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Party Poison's POV

They all backed up, getting a good scan of me, including Ghoul who stayed on the bed, however shifted more to the other corner a little near where my feet had been. I looked up noticing the look on everyones faces.

Ghoul; looking at me with large eyes full so much wonder and happiness. Girlie was looking at me with this... inspired..? Look? It confused me but she was looking at me as if she saw something in me in that very moment which confused me, given I was injured and in pain and needed to rest. Kobra looked at me with a stern, but stress relieved look and Jet looked at me with a bit of worry.

Everyone had their own way of looking at me made me feel like a leader and made me feel like I was in charge again and it was good to have that feeling, knowing that this is what I ran away from. To face my problems. but there is no problem here. When they all look at me, they all want another command, they all want to follow some kind of plan from me, they all want to hear me talk, they want to see my leadership and they believe in me. They see me as some hero the way that I don't. Nothing could have made this moment feel any better. "You guys are the best.." I sniffled just breaking into a realization.

After a bit of discussion, and words of tenderness and care, Jet called Kobra and Girlie out, telling them to give me some time.  "Wait, why does Ghoul get to stay with Party?" The motorbaby asked, Kobra nodding, also confused. Jet looked at Ghoul, Ghoul and I looking back, then Jet looked at me, telling Ko and Girlie, "I'm sure they have more to tell each other, let's give them time," I blushed and that meant Jet was picking up something that nobody else was. "I'll be in the kitchen if you guys need me. I'm really glad to see you doing better, Party," Jet said, walking out and leaving the door halfway closed.

"What a 'mama-bear' he is.." Ghoul snickered before looked back at me. "I.. wanted to ask you something Par," he said which got my heart beating way more.
A heated thriller feeling came to my face as that butterfly feeling was fluttering in my stomach once more.
Never in my years of being a killjoy have I ever felt such an interesting phenomenon. BetterLiving Industries alsoways let it be said everywhere that, "LOVE IS A PILL"
That's what I knew love as. It's just a pill. A in the zones and battery city, Love was a mental issue. To be cured and medicated for. This was unhuman feelings. That's what I was taught. Only now suddenly, I realized how that's not true.

"Shoot," I said back.
"I want this to be something.. I don't want that kiss to have just been for nothing." That's exactly where I stop him.
I regained focus. Despite the pain, I got up. It did have a backlash, vertigo feeling when got up, however it didn't stop me from talking.

"Ghoul, I would've never done that if it was nothing. Fun Ghoul, you've been the killjoy by my side the entire time. The one who listens to me, the funny guy to my leader. You understand me. I'm more than willing to have this be... you know.."
I couldn't find the words I kept fumbling but as always Fun Ghoul picked up from my mannerisms and understood exactly just like old times.

"I'm going nuts.."
"I know exactly what you mean, Par." he gives me a light kiss on the cheek and I just chuckle afterwords. "Oh, crap.." I say, slipping out as this causes him to crack up.

"I'm gonna go get dinner and bring it here for you... you're probably starved. Just rest, I'll come back soon,"

I resist for a minute but then realize that he's only looking out for my best, into which I cannot argue with.
I'm.. not sure why I was so obsessed with wanting to be the next Mike Milligram....
It's not like he didn't have friends and people like this along his side the whole time he did what was I thinking if anything I'm not even like Milligram, I'm Poison.

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