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Jet-Star's POV

"So, Girlie, how's it feel to be a killjoy now?" Show asked. As Girlie who was sitting right next to me looked around to think about it. "Well, it's a new feeling but it's also kinda that same," she told. "Yeah? That's good. You are pretty good at what you've done already." they respond.

Girlie nods. "However, the first few years of being a killjoy are the toughest. Don't believe me, ask Party." Show laughed. All attention was turned to Party Poison and Girlie noticed Party's face deepen in positivity and she looked curious as to why. "Party?" she asked "What happened your first few years of being a killjoy?"

Party sighed and looked at Girlie with the most reassuring face they could and didn't answer for a few seconds but they had to say something at some point so they just rolled their eyes and responded with, "Girlie, you go outside. I got to talk to Show because they do not know what they are talking about."

This caused me to giggle a little bit but I didn't say anything nor did anybody. I watched as Girlie followed Party's instructions and went to the backyard. Party shot a look back at Show as Show shot a look back at Party. "This is going to be good," Ghoul commented.
"Show, What did you possibly mean by that?" Party asked. "It's obvious Party," they responded. "I was a better killjoy than you could ever be back then, and I'm not just saying me. I'm saying probably any other killjoy," they said.

"You were slow and yet here you are being the leader of the Fabulous-"
"All right Show, That's enough!" Dr. Death said. "Yeah, I agree," I stated. "That is enough. You guys are at each other's throats even when you don't see each other for a bit and still come back at each other's throats." Give it a rest.

Show didn't answer while Party scoffed.
"I just don't get why they have to come by and be such a jerk that's when she slammed the table with her hands. "I am not a jerk! I am just honest!"
"What part of this is honest?" Party asked. Take it easy you guys!" Dr. Death told. It's like 2014 all over again. Aka when we were all just kids who lived with him. I noticed Kobra starting to get irritated with the amount of yelling and at any moment he was about a snap. And then he did.

"Can you guys shut the hell up?!" he yelled. Things were getting heated in here, so I walked to sit next to Kobra and rubbed my hand up and down his back so that he could calm down. "Hey, Hey...take a breather, Ko." I hushed him. He sighed putting his head down on my shoulder, and I blushed, running a hand through his hair.

"Party let it rest," Ghoul said. "Yeah, listen to your playboy." Show mocked. "Show! That is enough!" Dr. Death declared. "I brought you here so that you could fix the wire problem and that only! Not to come over here and be immature! You make fun of Party for not being a good guardian for Girlie yet you are more immature than them. Don't you think I would've given you Girlie if I trusted you with her?"

"Where is Girlie right now?" Ko asked. "Oh, she's right outside," I responded. "I thought so.. but she isn't.." Show said actually revealing some concern and looking outside the backyard door.
"The fuck do you mean?" Ghoul asked.
I went to pick my head outside, Kobra following right behind me and there was no sight of Girlie whatsoever.  "Girlie!" We each called out. No sign.

"What the hell? How did this happen? How did this just happen and none of us noticed? This has never happened in the almost four years we've looked after her! Am I really that bad?" Party crumbled to the floor.

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