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Fun Ghoul's POV

I paced back and forth, getting confused and concerned looks from Jet, Kobra, and Girlie who were huddling over our shared Tokyo-Flashtop, checking Dr. D's website for info or anything. The Flashtop was a gift from Cherry Cola. He was also the killjoy who gave us the Tokyo Flash watches because both the laptop and watches came from the same little heist he went on to get them.

After checking for calls, emails, or messages from anyone and getting nothing for another hour straight, I grew infuriated. "Anything?" I asked walking back over to the couch where the other three had been and checking the Flashtop that was on Jet's lap. Kobra and Girlie had been handled on both sides of him and shook their heads.

"Ugh! Fuck! That's it!" I groaned, yelling frustratedly. "We need to find them, now!" I tell them, impatiently stubborn to know if Party is okay. "Alright, I agree. We've wasted enough time. We'll take the trans-am, everyone gets ready. Bandanas, shades, helmets, masks, all of it. We don't know what situation this can be and I'd rather be ready for whatever it is." Jet tells.

Girlie and Kobra get to their rooms, ready to prepare, as I smile at Jet for listening. "Thanks, dude. I just dont want to waste any more time at all. I need to know what's bothering Party and why they disappeared. Do you think maybe, I did something wrong? Maybe it's because of me?"
I ask. "Of course not Ghoul, I do get where you're coming from. I hope Par is okay too! But I assure you, you did nothing wrong. And We'll find them." Jet guarantees me.

I nod, going to my room to get everything I need. I put on my jacket, wristbands, and bandana, before loading my ray gun, and grabbing my mask. "We all ready?" I ask putting on my shades and heading for the door. They answer and we make our way to the car. "All right, where should we start first...?" Jet asked. "Party walked right? So they could have gotten far." Girlie mutters to which I beg to differ.

"I wouldn't underestimate them, kid. Especially with who knows what time during the night they chose to leave. I doubt they'd be in the big city, but we can at least check the zones." I tell. "That's a good place to start, let's check here and then make our way to the others." Jet adds. "If we want to check all the zones and get the city to check too, our best bet is taking-" I add before Kobra cuts me off. "Don't say it.." he grumbles.

"Kobra, Route Guano is the only route that won't be traffic circulated," I tell him. "I fuckin hate that route." the tisks. "I know but, we can't risk wasting time in traffic." I notify. Jet, who was sitting in the back with Kobra and Girlie, holds Kobra's hand and assures him it'll be okay. They dont take route guano often, so I understand the anxiety and PTSD the two suffer from it even being brought up.

As we make it through the zones, we check every location Party has an interest in. The Raceway, The Quarry, The Outlets, The Painted Rocks, no sign of them.
"If I were Party Poison, where would I be?" Girlie muttered as we left the park of The Painted Rocks and got back in the car, sad and defeated. "I'm not too sure motorbaby, it feels like we checked everywhere..." I say, gloomy and at a loss of hope.

"Uh..." Kobra mumbles before closing his mouth and forgetting it. "What's up, Ko?" Jet asks the other, giving him a soft glance. "There is this one... Never mind forget it."

"This one what?! Kobra, what?!" I beg him to finish talking. "I doubt we'll have any luck but... There are these cliffs right off the route near The Leaf Woods. Party mentioned this but, it was a long time ago. Like when we first came to the zones I mean, so we were little but... They always said that that place looked interesting to check out." Kobra muttered.

I stepped on the gas, wasting no time at all. When we got to the cliffs, I parked the car at the bottom. Realizing that there were some little cave openings in the upper land of the cliffs. "Stay in the car, I'll go check for them," I say and they listen. It started to rain just then. What timing. And, fuck this is gonna be a bit of a walk with this ankle.

I wandered around the ground area on the cliffs, noticing some cave openings, before seeing a shadow in one as I approached near the opening of the cliff. Then a red blur... Party!! It was Party!!

"Party!" I called out to see the figure flinch and say my name before even turning around. "Ghoul?!" they turned rapidly. "What are you doing, here?!" they said, almost sounding stuck up. "I can ask you the same.." I respond. "I'm not the one with the injury, why are you here? Go home and rest!" they add. "Fine, but you gotta come with. Why'd you even disappear anyway? You worried us sick!" I tell. They scoff and turn away from looking at me.

"You guys are better off without me being there... Just go home, Ghoul. So I know you're safe there." they murmur.
"Okay, what's this about?" I say getting worked up. "Nothing! I just want to be left alone! I'm not a good leader! I'm not a good killjoy, and I'm never there for you guys! I need time to think about this!"

"Par, we can all help you figure out what's wrong at home... Come on.." I beg, a bit whiney but concerned.

"Leave me be, Ghoul. It's for you're good. You guys can lead and take better care of Girlie without me..." they said cold

"Do you think this is fair to me? To Ko? To Jet-Star or Girlie-" I was interrupted.

"I dont know!! I just don't!! And it's driving me insane!! I didn't know being the leader of the fabulous killjoys, let alone being a killjoy came with all this problematic stress and problems and getting injured and trapped!! It didn't used to be like this, I'm not prepared!!"

"Party, you know I hate seeing you like this..." I said softly

"Then, leave me Ghouls..." they said with a stubborn tone

"What? No! I'm not leaving here without you!"

"Why not?!"

"Why not?! Because I love you, Party Poison!! That's why not!!" I covered my mouth, and Party turned around, my heart sinking from the detection of them wanting to come back. I gave in, evidently. If they wanted to stay here, that's up to them.

"But if what you want is for me to leave..."

"Ghoul, wait..."

I walked away from the cliffs and made my way down.

"That's fine."

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