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Girlie's POV

It had been a couple of months since the last unit kidnapping. It was actually March of the next year even. Life's been, like itself again. We've been hunting down units and watching our backs like crazy. Dr. Death Defying and Cherry Cola were still radio hosting. There were a lot of breaking reports of unidentified units. At least twice a week. But, the killjoys were used to it so it wasn't stressing them. What was stressing them, was pinpointing where they were coming from and who was sending them.

Nowadays, technology isn't the most advanced over here in the zones. Like flashtops are very very slow. For every trip to a website from a search engine, the flashtop will die in ten minutes worth. But those and flash phones are all we have as far as out-of-zone research on where these units may be coming from. Maybe there were cameras watching us again. Jet said it was "Only matters of times," or something like that.
Even though I don't know what that means.

This very moment in time however, everyone was at home and doing their own thing. Kobra was doing nonstop research on locating what could be after us while Jet was putting new batteries in everyone's ray guns and flash-watches. Not to mention that by buying longer lasting batteries we are losing money that we've been saving for these big things. It couldn't be more like old times.

"I just don't get it!" Party told Fun Ghoul who was re-dyeing their hair for them. "Don't get what Pois?" He asked as Party just tapped their finger on the table repetitively. "It's been four and a half years since the drac-out! Don't you think if there were more people who wanted to revamp BLI, they would've... oh I dunno, been a new runner of BLI the year of or hell, after the drac-out?! For CROWS sake...!" Party grumbled.

"Hey now, easy there Party.. you have to take into consideration that, I don't think draculoids would be very prone to what was going on in the world at the time."
Ghoul added.

"Like quarantine!" I added. "The lil sunshine has a point, Party," Ghoul adds. "No offense at all Girlie, but I disagree entirely. Why should a brainwashed industry-powered imbecile like a Draculoid Unit care about the state of the world? If they wanted us exterminated over anything else, nothing would stop them." Party says as they sip some juice.

"Yeah, but did anyone exterminate us in those past years? No, and now they are." I say trying to seem wise and make sense.
"The Girl: One, Party Poison: Zero!" Ghoul says trying to prove Party wrong of their thought process. Party just laughs and gives me a little side hug while trying to stay slightly still so they don't catch Ghoul off guard while he works on re-dyeing their hair.

I then walk over to see what Kobra was up to on the couch and he was just on the flashtop looking up something about facilities. Out of nowhere the slight silence goes interrupted by the sizzling and crackling of an electric spark in the corner. "SHI-!!" Jet screeched before Kobra covered my ears without hesitation.

"Jet-" Kobra mumbled concerned. "Sorry! I'm alright Kobes." Jet groaned as Kobra sighed with relief. None of us really freaked out too much as we knew what those sparks were the moment it came from Jet's direction. If a ray-battery is really old or rusty and taken out of a device only to be met with contact of a new battery, it kind of explodes in a way. Could have been a lot worse, if he wasn't wearing the helmet.

"We're running low on the rest of the dye, Par..." Ghoul muttered. "WHAT?!"
Party panicked. "Please don't tell me it looks totally uneven right now." Party frets.
"It doesn't look totally uneven right now." Ghoul tries to reassure them. "It does," Kobra says without thinking twice. Party snarls, "I can go buy another box, if you want." Ghoul shrugs.

"No, no it's okay." Party sighs trying to collect themselves and relax. "Girlie, come take a walk with me to the gas station." Ghoul says while putting on his boots and the jacket.
I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion "Why do I ha-" "Come with and I'll let you get sour gummy worms." Ghoul chuckles.

I can't help but beam at this and put my vest on with my sneakers immediately.
"I'm ready!" I tell him as he opens the door. We were about to leave before he stands at the doorway to ask if there's anything anyone needs. "More ray-batteries please!!" Jet asked putting emphasis on the 'please'. "No, we can't afford anymore. Use the ones you have on the four ray-guns and those only."

"Ghoul, we need everything powered up and charged just incase of any drac-attack!" Jet tells. "Well we can't afford them!!" The two start arguing like cats and dogs for minutes, while I get distracted by a letter on the floor outside the front door.

Huh? It has the diner's adderess but it doesn't say any of the killjoys names. Instead, it reads,
'To: G and M Milligram-Waybright'

I look at it confused and hurry back inside so that Ghoul doesn't leave me, which didn't seem like a problem because him and Jet were still going on about twhrther or not the batteries were necessities.

"Party? There was this letter out front but I think they got the wrong people..." I show them as they gently take it and read what the outside envelope says. Their eyes go wide and they seem to be at a loss for words looking it over. "Party...?"

They were unresponsive. Instead turning their head over to Kobra. "Ko-bro? Can you come here for a minute?" they ask as Kobra gets up, walk's to hover over them once met next to Party. They point to the reading on the envelope and Kobra's eyes go just as Party's were.

"What the hell?"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22 ⏰

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