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Kobra Kid's POV

I don't think we knew where we were going. Just walking around the outlet as a pastime. It was awkward between us three. We weren't usually like this, but it hadn't been our day. I for one never liked the anniversary of this day. However, seeing that it has been four years since the actual, event, I'm hoping this can be the last year it has had a tremendous effect on me.

Even though I said that last year. Listen, it's not the easiest thing to clear off your mind. Especially after you get notifications on your phone of photos you have of that day, before the incident. Honestly, I'm not quite sure how Jet-Star got over it all he was with me and the one driving. Dr. Death's News report of that day was called "Jet-Star and The Kobra Kid / Traffic Report" I reread the article on his site after the hospital stay.

By the first year anniversary, I still couldn't process it. Not only had I forgotten that it had been a year since that, but it didn't even feel as such. Then by the second year, I slept through the whole day. I concerned Party in the process. They thought I was suffering or something. Mentally, I was and still am, but I couldn't let them know. The third year's anniversary was like this year but we were on vacation, so it was easier to rest my mind.

I then started hearing muffled calling. "Kobra? Kobra are you there, you okay?" Ghoul asked, as it faintly got clearer. I looked over and just nodded. "Hey, look, I'm sorry about earlier. I didn't know it was your-" I just sighed. "You don't have to be sorry. It's been four years. Thats plenty of time for me to get over it. I don't know why I haven't." I sigh.
The three of us took a seat on an outdoor bench outside a restaurant in the outlets and just sat there in sighs.

"But, I was there, Kobra. I saw it all. I was as scared as you. Not only was I the one who distracted us on the drive, but I put the risk of one of my best friends' life." Jet explains "That and you as my other best friend's teenage brother. I should've known better than to take a drive on Route Guano during Draculoid week. he continues. "We're lucky we made it out alive, cus dude, was Party shaking when he saw us at the hospital." Jet explains.

Hearing the words of my near death, setting in other people's words and perspectives, was my breaking point. I started to break down. Tears I didn't even know I had coming fell down and just kept falling. I kept gasping and crying. "Oh, Kobra.." Jet gasped as he and Ghoul hugged me from both sides of me. "Let it out buddy," Ghoul whispered as I just sobbed endlessly.

"I didn't mean to have you swerve, Jet. If I had known Korse was that close to us. Damn my risky plans. I was just a stupid teen. I was on my deathbed that night. I'll never forget the scarred looks on all of you. Jet, I'm sorry." I cried out. We probably looked so pathetic to people in the outlet who didn't know us. Suddenly I looked up and saw Party and Girlie. They were smiling before realizing that my face was red and covered in moisture from the tears. "Kobra Kid!" Girlie let go of Party's hand and ran up to me.

"Why is he crying, Jet?" She asked worriedly. "It's nothing, kiddie. I'll be okay." I sniffled. She hugged me and I broke. "Thanks, Lil sis," I told her. She always got happy when I called her that. Jet picked her up and placed her on his lap after the hug, as I wiped my tears. "But what's wrong, really?" she asked. Ghoul sighed. "Girlie, do you remember that day a few years ago we had to rush to the hospital for Jet and KK?" he asked. She nodded. "Yeah, it was scary."

"Yeah, well Kobra was just remembering it." he went on. I nodded and just tried to smile, even though it came out weakly. "Like, I said I'll be okay, though," I said getting up. Party smiled as they looked at the restaurant behind us. "Hey, what do you say we treat ourselves," they ask looking at the restaurant and then back to us.

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