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Party Poison's POV

I couldn't wrap my head around the fact of the matter that was... The kiss.
This was reality. What had just happened it was real. It wasn't just some dream of mine.

Ghoul looked pretty stunned about it too... Which didn't help with the fact it all felt so natural. Like it was destined to happen. Like as if all of our engagement at any point led up to this moment. It was short and sweet but what did it mean for anything else? We kind of just looked at each other, Ghoul still on the bed, sitting there looking at me. His eyes were wide, but also lots of red blush on his cheeks. I just looked up into his eyes, noticing the way that they glistened and scrutinized back and forth between me and the bed.

"Did we just do that? Kiss.. I mean...??" he stammers, asking hesitantly with a bit of a chuckle, as I sneered, awkwardly brushing my red-pink hair out of my eyes. "Yeah, I guess we did..kiss" We looked around avoiding eye contact, but I eventually looked up at him again. "Phoenix-Fucking-Witch, Par.. I can't believe I did that" he laments, with a smile and awkward snicker.

"What does this mean for anything?" I ask. Ghoul chuckled and brushed my hair out of my face. "Don't know, but I enjoyed it. Genuinely," he answers, he slips his hand to interlock with mine and gently rubs his thumb over my hand. "Oh I uh put your gloves over there with the rest of your attire," he says pointing to a folded pile of my real killjoy wear.

I grinned, coming off as competent to regain all of the optimistic, sentiment that I hadn't had since way before I was having thoughts that were echoing in my ears, back when I first thought to run away in the first place. It seems like every thought inside my head had just been fixed because of this one, adhesive moment.

I can only ever feel such affection for Ghoul and Ghoul and I knew this was romantical because... well this is the only ever type of affection, care, and love that I've ever felt. Nothing ever before would give me the butterfly-stomach feeling I had now. That and having my palms sweaty. As if being in a bed, resting in pain wasn't enough now I was going mentally spiraled yet again.

I only understood what love was so much until we moved to Battery City. Anything before that was years ago. Too many to properly remember. Back when Battery City was more isolated, I mean especially around the zones if it weren't for the few films that we had owned on our TV, then I wouldn't understand romance at all the way other people do, modern day. I mean living in an isolated desert how many people are you going to see fall in love? "You know, I've loved you for so long, Party Poison..." he mutters.

I feel that stomach fluttering all up again, not really sure what else to say except for a trembling, "Me too," which was humiliating that it was all I could think I say. I don't know why I also was incredibly sore and weak. I couldn't function that well anyway, but despite that, I desperately wanted to lean in for another kiss with Ghoul as he leaned in too, noticing what I was doing however, the moment was interrupted immediately by Girlie running and holding Kobra's hand as Jet followed.

The second we heard the footsteps in the hallway come to the doorway, we parted from getting to each other's faces. Ghoul just sitting on the bed, acting like nothing ever happened. I, just going back to being sore, but without the butterfly feeling in my stomach "Party Poison you're up!" Jet said as Kobra came running to me to hug me.

I tried to sit up to hug him back but I was still very weak and it took a lot out of me to just sit up straightly sitting up straight. More than I was with Ghoul that is. But I made the effort despite the pain just because my little brother was making sure that I was okay. "Are you feeling any better?" he asked and it felt nice to hear his voice for the first time since I ran away. "I'm okay I'm okay baby bro."

Nothing felt better than being in a room with all my loved ones again. But that happiness didn't last long before it all turned into regret and sorrow.

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