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Ghoul's POV

It hurt to see Party beat themselves up with words like that. "What? No, of course, you aren't that bad, Party. Let's go. We have no time to waste. We gotta get Girlie." I told.
"Show, Dr. D, you take the Trans Am. Kobra, take Jet with you on your motorbike. Party, come with me on the spare motorbike." I advise a plan.

Party nods and sighs. "Good plan." they sigh hoping on the motorbike. "Show, you break my car and I will end you," they add throwing them the keys to the trans am. Us three duos split up and I can feel Party's sadness.
"Par, you okay?" I asked. "No! I lost my kid again! I don't get it! I was arguing with Show for like a minute!" they told. "You had no concept of that time, did you? Party, that was more like twenty minutes." I explain to them.

"What?" Party said slowly confused. "You mean I got so caught up arguing with Show that- oh destroya, I'm horrible." they panicked. "Party, it'll be all" "Ghoul! Wait, look!" Party caught me off guard pointing to a trail of crayons broken in half. Very well-spaced, not seeming to end for a bit. "These are Girlie's! Shit, that kid is smart! Follow them!" they yelled as I followed them.

The trail ended about 20 feet in front of two evenly spaced shacks with at least two or three floors. "You think.. Dracs took her into one of these?" I asked. "That or crow, but. Theirs only one way to find out which. Let's split, Ghoul." Party told me as I nodded. "Right."

As Party kicked the door down theirs, I shot a ray gun at the door of the shack he went too and, and it was empty. Well, at least. Abandoned looking. There seemed to be old loot. Maybe some of a bounty hunter. Just a pile of junk in the corner while the rest of the place rusted, it was dark, but not pitch black.

That was until I opened the door to the upstairs. "What the" I questioned opening a door to a completely pitch-black room. "Hello, Fun Ghoul." an ominous boss-like voice says. I flinch. As there is no trace of a figure to claim the voice too. "Who's there? And what the fuck is all this?" I jolt.

"Heh, I'll explain in a minute," the voice says as a creepy forced gust of wind knocks me off my feet, knocking me into a cuff trap. "How the fuck did you do that? And where are you?!" I questioned shouting into the abyss of the dark room. Echoes in his voice. "Where's my kid?!" I shouted after a moment of silence.

It almost seemed as if the voice from before was gone. Until it wasn't. "Your kid? That isn't yours. And quite frankly it's none of the killjoy's" the voice says out of nowhere. "She is ours. She is not a that or it. Where. Is she?" I ask as his voice because more ferocious. "She's safe with another Scarecrow-"

"You guys are scarecrows?! Why?! Why do you want her?! What did we even do? We have the right to live here! She did nothing wrong!" I grunt struggling trying to get out of the chained cuffs. "That is where you are incorrect. You exterminated Korse and his scarecrow units, the BetterLiving Draculoids. Nobody but the government of Battery City gave you the right to live here. But is the present-day government of Battery City the legal owner No. Therefore you are still illegal by scarecrow law."

"Fuck Scarecrow law, and fuck you!" I snarled. The Scarecrow's voice tsked. "If I were you I'd keep quiet and wait for your Poison hero to save you like the damsel in distress you always are for them. Oh wait, they're trapped too." The Scarecrow unit's voice echoes.
I don't have time to react to what he had called me or Party Poison, before engaging in the last part. "What did you just say?" I grits my teeth. "Don't worry the girl is with them." The voice adds.

"Let them. Go!"

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