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Party Poison's POV

I followed Show Pony's transmitted location, just as they gave it to me with their crappy-sounding voice on the other side of the walkie. We were in the building territory of the city though. There were way more buildings around, but I was super familiar with the area. There are no secret buildings. They're all just shops and stores... "Trans Am! At your 1'o-clock!" Ghoul yelled from behind me.

"Ko, skid now!" Jet told as both Lil Bro and I skidded our motorbikes toward Show and Dr. D. "We got here as fast as we could." I explained. "That, was your fastest?" Show sneered, followers with Dr. D elbowing them. "How do you know she's here? This is a random Zone 02 Avenue." Jet questioned.
Dr. D grabbed scraps of comic pages. Ripped to shreds. "This is..the book I bought her!" I noticed.

"The scraps, if followed correctly, lead straight to the alleyway between this shop and this Dead Pegasus oil station. There's only one floor inside the Dead Peg mart, and that shop next door is just an abandoned auto-part center..." Show adds. "Recently abandoned too... That's super sketchy. Let's spread out and let's search in there, now! Blast them all immediately, and by immediately I mean it. Before they can spot us!" I tell as the others follow me. Dr. D, Show, stay on the outside."

We head in and without any waste, all four of us blast all the units. I don't like how Scarecrow units have changed. They're not at all horrifying anymore. They're basically like the draculoid were. If anything they were like how the more recent "Draculoids of revision" were. I waited until we ran up the stairs to the second floor of the building, to not charge at the next seen unit. I instead, pulled them by the hem of their jacket and held a gun up to their throat.

"Where is she?" I snapped at them as the others went forward, blasting any other unit in sight until we found the room where they had her. "Girlie!" I cried out when I saw her. "I knew you'd come!" Girlie beamed seeing me! I could've hugged her, but there was no time to waste. I learned that before and not in a way I liked either. "Party, I'm sorry, I can explain everything!" she told with assurance and an incredible amount of bold confidence rather than skittishness.

Bless her and her love and happiness towards seeing me. "Kiddy, I'd love you too but now's-" "Not the time, I know! Come on, let's blast them and get outta here!" She cuts me off taking my hand and pulling me with her. Gosh, she's turning into a little me.
We ran out as quickly as we could, making sure the units didn't follow without getting their heads blown off.

As soon as we five made it to the bottom level of the building, I heard guns fire left and right. None of which the aim was at any of us but they sounded closer, until one. One hit, and it didn't sound like the blast hit the walls or the floor. No, this hit someone. And I was sure it wasn't Girlie, or me.. I knew exactly who though by the immediate cry out.

"Ghoul!!" I shrieked. He winced and cried out. They got his ankle good. Jet and Kobra finished off every unit dead, as they ran with Girlie to the car. "Phoenix-Fucking-Witch, they got me.." Ghoul groaned in pain. "Oh, Ghouls," I stressed, carrying him to the Trans-Am and proceeded to clean up his wound with the first aid kit. "Jet, Kobra, take the motorbikes, Girlie, ride in the back with Ghoul and I, Show, Dr. D... Can one of you drive us home" I asked, my voice shaky and my eyes not off of Ghoul for a second.

Ghoul looked at me with eyes of strength and I felt my heart thumping quickly. The look he gave me. He was amazingly strong and brave during this. That look just showed how perfect he is. Wait no that's not what I... why can't I think straight?
"Par?" he asked snapping me out of, wherever in my mind I was. I looked at him and he chuckled and winced. "Sorry, hey. You alright, Ghoul?" I asked. He nods and chuckles. "I'll be alright."

"You promise?" I ask. He chuckles and grabs my hand, causing me to heat up. "Have I ever lied to you, Par?"

"Never!" I blushed..


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