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Party Poison's POV

Girlie started to get tired and so I told her her she could sleep in the blanket fort if she'd like since the thunder and rain would be way louder on the ceiling of her room. She closed her eyes and tried to fall asleep but after a few minutes, she just couldn't. "Party, I can't sleep." she sighed.

Ghoul was knocked out on my shoulder so I set him aside, so I could go lay down on the comforted floor of the blanket fort with Girlie. I tucked her in and gave her some stuffed animals to snuggle with. "Would it help if I told you a story?" I asked. Girlie rolled her eyes as attempted to act like she was too mature for stories but eventually she gave in. "Tell me the Fabulous Four origin story," Girlie said with a yawn. "I've told you it multiple times." I chuckled.

"Yes, but it gets better each time, and it's my favorite." She smiled. I couldn't say no to her smile. "Okay, Motorbaby. The origin story it is." I let out.

"Well, it all started with this perfect family that lived in the northeastern states. A loving mom, dad, and their son and daughter. They weren't that wealthy and needed a new job if they wanted to raise the kids in good condition. That's when they were offered a job by Better Living industries. Also known as BL/ind."

"Wait." Girlie interrupted. "Hm?" I hummed. "Why didn't your parents know BL/ind was trouble?" she asked raising a fair question.

"Well, the thing about BL/ind is that it's a megacorporation. It's diverse and has multiple industrial buildings around the world, but the main corporate building of BL/ind was located in Battery City. At the time it was just a desert zone in Cali." I explained. She nodded understanding.

"Our parents started working for BL/ind at home since all they had to do was manufacture droids. They got paid we'll go into the local BL/ind office, and along the way, they made friends with some coworkers who worked on the architect side of the manufacturing work. Until one day, my parents invited four of their co-workers over for dinner with their kids, to go over what BL/ind has been up to."

"We're the kids-" I paused her and nodded.

"Their co-worker's kids being none other than Jet and Ghoul."
Girlie smiled. "We were just preteens a bit older than you, Girlie. So of course at said dinner, I strayed away from playing with the others to poke my head into the adult's conversation. That's when I heard them talk about how BL/ind was gonna turn themselves into a government name and start the creation of Battery City."

"Oh and that's how you found out" Girlie interrupted again. "Shhh... If you keep blurting your mouth, you'll never fall asleep." I hushed her.

"Once dinner was ready that night, the adults said they wanted to talk with us. They explained that BL/ind was gonna need their help and that they might not be home on time every night. After hearing that, we devoted our full attention to them. They said if they didn't return by morning one night, to not worry." I sighed.

"But we were all worried regardless," Ghoul said groggily. I guess he woke up while I was storytelling.

"And if anything, their friend, Dr. Death Defying, would pick us up and take care of us. We were worried but they told us not to panic. Two nights later my mom and dad were about to leave to go to the local BL/ind office before my mom approached me. She said if she and dad weren't back by morning, they won't be back ever. But that Dr. Death will watch over us and their co-worker's kids."

"Low and behold, none of our parents came back," Ghoul added. "So Dr. Death scooped us all up the next afternoon and took us on a flight to the Zones. We lived under his guidance for the next few years, as he proclaimed us killjoys. We changed our names and all past information on us as and started new here." I told.

"She's asleep," Ghoul whispered. "Ah." I realized. "She really seems to enjoy that story doesn't she?" he asked and I nodded. "But you don't," he added. "Of course not. It's the story of how I- how we lost our parents." I rant. "It's also the story of how we met, changed our lives, and live a new better one here," he explained. I put my head down. "What if I'm not a good guardian? What if one day I have to leave her in the dust too? Then who do I leave her with? Cherri-Cola?" I go on. Ghoul noticed my stress and pulled me onto a hug. "You're doing great, Par. And you aren't alone. We'll keep her safe." Ghoul claimed.

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