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A/N This is the first introduction to my fic's Show Pony. Show will be the same age as the fab four, and have a frienemy rival with Party Poison. (they/she) for them. She's also kinda a jerk. //

Party Poison's POV

"Mousekat. My old friend." I eyed the fuzzy oversized character head in my closet. He was the logo of Battery City. Little do many know who's under his head. The power was still out and Dr. Death said he would come over today to see if he could fix it. He said he'd come with someone who could fix it.
So I put my trust in him.

Jet-Star and Kobra Kid came back around 4 AM, so they're still tired and sleeping. Understandable because they went out to Zone 06. Girlie and Ghoul were up, reading some comics, as I was about to leave the house in Mousekat for an early morning patrol.

"Mousekat?" Girlie said eyeing me confused before I walked out. "Party- what are you doing?" Ghoul asked confused. "Patrol," I told. "In...Mousekat?" he reckoned. "...Incognito patrol," I said. "It's safer," I explained. "Fair enough." he let out.

"I'll be back soon," I told them as I walked out. The storm stopped eventually last, but the wind was still crazy out. Zone 01 looked way more trashed than usual. And that was saying something. I hopped out of my car and left it locked somewhere as I walked around in Mousekat. The edge of Zone 01 was always isolated because of how close it was to Battery City.

I walked one of the Routes of Zone 01 particularly invested in how such a sunny day can be the aftermath of a lighting thunderstorm. Then I saw it. One of the most beautiful vibrant rainbows I've ever seen in the zones. "Is this real?" I said shocked. I was mesmerized by the beauty until a particular revving sound snapped me out of thought as a standout of a racecar zoomed over to me almost an inch into hitting me.

I recognized that motor anywhere. It was none other than Show Pony.
"Well if it isn't my old friend-foe Party Poison. What are you doing in your furry head?" She risked getting out of her car which Dr. D was a passenger. "Show?" I furrowed. "Dr. D, why's this double-crosser here?" I asked. "Party Poison be nice. You asked for someone who was able to fix your wires, and I delivered." Dr. Death explained.

I took my Mousekat off, and I hopped in the back of their car. "You running out of dye again?" she snickered, making fun of my barely faded red hair that peeked out once I took the dome. "So what?" I rolled my eyes. "Nothing, nothing. You're just, giving Pinkie Pie." she cracked herself up.

They managed to make Dr. D laugh at this as well and as mad as I could get, it really started to feel like old times. Back when we lived in Dr. D's old cabin. It was forever ago but I still missed it. Once we got to our house I took
Girlie out to the backyard to see the rainbow and she was astonished.

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