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Party Poison's POV

Girlie started spitting out swears and I couldn't even function. "Language." I hissed. "That's the most of your worries right now?" she groaned. "They took everything too, how are you gonna call the others?" she asked. "Fuck." I tsked. They proceeded to put a blindfold on our eyes until it felt like we had been thrown into the room of what l couldn't imagine the building even was since we were blindfolded.

Since Girlie and I were locked together, I knew she was still there of course. "Look what you've done, Party Poison." she grieved. "I'm sorry." I sighed. It was silent for a bit until I heard trembling breaths and little sniffles. "No, no. Girlie." I hushed her. "You did this to try and save me, again!" she cried. "Now we're stuck together, locked in a cellar for all I know, and I can't even see anything." she cried. "This isn't your fault, it's mine," I assured her.

"What? No, it's mine. I'm the problem. I've always been. You should just get rid of me." she cried. "Girlie, don't say that." I gasped. "I'm sorry." she burst into tears. "It's okay, it's okay. The boys will find us I'm sure of it."
I trembled. "I'm sorry for saying you aren't my real parent. Actually. I'm just sorry for all of that argument." Girlie let out.

"You're right, though. But I don't love you any less than I would if I was your real parent." I told her. "But I love you more as a big sibling than a parent," she told me. "I'll keep that noted."
She squirmed a little but managed to get her head to lean on my shoulder.

"Hey, let's get your mind off of it. Why don't you tell me something the boys taught you in the last few days?" I asked. "Oh, we can play 21 questions. It's a good way of releasing honest answers and questions. Jet taught me that." Girlie explains.

We play for a bit but the whole time I just was internally scared for us. Eventually, we will starve and turn a bit feral again. Nobody knows when or if we'll be able to be rescued, and on top of that, we don't even know what they're going to do to us. "Party?" Girlie called to snap me out of my thought. "Party, are you still there? Did you fall asleep?" she panicked.

"I'm still here, motorbaby, sorry." I relieved her. "It's your turn for a question," she told.
"Oh, okay. Uh, favorite superhero?" I asked.
"Oh for Destroya's sake..." she sighed. "Woah. That isn't how you use that phrase." I say. "Yeah, it is. That's how I always hear you refer to it," she responds. "What? Like when." I ask. "Like when you're fixing your the trans am and it breaks mid-fix," she answers. This causes me to crack up and she does as well. Hearing her laughter after days of not talking to her made me happy.

"That's it." I hissed. "I'm finding a way to get this stupid blindfold off so I can see your little smile again." I ranted. "Party, you can't." She sighed. "How are you so calm about this?" I asked her. "I believe in the boys. They'll come when it's time. Plus, we've kicked drac-butt before! It's only been a few minutes." She says.

"I used to kinda miss being a killjoy and saving the world. But, I never realized how painful it really gets. I guess because I was younger then. But I promise you Girlie, After we beat up these Dracs, it's no more Fabulous Killjoys for good." I tell her.

"No, Party you can't do that. I know you missed this. You don't need to pretend you didn't like being a killjoy. You don't have to hide or grow out from your interests." She advises me. "Fun Ghoul taught you that didn't he?" I asked. "Yeah." she yawned. "If you're getting tired love, you can rest," I say.
She reaches to find my hand and holds it as she stays leaning on my shoulder.

I was still scared. Was I ready to become a killjoy again? I don't want them hurting Girlie. She's my little sister figure, and they're what got her into this position all that time ago. I hope the boys come soon.

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