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Third Person POV

Fun Ghoul was sat on the couch before realizing who had just walked into the house. He spits his drink out in shock. "Show-?!" He choked. "Oh, hey baby." Show Pony winked. Party overheard this and their blood boiled. They knew the two were close a bit back but he wasn't sure if they ever had an affair or not. But if they never did, there was a high chance they could soon.

Party figured out a while back about Ghoul's past crush on Show, but he wasn't sure if Show's flirtiness back to Ghoul was a genuine feeling or rivalry against Party.
Ghoul hissed at Show's comment anyway.
"Okay. Where are these wires?" Show asked. "Right behind the TV. Here in the corner." Party directed. Party went to the kitchen to go make waffles for Girlie, which left Ghoul and Show in the living room. Ghoul wanted to leave honestly but he didn't want to be rude to Show.

"So, it's been a while." Show said while examining the wires. Ghoul looked around noticing he was the only person they could be talking to. "Yeah." he agreed. The awkward silence became audible in a way.
"So, Ghoul. I don't think we've had a normal conversation since-" Show said. "Since I had the hots for you, Show. I know. I'm aware. But I'm not that teen anymore." Ghoul told. Show flushed and just went back to working on the wires.

The tension was awkward. Why did they both feel the need to bring that up? "...So, do you like someone else?" Show asked. Ghoul snapped. "Listen here, rollerskates." Ghoul pulled Show back to look at him. "Why can't we just be friends?" Ghoul asked. "Why? You were the one who grew a crush on me and broke our friendship. Your big obvious love for me did this." Show growled. "Well, it isn't like that anymore! I don't like you anymore! I've matured! It's been like three years Show Pony!"

"Yeah? Well, what if things changed? What if I-" Show stopped themselves and scoffed. "What if what, Show?" Ghoul interrogated. Show rolled their eyes and put their helmet on to avoid showing their facial expressions, including blushing at the said comment. Ghoul sighed. "Whatever. We are just friends. Okay?" Ghoul asked. Show nodded pulling out some wires and plugging in new ones.

Abruptly Jet and Kobra walked into the living room from Kobra's room and all attention was turned to them. Jet's eyes widened. "Show Pony?" He exclaimed shocked. "Jet-Star, The Kobra Kid." they greeted. "What're you two doing coming sleepily outta the same room?" they smirked at the two. Kobra squeaked and Jet blushed. "We got home pretty late, so we ended up just both knocking out in KK's room," he explained.

"Oh how nice, Where were you guys at? Partying with p-droids?" they asked. "No!" Kobra screamed. "We were watching a race in the big zone's dunes." he sneered. "Lame." Show shrugged. Kobra tempered, but Jet rubbed his back calming him down. Party, Girlie and Dr. D came back from eh kitchen with plates for brunch and Girlie came over to Jet.

"Guess who just made French Toast?" she said proudly of herself.
"Did you all by yourself, kiddo?" Jet inquired. "Well...no..." she pouted. "But Party did say I could try to next time!" she smiled. As soon as Show finished the wiring they all gathered around the dining table to eat some brunch.

There wasn't any conversation started, so Show of course had to make some. Whether it ended well or not.

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