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Girlie's POV

"Oh destroya," Jet muttered under his breath. "Girlie, I know KK taught you to be prepared for anything. So go. Go make a run for it." Party muttered, quiet enough for the Dracs not to hear. I ran forward towards the Dracs kicking them off their feet as I swiftly dodged each of them tryna get me. I ran for the exit as I heard blasts of ray guns coming from inside.

"Exit... Where is the exit...?" I panicked. That's when I heard Ghoul's familiar laugh. "Hehe." I chuckled, as I ran for the exit I could see clear as day, Kobra Kid and Fun Ghoul both fighting off Drac security. "Guys!" I ran to them. "Girlie!" they shouted in unison. They group-hugged me as we fought off the Dracs from the outside. Once that was done.

Ghoul shook me like crazy, "Motorbaby Where is Party, where are they?" he screeched. "They're fine. They're fighting the Draculoids from the inside. "And Jet? Is Jet okay" Ko-Ki asked. "Yeah." I sighed out of breath. "Go wait in the trans am please, sunshine. It's safer there." Ghoul sighed. I couldn't argue with that. I just gave him a thumbs-up and made my way to the car. It was all emptied except for the motorbikes that somewhat fit in the trunk.
They took everything from us.

Suddenly I heard a big crash and it felt as if the world paused. Before a third of the building exploded. "Holy shit!" Ghoul screeched. As Kobra stood there astoniahed Jet ran out with Party, who seemed to be limping. Party ran for their life to get to us.

"Party!" Ghoul ran up to them. "Ghoul..." they sighed out of breath. Party stood watching as Ghoul ran to them, Party limped before being picked off the ground and tightly in Ghoul's embrace. Party gasped in shock as they hugged Ghoul back. "You okay?" he asked. "Well... A bit better right now." Party blushed. "Oh. they got you good." Ghoul said looking down at a wound on Party that was not there when I saw them. "We got them better." Party declared.

"That's right!" I yelled. "Motorbaby! You're okay!" Party smiled as they came to hug me. "I'm so sorry again, for getting you into this, lil one." they sighed. "It's okay, I promise," I assure them. "How can I make this up to you then?" they asked. "How bout getting us home so I can eat and get water? And so you can heal that injury." I tell them. "Okay, love." they ruffle my hair.
The four of them got in the trans am. As Party started it and we got home.

"So who strung the place on fire?" Kobra asked. "Who do you think?" Jet asked. "I saw a bomb, I lit it," he told. "As you should!" Ghoul adds. "The wound though?" Ghoul asks Party. "People don't like me." They shrugged. "Does this make us killjoys again?" I asked. Everyone looked at me and then at Party. Party was silent for a bit and so was everyone else.

"Once a killjoy, always a killjoy!" They exclaimed. I gasped. "Really?" I beamed. "Yes. Yes, I want to be a killjoy again. And boys I know you guys do too right?" they asked. "Fuckin' yes!" Kobra stimulated. "Are you serious?" Jet smiled. "Party, does this mean?" Ghoul asked. "Yes. We return to our roots. We don't need Dracs to save the world at any given moment. We can just be killjoys by name. Not by the act. What do you guys say?" Party asks. "I say heck yeah!" I smile.

"We're not gonna be Fab Four anymore though..." they say. "What?" I ask, frowning. "We're now Fab Five!" they tell. "What?" I scream. "I, Party Poison, declare you, Girlie, officially a killjoy now!" they yell. The others clapped and wooed as I cried there. "Thank you, guys. I love you all. I'm so glad to have you guys as my family." I teared up. "We're happy to have you more Girlie." Jet smiled.

"The Girl," I say. "That's my killjoy name." I smile. "Alright, then The Girl. I like the sound of that." Party smiled. "Well, you guys can still call me Girlie." I smile. "Got it." they smiled. "Welcome to the Fabulous Five, Killjoys make some noise!" Party rallied us up again. I couldn't be happier to be a Killjoy.

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