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Jet-Star's POV

Waking up to Ghoul dragging me out of bed is never fun. "The hell are you doing?" I ask him while he drags me by the legs out of my room. "Jet, can you keep quiet? The motor baby is still sleeping." He whisper-yells.

He brings me to Party Poison's room where I see Kobra sitting criss-cross on Party's bed as they stood in front of KK and the bed, pointing to what seemed to be a slideshow presentation on their laptop.

"I'm gonna need more of an explanation than this," I say. "Intervention," Kobra responds. I realize and take a seat next to him on the bed, as well as Fun Ghoul. "Boys, this intervention is on Girlie," they say. "Oh no, is she okay?" I ask. "Yes. There's just this thought that's been crossing my mind."

I sit there concerned. "She just turned twelve. She's a preteen now, and I'm scared it'll get harder to look after her, the closer she gets to teen." Party explains. "All children are like that Party. Did something happen?" I asked. They sighed. "..Yeah, we had a bit of an argument, and I'm afraid that she might not wanna talk to me for a while." they explained.

"Not to be hypocritical, but-" Ghoul chuckled nervously. "Yes, I know. We were all like this too. Kinda explains why we became killjoys." Party laughed. "But, I have a proposition. If all three of you spend a solo day alone with Girlie, one day at a time, maybe she can learn a thing or two from you guys, and forgive me." Party says.
"After all, this can save her from becoming a teenager that could care less about anything."

We agreed to the terms and had our plan.
I had this day with Girlie, then Ghoul has tomorrow, Kobra has Friday, and then Party on Saturday. The other three 'Joys left as I stayed home alone waiting for Girlie to wake up.

"Hey, Jet," she said groggily walking into the living room right before noon hit. "Hi, motor baby." I greeted her sweetly. "Where are the others?" she asked sitting on the couch next to me. "They're gonna be out today, it's a 'you and my day'!" I told her. "Ooh!" she exclaimed. "What do you want to eat, Sunshine?" I asked her. "Pancakes?" she asked. I nodded and took out the pancake mix and other ingredients.

I know the point of us each taking out own day with her is to teach her some morals and eventually at the end of it, refresh her mind with Party, but I can't help but wanna ask her what happened. When the pancakes seemed ready, I served her at the table, and we just sat there in silence for a little before the got curious. "Jet-Star, why is it a 'you and my day'?" she asked.

"I told you they're out." I chopped on my pancakes answering.
"Out where I mean?"
I just sighed. "I dunno, sometimes they all just need a day outta the house at the same time," I told her. I saw her look down and emotions faded from her face. "What's wrong, lil one?" I frowned. "Nothing." she sighed. "Are you sure?" I questioned.
"Of course." she nodded.

"You know you can tell me anything. You don't need to keep anything bottled up and hidden inside." I reassure her. She squirms her face. "I can't find the words." she pouts.
"You know, if you want, we can play 21 questions. It's a good way of releasing honest answers and questions."

She agreed to it and so I started.
"Why are you down today?" I asked. "I woke up like this," she answered.
"Okay, now you ask me," I said.
"Is Party mad at me?" she asked. "Not that I know of," I answer. That's when I realized how much whatever happened between them meant to her. "Your turn," she said nervously.

"Girlie, did something happen between you and Party?" I asked. "We got into a bit of an argument before I went to bed last night."
"Can you tell me about it?" I ask concerned.
"Jet! You can't ask two questions in a row, you lose!" she laughs. I don't want to be hard on her, so throughout the day, I avoid it with her, but am still curious. Maybe Kobra or Ghoul can find out tomorrow or Friday.

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