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Party Poison's POV

Show and Dr. D get in the front and Show starts to drive as Jet and Kobra follow on each motorbike. "Hey, Party?" Girlie asks me on the left side of the car. "Yeah, motorbaby?" I ask. "I'm sorry," she sighs. "What for?" I ask.

"Getting myself captured. Whatever kind of crow units they were placed this fake animatronic cat in the yard as a diversion trapped me and took me with them. They weren't the sharpest but well, I was also super gullible-"

Oh god, how it hurt to see her beat herself up for a small little mistake... Why is she taking the blame? "Girlie, stop. It's not your fault. You're a great kiddo, and I'm proud of how tough you are." I told her as she smiled and rested her head on mine.

We eventually got home and I wasted no time before resting Ghoul on his bed. "Rest here, Ghoul... That was a good hit. You luckily didn't lose too much blood but, you shouldn't move much, plus, you'll probably feel pretty loopy for a bit." I ensured him. "Oh. Alright.." he sighed. "I'm glad I took that hit though..." he let out. "Wh-What? Why?" I asked him. Maybe he was already getting loopy. "Because, If I didn't, they would've gotten to you. Badly," he says. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. "You sacrificed your pain to make sure they didn't get me..?" I asked, heating up.

"Yeah," he yawned. I could tell he was getting that unconscious after-hit feeling so I figured I'd let him be. "Thanks, Ghoul." I chuckled, ruffling his hair, then made my way to the door. "Party?" he says as I am just about to leave the room. "Hm?" I turn immediately, looking over at how peacefully he laid on the bed. "Thank you so much," he chuckled.

"Oh, Ghouls, of course, dude..." I smiled at him and left the room. I could've sworn I heard him mutter something else but when I looked back at the room from the hallway, he was eyes closed, fast asleep. So peacefully too. My stomach was fluttering and passing the hallway mirror I noticed my face was excruciatingly red. I walked to the living room and sighed. "Dr. D and Show left by the way," Girlie told me. "Ah, alright.." I exhaled, got a cup of fresh cold water from the kitchen, and walked to the living room. "You alright, Party?" Jet asked as I crashed on the couch next to him, Kobra and Girlie. "Yeah, I'm alright..." You three? I asked.

Kobra nodded with a surprisingly sharp smile as Jet and Girlie both let out their ways of admitting they were right. Kobra shuffled over to me and whispered in my ear. "Party, guess what?" He whispered. I was glad to hear him speaking so clearly and he sounded ecstatic after a battle like this. "What's up, lil bro? I asked putting an arm around his shoulder. "I told Jet. Well. We told each other.." he chuckled to me. Oh my goodness. I knew my little bro had been crushing on Jet for oh so long but to hear that he told him made me so happy!

"Really?!" I gasped looking back at Jet who nodded. "Oh my gosh! Congrats you two!" I hugged Kobra tightly but signaled for Girlie and Jet to join the hug. We four stayed in it and it made me so happy. They made me so happy. I love my little brother, and who he's become. I love Girlie, my little sister, not by blood, but by choice, Jet was always there for me too. He and Ghoul were my closest friends the whole time. I loved all of them they're my best friends in the world. They're my family.

I'd never want to hurt them or put them through too much... But... I can't help but feel like I do. I can't help but feel like I'm just... immature and indecisive, all the time. Dragging them into nonsense or not looking out for them enough. These thoughts were so heavy the rest of the night. By the time I got to bed, I felt like I couldn't hear myself think. All I could hear were these thoughts telling me I was doing a bad job, and that I shouldn't be a killjoy. That I'm a bad caretaker, bad sibling, bad friend. I even heard some telling me stuff about Ghoul... And it hurt.

I couldn't fight them off though. I sighed getting up from bed. I didn't take my jacket with me, or my walkie, or my ray gun, not even my mask or mousekat. I don't wanna bother anyone and I don't want them to bother me either.

I sighed leaving my room, I walked into Ghouls and... I sighed. I looked at his peaceful sleeping face. I gently brushed some hair out of his face, without waking him up. I planted a small little kiss on his forehead as he continued to be knocked out and unconscious, blushing while I did so, before leaving the room, "I'm sorry, Ghouls.." I whispered. He doesn't deserve this, or Kobra, or Jet, or Girlie but I need the space. I very quietly made my way to the diner door.

I sighed leaving them a note before leaving. Not taking the trans am so that it didn't make any noise. I looked up and into the dark night sky of the zones.

"Well, Party Poison...
It's about time we went missing."

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