but I figured I'd refresh Ghoul's memory. "Ghouls, can I talk to you for a minute?" I asked. "Of fucking course you can! Why what's up?" he questioned as the two of us walked to my room. "Ghoul, it's been 4 years as of today since Jet and Kobra almost got ghosted out by Korse's Draxs. The Route Guano incident?! It was a very traumatic time for both Kobra and Jet. You know Kobra gets uneasy every anniversary of it. Poor thing blames himself for it." I said. "Oh, Sorry Party. I didn't realize that was today..." Ghoul said with a change of tune."No, it's okay," I reassure him.

"It's just...he gets very sensitive about it. That day was hard for us all, especially him and Jet. Except Jet's easier to get his mind off of it. But not Kobra. He never wanted me to tell anyone but, he's had night terrors of it. How he almost got dusted out. He could've harmed the lives of both him and Jet. He said in his dreams, he had seen it from my perspective too. If I lost my little brother. He was only 15 when this happened." I explain. "I know," Ghoul said. I nodded and we walked out of the room.

I walk to the couch and take sit next to Kobra who was just on his phone. "Ko?" I look over at him. "Are you okay, baby bro?" I ask him. "I think I'll be alright." Kobra smiled. He looked back down at his phone before I hugged him with reassurance. He sighed and just rested his head on me in the hug. "Anything you wanna do today? Take your mind off of that?" I ask.

"I don't wanna ask for much, Party." He mumbled. I knew Kobra and I was willing to do anything for my little brother. "Well...who wants to go shopping?" I asked loud for the whole living room. "Oh, I do!" Girlie beamed. "I know you do, kiddo!" I smiled. "Anyone else down for a group shopping trip to the outlets?" I asked. They all approved and not much longer we got in the car to go to the Zone 04 outlets.

Once we got to the outlets, Girlie immediately saw a store she liked. "Party! Can we please go to this store?" she begged, pointing to the store.
"Okay. We can do groups of two." I tell. "I guess I'm going to the bookstore with the kiddo." I laugh as the girl pulls my arm. "I'll go with Kobra," Jet said. I nodded. "Ghoul, is it okay if you go with Jet and Kobra?" I ask him so that he can keep a watch on both of them who might get a bit sad if they reminisce enough on today. "Yeah, sure!" "Okay. Call on the Tokyo Flashphones if anything, we can meet back in 40'." I tell. Girlie started to pull my hand. "Slow down, Motorbaby." I chuckled.

I let her run loose and look around the store, being a kid like she deserves to roam freely as, while I just stayed around. That was before I caught up with her looking at a book that a little boy around her age was also looking at. "Girls can't read that!" he laughed. "Excuse me?" I asked. "Party...why can't girls read this?" she asked me. "They can buddy, he doesn't know what he's talking about," I say. "Uh, I'm sorry, why would you tell me my son doesn't know what he's talking about?" says the Karen mom of the boy. "Your son told my little sister that girls can't read a superhero novel," I tell the mom.

"Well, Sir-" she says while Girlie corrects her. "Mx., you mean." she stares up at the lady while holding her hand on my sleeve. "What?" she asks. "I can't stand this. Let's go, tumbleweed." I sigh just walking away from the "Karen". I'm glad Girlie's learned a thing or two after me dealing with people like that. It's people like that who make me wish Battery City's utopia wasn't changed to the way it was. And as someone who blasted the whole BetterLiving industries authority in a battle, that's not something so say often.

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