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Fun Ghoul's POV

It was my day with Girlie, and I had nothing planned whatsoever. As well as has no clue how this teaches her anything. "And she hasn't told you what happened yet, has she?" I asked Jet since he spent the day with Girlie yesterday. "No, and don't force her to," he said grabbing the trans am keys. Party honked in the trans am with KK, so I just sighed and watched TV.

"Ghoul?" she said walking over from her room. "G'morning, kid." I smiled. "Are you the only one home?" she asked. "Yup."
She wore a skeptical look but shrugged it off. "It's only 6 AM. Why don't you go head back to bed?" I told.

A few hours passed and she came back. "Why are you watching cartoons?" she asked. "I like them," I responded. "But aren't they a little childish?" she asked.
"You're never too old for your interests," I say.

"You wanna go get something to eat?" I asked. "Yeah!" she smiled. I waited for her to get ready before heading out. The others took the trans am sadly, so it was up to motorbikes today. We pulled into a fast food drive-through and got some hotcakes and milkshakes. "Wow, thanks again, Ghoul! Party never lets me have this! They say it's too junky." she tells.

I start laughing at that because it sounds just like Party. "They have no idea what they're talking about." We both stay in the car eating for a bit before I feel like it's time I asked her about the argument that happened with Party.

"Girlie. I know I'm the one you look up to as the fun one, and I'm not trying to ruin your day with me..." she understood just by that. "I wanna know, what happened between you and Party,"

She looked down and an iconic face of regret was written over her face. "Just. Not right now." she sighed. I grew impatient, but I wasn't mad. "Okay," I sighed. I at least tried. After we are I decided to drive her to the playground and show her something. "Why are we here?" she asked.

"I thought you'd wanna come and swing with me.." I told her.
"Ghoul, I'm not nine." she snapped. "So? I'm still going." I said petty. She sighed and followed me to them. I knew she would give in.

"Girlie, you don't need to pretend you don't like these things anymore," I told her as I swung her on the swing. "What twelve-year-old is allowed to like child things?" she muttered. "You spent a lot of your childhood running away and fighting evil with us. You need a chance to take in what you've missed. And I don't want you to rush that. I genuinely wanna give you the best childhood you can have. We all do." I told.

"Thanks, Ghoul," she said as her voice started to break. "Girlie..." I frowned. Hearing her cry just shattered me. She let off the swing and turned to hug me. I hugged her back. "I think I'll tell you what happened now." We started to take a walk, and she explained to me the gist of it.

"The day after we went to the outlets on Kobra's sad day I mean, Party took me to get ice cream, and there was this kid on the line who kept nagging me. I could easily have stuck up for myself, but Party didn't believe me. When we got home I stormed to my room and Party followed me asking me why I was upset. I told them I could stick up for myself, but they said they wanna always protect me. I got mad and confronted them about how there are no Draculoids or S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W out to get me anymore. They then argued that since they were my legal guardian, they still need to look out for me... That's when I got mad, and told them, that they aren't my real parents, and they'll
never be." she said choking on words and her tears.

"I messed up bad, Ghoul." She cried. "It's okay. It's okay. I won't tell anybody I promise. Let's just enjoy the rest of our day, alright? And hey. Tomorrow you get to hang out with Kobra! But just know that Party loves you. They always are trying to do the best for you. All of us. They might not always do it perfectly, but they're really special and so are you. You should cherish what Party tries to do for you because they're one of the most loving people in the world." I tell.

"You should tell Party that they mean all that to you." she smiles. I blushed embarrassed. "Yeah, no. They'll think I'm weird." "Ghoul, you don't need to pretend you don't like them anymore." She told.
"Alright. A. I don't like them. B. I don't need you giving me my advice, silly."

She laughed causing me to laugh as we walked to the car heading home.

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