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Party Poison's POV

I barely spoke to Girlie at all the past few days she thing out with the others the whole day. Mostly because she already almost be going to bed by the time I got home those days, but I still have today with her. I sighed looking at the time. It was 10. I expected that to be a fine time to wake her up.

"Girlie..." I whispered near the door. "I'm already up." She groaned. "Oh. Umm..okay. That's great! There are cereals if you want. Or oatmeal. And maybe later we can go to the arcade or something?" I said uneasily.
She just scoffed and I felt weak. "I'll be in my room kiddo, just tell me when you're ready. And don't take more than two hours, please." I sighed.

I couldn't believe she was so upset with me. I'm a horrible guardian for the way I snapped and lost my temper that night. I'm also not upset that she said I'll never be her real parent. That's true. I could never be.
But I've been trying my best for the past almost four years.

I just stayed in my room with my thoughts for another half hour or so, before Girlie just walks in. "I'm ready," she says mellowly. "Awh that's great." I smile. "So where do you wanna go?" I ask. "It doesn't matter to me." she yawns. "Arcade?" I ask. She nods and we go get into the trans am.

We get to the arcade and I watch her as she plays some games. She wasn't as happy as she usually was here, but she was satisfied. The whole time I felt every feeling over my shoulders and spine. I felt it was sensing something. I felt spied on.

It rubbed me uneasy, but I shrugged it off. Or tried to at least. When Girlie decided she wanted to leave, we did so and I started to drive us home after. That was before I noticed a car behind me. It seemed normal before it kept staying behind me the whole time. "Ugh, get off my ass-" I muttered.

I ignored it before Girlie got concerned. "Uh, Party..." she stuttered. "What's wrong kiddy?" I ask. "Does that sticker on the license plate of that car look familiar?" She said worriedly looking at the car behind us.

"Shit," I said under my breath. She gasped. "There's no way, right?" she panicked. "Draculoids." I let out. "How did they get here?" She shouted.

I picked up speed but they were quicker. "Shit! I don't have my ray gun on me, I haven't needed it in forever!" I panicked. "What do we do?" she asked seriously. "Stay in the trans am," I said swerving and parking it on a deserted sideline. "What?" she yelled.

I stepped out of the trans am and put my hands up once they were stopping. "Don't hurt her!" I demanded. "You really think that's supposed to work Par-" she raved. "Get down and keep quiet Girlie!" I scolded.
A draculoid hopped out of the car and I got really scared. I haven't done this in years, what if I can't remember how to fight like a killjoy?

"Don't hurt her, or else what? You gonna call S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W? The authorities? Battery City representatives? All gone." My eyes flashed. Obviously, S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W was gone for years, we blew them out. But... "You took out the authority?" I hollered. "I'm not here for chit-chat, you red-haired hellfire. Just give up the girl," they demanded.

"She's not yours!" I yelled.
"And quite frankly, she isn't yours either," they smirked. That enraged me. "Take us in." I huffed. "What?" Girlie screeched from the trans am. "Take us both in. Together." I pleaded. "Are you crazy?" she wailed.
"You heard the kid. Take 'em in." The draculoid said as a group of them fled out of the car and locked me and Girlie up together in handcuffs behind our backs.

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