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Quick A/N before the Chapter starts.
I just wanted to give a quick shoutout to, RikeyTrash64!! An amazing writer who writes and has many JetKobra headcanons and one-shot stories! I just collaborated with them on one of their latest one-shots.

Fun Ghoul's POV

It had been a couple of weeks since Girlie became a killjoy. With that, Dracs have been invading little by little again and again. Dr. Death said he has no idea why but he's doing all he can to find out. Show Pony's back in Battery City. But it was storming hard tonight so the four of us stayed in.

Party, Girlie, and I were relaxing on the couch watching some movie before Jet and Kobra came walking to the door in raincoats. "Woah woah," Party and stopped them.

"What's going on here?" they ask, munching on some party mix. "Jet and I are going out," Kobra explained. Party's eyes widened as they choked on their mix. As Girlie and I also turned their heads over, jaws dropped.

"No, not like that, motherfucker!" Kobra yelled at me embarrassed. "You sure? Because you did say you guys are going out..." I joked. "I'll fuckin knock you out.." Kobra hissed.

"KK, let's just go." Jet said pulling Kobra aback from his about-to-be-argument with me. "The storms gonna get way worse you guys," Party said concerned. "We'll be fine." Kobra scoffed. "Bye!" Jet said as they headed out the door.

"Well, guess it's a Party, and Ghoul put down tonight, Motor Baby," I said to Girlie. "Yes!" she cheered. To me, a lot was able to go wrong here. There's a storm that could possibly knock the power out at any given moment.

Also, Girlie at this point knows about my crush on Party, and she's always trying to talk to me about it. I tell her there is nothing to discuss but she's not a little toddler, she knows well.

I suddenly snapped out of my thought when the lights started to flicker, and the noise of
the wind and rain rattling outside seemed to hit a wire. "Shit. There go our cord lines." Party tsked. Suddenly the power entirely went out. TV stopped and all the lights in unison blacked out.

Girlie flinched and shuffled closer to me on the couch as I wrapped my hand around her to assure her she was safe. "It's dark..." she told scared.
"I'll go get some flashlights and battery lamps from the closet." I offered.

Party nodded and stayed with Girlie on the couch as I went to the upstairs closet. I grabbed as many flashlights and battery-powered lamps as I could find before getting some fluffy blankets and other big comforters to bring downstairs.
I set the lamps up on the floor and put the blankets on the floor too. "Woah, what's all this?" Party asked.

"One second, I'm not done yet." I chuckled getting an idea. I wanted to surprise them both with a blanket fortress. We had the space for it, and that always made me happy when there was a power outage when I was younger. I was zooming through the dark house. Grabbing stuffies from Girlie's room, snacks from the kitchen, and sleeping bags from stationary bins in the basement.

I came back with all the stuff and placed it all down on the floor. "Ghoul, what is all this?" Party asked. "Let's make a blanket fort." I beamed. "Uh, sure...?" they answered confused. "Yes, a fort!" Girlie jolted up.
We started to make it as the thunder crashed in the background.

Once we finished it, we made ourselves comfortable in the way bigger and roomier inside. The lamps lit it up and as Girlie stayed distracted with her plushies, I exhaled and lay back from the fort with my head to the couch and yawned.

Party lay down next to me in the fort, and their back rested on the couch as mine did. "I'm glad you went through all that for her," they said softly, leaning their head to rest on my shoulder. I blushed but just let it be. "Of course, why wouldn't I?" I look over to Girlie. "Motor baby deserves the best childhood we have to offer her. Which isn't a lot left."
Party nodded in agreement and stayed rested. "It really isn't a lot left." they sighed.

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