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Jet-Star's POV

"But in general, this was a really good day out, if I do say so myself." Fun Ghoul remarked. KK and I agreed with him in unison. We walk up to the house to notice that the trans am wasn't pulled up in its spot.

"Uh guys, where's the car?" I asked. "Oh, what?" Kobra mumbled confusedly. "That's...weird are Party and Girlie even home?" I question. "We should check," KK says. "It is late, after all." Ghoul grabs his keys and opens up for us and we walk in to find nobody there. "I'm so confused." Kobra blurts. "I should call Party." Ghoul stutters.

We let his phone dial them but they don't pick up, it just goes straight to their iconic voicemail. "That's right, It's Party Poison! Leave a message, Sunshine." Ghoul sighed concerned and recorded a message. "Hey, Party. Where are you? We just got home and the trans am and you two aren't here. Are you and Girlie alright? Please get back to me when you can." he recorded.

Another fifteen minutes went by and it only got later and darker. "This isn't like Party. We should go look for them." Ghoul worried with a shaking leg. "You're right, but how? They took the car." I worried. "Motorbikes!" Kobra reacted. "You little genius!" I gasped. He beamed as we ran to the garage to get them. "These two haven't been used in forever but they're the only working ones, so they needed some time to start up again," I tell. "We don't have time!" Ghoul snaps. "FG, breathe. We're all a little scared and confused but, I'm sure they're fine." I calm him.

"They should be all warmed up," Kobra tells. "Good, let's go. Ghoul, you can take your own, KK, can I hitch a ride on yours?" I ask. "Sure thing.." He reddens. I hold onto Kobra as the three of us dash off to find Girlie and Party Poison. "Where do you think, Par and Girlie would be?" I ask. "Given they weren't in the best terms, probably somewhere comforting, to clear both their minds," Ghoul claims. "Yeah, you're right. Where do you think that would be?" I think.

"Try the arcade, on the edge of Route Erriyn," Ghoul remarked. Kobra picked up speed and by the time we got to the arcade, it was closed. "Damn." Ghoul fiddled with the lock. "It's locked for sure."
"Fuck. Hop back on, boys. We're not done here." I speak. We drive halfway done the route before a familiar car, is dusted out on the side of it. "The trans am!" Kobra yells. "What the," I say as he hits the brakes and skids to the side.

"I have the keys," I tell. "Put the motorbikes in the trunk." I look to the side of the the trand am and see truck marks in the opposite direction of his the car was parked. "We'll follow these."
I say getting in the driver's seat. The drive was a bit, but the tracks finally stopped at a building. A wide lab-looking building. "Who in Destroya's name does this place being to?" Ghoul questioned. "I dunno," I mumbled. "You two stay out here, in case the security of this place shows up. How will you get in?" Kobra asks.

"Ko, I dress in all black and navy. I'm a stealth master." I brag. "Except I do need you guys to be a distraction," I tell them. The boys look at each other and sound the car alarm. A swarm of security rushes out and I'm sure they'll get themselves out of that.
I make my way to the open door of the building and sneak toward what looks like rooms.

Each room is labeled something else. I take note as I skittishly pass each one. I eventually come across one labeled, "Redhead hellfire and little orphan." There's no way to get in without a raygun blast, so I fire at the door and get in.

The stomps of security rushed down the hallway. "Was that..a ray-gun blast? Who's there?" Party yelled startled. "Guys, it's Jet," I said rushing to get them out of their blindfolds and chains. "Jet!" Girlie hugged me. "Hi, honey. Jeez, You've been in there for how long?" I asked. "Too long man, my circulation is gone as fuck, and my vision is more than blurry." Party sighed. "We gotta go," I say as security reaches closer.
"Too late." a Draculoid says behind the blasted door.

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