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Party Poison's POV

Did Ghoul say what I think he did? It's too late to ask, or chase him. He left.
I got up from the dusty, gross caves in these cliffs that I had been hiding out with my thoughts, in. It was still raining and it didn't seem like it was gonna stop anytime soon. I just kept thinking to myself.
How could I improve myself as a killjoy? How can I become the next Mike Milligram?

My only thought was isolation. But did I even want that anymore? I mean I have an amazing brother and sister. Girlie may not be my blood, but she's still my sister. And my two best friends. Or, whatever Ghoul and I are. It's all so confusing. By that I mean everything.

"Oh well, I'll figure it out. I did all these years so what's the worst that being a lone killjoy could do to me?"

And just like that, I'm already talking to myself. I kept thinking how this 'isolation' is doing a number on me. I wondered, should I just let myself die here or something? No that's, blasphemous. Killjoys never die. Plus, this would be a joke of a way to do it. Well, I could go back but, Ghoul sounded done with me. Kobra can just come with Jet instead. And Girlie, she...
Oh, man. I can't leave Girlie. Hell, what am I thinking? I can't leave Kobra, Ghoul, or Jet either! Think, Party Poison, what are you doing?!

Just then I heard some beeping. I hid, to a corner of the cliffs and peeked over, noticing some crow units. Where are they coming from? They had some communication devices with them. Not a walkie, but not anything made by Toyko-Flash either. I couldn't hear well at all, but I doubt it was my imagination when I heard the word "Fabulous" mentioned.

All I could think of was the Fab Five. I was the fabs five. My friends. My killjoys group. We were the Fabulous Five. I continued to watch as these units scanned the area around the bottom of the cliffs. They better not go in the direction of where Ghoul left. How would I even know which direction that was?

The units eventually left in their vehicle which was surprisingly more intimidating than them. Which was saying something because these units were not as dull-looking as draculoids were. It was speeding through the zones so I wasted no time getting off these cliffs and dashing in the same direction. I need to put all this isolation aside and be the leader people count on me to be.

Who would think a killjoy raised by DJ, Dr. Death Defying, who watched over 4 other killjoys and eventually a little orphan girl, would turn into the leader of one of the most well-known Killjoy groups ever? It stunned me still after all those years that this was who we were. Now who we will continue to be. I didn't care anymore about what it would take to become as good as I once was again. I just needed to be a killjoy.

I kept running, I couldn't believe what it was thinking. I have no ray gun on me. No, way of communication, no mask, jacket. Oh, my Witch, I was unprepared. I've never run faster though. I was out of breath and chasing that vehicle for what felt like forever, until I saw it stop in the distance.
And that's when I saw them. The Fabulous Five.

They were after them and I knew it.
I was about to trip numerous times but I still ran, despite my heart about to pop out of my chest. I couldn't talk despite wanting to scream. But my breath just wasn't there. Once I saw Ghoul, I clutched onto him like never before. "Party-?!" He shrieked. Pulling away. "You're paler than a ghost what the hell?! Where did you come from?! Are you okay?!" he asked rambling. Jet, Kobra, and Girlie were asking things too, but it was so muffled by the ringing in my ears from the way I was panting. That's when everything started rushing back.

I was wheezing and he was probably just trying to look me in the eyes. But that exhausting running had my vertigo rushing in. "Units. They're... Gonna fire.." I hyperventilated. I watched. My eyes couldn't focus. And I kept feeling them close.

One second later and I felt myself lose my balance. I felt everything go blank and I collapsed.



I awoke in my bed. No recollection of what happened until. I noticed Girlie on the edge of my bed. "You're awake!" she gasped, relieved. She ran to my door and called for Ghoul who I could hear rush through the hallway, limping but quick as ever, as Girlie left to let Jet and Kobra know I was up. "Party! Oh my god." Ghoul hugged me tightly and I sat up to hug back. I was hit with an alarming mass of emotions in that sudden grasp, and I just kept crying into his shoulder.

"I'm so so stupid. Why? Why did I- oh god.." I groaned. "You came back for us in the end, Par. I'm just glad to see you doing better."
he nuzzled into my shoulder. "I'm a horrible fucking killjoy. Who the fuck runs away when things get difficult-"

"You saw we were gonna be in danger, and came back. You kept running knowing the consequences of how you'd feel after. That's the most badass thing I've heard a killjoy do. You're anything but a horrible 'joy"

"Ghoul. When you argued for me to come back... You're reasoning was...that you loved me?" I mumbled and he heated up a rose-color across his face as if he knew I was gonna say that. "I wasn't lying, if that's what you're asking. Because I'd never lie to you," he told me with all seriousness.

I couldn't help but feel more tears run down my face as I smiled. "That's my phrase," I scoffed.

He chuckled and I watched as his hand made its way up to my face. I looked at it and then to his eyes, getting lost in them.
I brought my hand up to his as well. I wasn't sure who leaned forward first but by my lack of movement I could only figure it wasn't me. Regardless,


I kissed Ghoul.

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