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Kobra Kid's POV

6:59 AM felt like 10 whole minutes. The others had left the house half an hour ago. When my clock reached 6:59:57, I walked to Girlie's room. It was three seconds from hitting 7 AM and I had a whole day planned for us. "Girlie..." I shook her. "It's time to get up."

"Five more minutes?" she whined. "I gave you an hour more than I should've," I grumbled. She looked at the clock on her nightstand and looked back at me unamused. "Ko-Ki... it's seven! That's early!"
"You don't understand that I have a whole day planned for us?" I questioned.

"Go take a shower while I make breakfast. Then, I'll share the plans for today."
She grumbled and went to do such as I started making breakfast. She came back a bit later fully dressed comfortably, as she sat down at the table.

"What is this?" she asked looking at the food. "Well, we got here a protein shake and balanced breakfast. It's a training meal!" I told her. "Training meal...? Wait for what? Are we training today?"
"Yes Girlie, we are!" I beamed. "Do I have to?" she groaned. "Come on, you don't wanna be a part of my interests?" I pouted.
She sighed. "Fiiiiine," she whined. "Yay!" I happily stamped.

After we finished our meals I took her to the backyard and brought my speakers with me so I can teach her some stances and martial arts combat. "Why are we training anyways? We have nobody to fight and nothing to fight for," she said.

"Well, I love combat training overall. But also, it's always good to be prepared for anything. I'd rather expect the unexpected, than not and come face to face with unexpectations." I tell.
I set up my speaker and play some motivating music, and start teaching Girlie some basics.

"So a while back, I used this tactic endlessly. So of course you don't have a ray gun or killjoy mask, but this is still a good strike. Just plant your feet one direct and one behind it to the left face. Now look straight and chest out. Then pretend like the gun is in your pocket, and you'll swiftly take it out and this swerve will have enough force to both, have your hand fist it instantly, and have your mask fall." I teach her the move and she tries to copy

It takes a couple of retakes but she eventually gets a better hang of it. "Oh wow! That one was good, Girlie!" I compliment her. "Thanks." She sighs. "Do I get a reward now?" she says bubbly. "Hah! Like what?" I ask. "I dunno... A short break?" she asks.
"Fine. But only because you practiced so well." I smiled. We sat in the shade in the hammocks we had beside each other and rested for a few minutes.

"That's adrenaline-rushing training isn't it?" I say. "Yup." she agrees. "Hey, Kobra?" She asks. "Hm?" I peep. "I never questioned it back when you guys wore them ask 'Joys, but...why do you guys have masks?" she asked. "Well, when fighting, our masks are like our killjoy souls. They are like the symbol of us. They're what matters in combat. And if we die in combat, The Phoenix Witch collects them." I explain to her.

"Huh...And same with our names?" She asks. "Well, our names are not what we were born with. They are our created names. Our born names are like our dead names. If exterminators like Korse are trying to capture us and kill us, they won't have any information on us since we use these names. Plus, these names are cooler and better anyway. It's the same reason why we never invaded you to know your real name. We didn't want you telling us in case they had trackers out for us." I explain to her.

"Does anyone know your old name?" Girlie asked curiously. "Just Jet, Ghoul, and Party. But that's because Party's my big sib, and I grew up with the others. We all know our old names. That doesn't mean we should use them though. They aren't ours anymore."

She nods understanding, but it hits me that, if we are to ever escape Battery City, we would have to revert to not being killjoys again. The thought of that is painful. "Let's get back to training for a bit, kid. Then I'll make some noodles for lunch."
"Yes!" she cheered.

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