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Party Poison's POV

"Listen here, We can do this the easy way or the hard way," I said cracking my knuckles and loading up my guns. "How did you expect me?" The Draculoid asked. Oh boy, he wasn't only stupid, was pathetic. "You simply underestimated me. I know how this works. One abandoned shack means it's loaded with traps and lightspeed contact with CROW, while two shacks mean both are guarded. Don't think you outsmarted me." I said firing my ray-gun which he shot back at.

I dodged immediately and continued firing back hitting him like a dart hitting the bullseye on a target and made a run for it.
I had to get to Ghoul. I ran to his building and realized it was the same as mine. "Hello? Ghoul?! Where are you?!" I ran up to the second floor and heard him. "Party!! Par, I'm here!" he shrieked. "I'm on my way I said as I ran up and noticed the door was ray-gun proof. "Ugh, gotta do this the old hard way," I said getting a running start to slam my body against the door so it could knock down.

I wasted not a second once I got in there. Blasting the Scarecrow unit before he could say anything and I slid to Ghoul untrapping him. "Par?" he asked as took his blindfold and traps off. "Yeah. It's me, Gho-" he wrapped himself around me in a hug and I held back out of immediate relief. "Woah..." I flusteredly chuckled. "Sorry.." he sweats.  "Come on. Let's get back to the motorbike." I say as Ghoul takes my hand immediately, making me turn pink. "Hey, are you alright?" I ask, looking him in the eyes.

He simply nods. "Yeah, I'm okay. Sorry," he says, looking down. "Don't be, it's fine, Ghoul. Did that Scarecrow unit talk shit to you?" I asked and he nodded. What did they possibly say to Ghoul? I swear they'll pay for whatever shit was said to ever hurt him.
"Good thing he's done with, right?" I nudge him and he finally smiles. I love those damn smiles. "Party Poison! Come in!" I hear on my walkie. "Oh shit! I have reception now!" I say picking up the walkie. "Show Pony?! What is it?" I ask. "We found Girlie! Over!" They tell.

"Stay there! I'm gonna find Jet-Star and Kobes. When I come in again, send me your location immediately!!" I tell. I hope on the motorbike as Ghoul wraps himself around me. "Jet! Kobra! Come in! Come in?" Ghoul asks on the walkies. "Ugh, they gotta be trapped somewhere. There's no reception!" he states.

That's when I realize. "Ghoul, I know where they are!" We rev the motorbike and start speeding through the dunes. "What? Where then, Pois?" he asks. "There's only one shack I know in the direction they went that wouldn't have Scarecrow units in it, but sensory traps. It shouldn't be far!" I say as the shack nears sight. "There! Is it that one?" Ghoul asks pointing to a way modernized shack that stood taller and alone. "Yeah, Yeah look that's Kobra's bike and their and Jet's helmets!" I say. We skid over to the building once close enough.

We get to the door that seems broken down. "Only Kobes" I laugh to myself. We run to the top floor and rush to see a ray-gun-proof door. "Damn it!" I say trying to shoot it down. "Par, it's no use," Ghoul says pulling me away from it as I exhale, worked up with stress and anxiety from everything.
"Are you alright, Party?" he asks. "No! No, Ghoul, I'm...  I'm losing it... I can't function away from Girlie and I just feel under pressure." I ramble to him as he gives me that, look. The look that always has me feeling things for him.

"You're Party Poison. And we all love you for that. Nobody can talk you out of who you are and what you are capable of. We all care for you so much. You are doing great. Okay?" he tells me. I smile at him and he smiles back. I feel a rosiness spread across my face, but I can't stop just grinning at his precious face as it stares into mine.

"Thank you, Ghouls." I sigh regaining my focus. "Hey, the door is bulletproof, not soundproof! Help us out here before you start making out, okay?" Jet hollers from the other side of the door. "Before we what?!" Ghoul shrieks, flustered and confused. "On our way, you guys!" I say as I try breaking the door by the side. "I don't think it's any use, Pois," Ghoul tells.

"Check the bottom level!" I say as we rush to the bottom level, searching for low and behold a hidden latch door. It was rusted and hard to unscrew but I don't carry around my sunglasses for nothing. I took them from my jacket pocket and started using the metal stem from the rubber sleeves of them to pick at the rust, before busting it up and claiming the very unstable ladder on it. "Jet! Kobra! Come down!" I told them as I peeked my head in to see them very cutely snuggled in a corner of the darker room.

"Party!" they both yelled coming down. As we got out of the shed entirely, I ran to check up on Kobra and Jet. "Kobra! You okay? Lil bro?" I asked hugging him and making sure he wasn't hurt. He nodded and gave me a little smile. "And you Jet?" I asked him. "All good, Party!" he said.

"Good." I said as them two got on their motorbikes and Ghoul and I got on the other. "Then lets go save Girlie."

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