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Girlie's POV

"Hey... How long's it been, Starry?" I asked Jet. Fun Ghoul hadn't been gone for too long, but I was just curious. "Uh, maybe like 12 minutes, motorbaby?" he checks his flashwatch. I nod and look out the window, to the cliffs. Party Poison needed an escape, and none of us noticed. How did none of us notice? The radio of the car was on, but low. I could only hear so much of Dr. Death Defying's transmission, while Jet and Kobra were gossiping as well. Well, mostly Jet. Kobra just snickering and agreeing.

I listened to the radio. Something about a new young killjoy group called the Ultra V's or something, almost getting themselves pixelated by Scarecrow units. Now, it wouldn't cross my mind if it was Draculoids of Revision. But crow units? It was intriguing, especially at the thought of them being young joys. Presumably a year or two younger than the age of The Fabulous Killjoys, back in 2019.

DJ Cherri Cola, was giving another important poet note, but at that point, the radio finally died out my ears over Jet and Kobra's shared laughter. Fun Ghoul then joins us, getting back in the Trans Am driver's seat, and slamming the door, which caused total silence. That and the fact Party wasn't with him. "No luck?" Jet asked.
Ghoul turned to look at us three, and we all got a good look at him. We were all shocked at the fact his face was red and puffy and damped with tears galore. The tears were running down both sides of his face, and he had a little trembling sigh. "That's not the case." he sighed.

"What happened, Ghoul? And why's Party not-" "I don't want to talk about it. Not right now. Just know that they asked numerous times for me to leave without them. So I did." he explained as he buckled and we started to drive home. "What? We aren't leaving without them!" Kobra remarked. "It's what they wanted, Kobra Kid," Ghoul choked mid-sentence. "I don't care! We shouldn't just bail on them!" Kobra responded immediately.

"Well, unlike you I do care! If they asked me for something, I'll do that something!" Ghoul argued back. "But they're my sibling, Ghoul we need to go back! I don't trust what they're doing!" Kobra cried out. I just sat there, anxious and not sure how to help. Like always... "You're a good brother, Kobra. You know that? Party loves you, they just aren't themselves right now and-" Jet tries to calm Kobra, but gets cut off by Kobra's hyperventilating. "I'm going to get out of this car and go find them, myself then!" Kobra said, his voice raising more towards the end of his outburst.

"Not while this car is moving you won't!" Ghoul yelled. "Guys stop fighting! And Kobra, please don't do that!" Jet demanded, gripping his sleeve so that he didn't get out.
There was a bunch of yelling and it all went incoherent to me... I couldn't take it anymore.

"Stop!" I yelled, uncontrollably. "Girlie! What is it?" Jet asked, just as loud as his claims before. "I can't take the yelling! Why are you all arguing? Is it because Party's not here? Look at us! We can't function without them!"
I sighed.

Fun Ghoul sighed, calming down and as a result, stopping the car at a road stop nearby. "Girlie's right. We can't. I'm not sure what to do honestly." Ghoul buried his face in his hands. "Well, we shouldn't fret. You're Fun Ghoul, you're tough! Don't let this beat you up too much. Party will come back, I have lots of faith. Kobra, look at me. Try to stay calm. We'll bring Party back if it's the last thing we do." Jet reassures them.

Kobra nods and lays his head back on Jet, who looks over to me. "Hey, it's not easy being a killjoy. But you wanna know something, motorbaby?" he whispers in my ear. "What?" I whisper back. "You're doing great," he says. I smile and hug him tightly. It was a crammed-up hit, being in the car, but what he said not only to me but all of us was well needed for us all to hear. "Come on, we're all overwhelmed. Let's take a break and stretch. Ghoul, you should rest. It wasn't safe to walk up and down those cliffs and drive, with that ankle." Jet suggests.

Ghoul nods and he gets out, limping a bit, so I get out as well to help him out, as Jet and Kobra get out and we all take a seat on some stones on the road. "A lot is going on right now. I think the best way to cope with it all would be to explain myself." Ghoul mutters. We all listen up as he sighs and begins to tell us what happened before.

"I found Party Poison, but they weren't in the mood to talk I guess. Which I totally get with how overwhelming everything has been like the unidentified units and where they're coming from and all that. Anyways, they said we're...better off without them? Now I'm afraid they won't wanna come back." he sniffled, on the verge of tears once again.

I frowned, nervous and scared for if that were the case. "Ghoul, I'm sorry to hear that's how it went." Jet let out, dismally.
"That's not all, really..." Ghoul said, gloomily.
"They asked me why I cared so much about bringing them back, and well...I told them I loved them..." Ghoul muttered.

My eyes widened and I wanted to sit there in surprise but my instinct told me to hug Ghoulie. So I did. And Jet and Kobra followed. Ghoul hugged back and trembled with sighs and sniffles. "I'm proud of you, Ghoulie!" I told him and he chuckled with tears. "Aww, motorbaby..." he sniffled. "I'm proud of you too," Kobra added as Ghoul ruffled his hair. "Fun Ghoul, trust me. Party Poison will come back. Especially with what you said. I just know it." Jet let Ghoul know.
"Thanks, you guys." Ghoul smiled at us each.

After a few more on it's of talking, and stretching we were about to head into the car, but something had grabbed my attention. Far off in the distant road. A heard of... Dracs? No those weren't dracs. That's impossible. Those were... Units.

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