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(A/N takes inspo for the Gerard missing report from 2004)

Fun Ghoul's POV

I woke up around noon. Crazily sore and groaning even trying to get one muscle of my body up. In terms of my ankle and leg in general, it stopped burning and bleeding for good from the stupid blasted shot yesterday. It was cleaned and wrapped in bandage wrap, immediately speaking the medical care it needed, because of Par.

I sighed, thinking about them, and how they didn't hesitate for a second to patch up the pain. They're something else. Wow, look at me thinking about them first thing in the morning... "That's normal," I thought to myself, purely with the intent of sarcasm. I was a little too self-aware of my huge crush on Party. Girlie knew about it, oddly enough she was the only one to. Or so I was aware of.

I sighed getting up, and stretching out of bed. Limping quite a lot.  I took my first step out of bed, wobbling and thudding to the floor. "Oww! Fuckin" "What th- Ghoul?" I heard a little voice outside my room in the hallway, "Girlie?" I questioned as she walked in and tried to pick me off the floor. "Good morning! Uh, you okay?" She asked as I got up and limped my way to the living room slowly. "Mhm, I'm good, motorbaby..." I told her as I saw Jet making some brunch with Kobra serving himself.

"Morning, Jet-Star, Kobra!" I greeted them. "Morning, FG!" Jet told. "Have you seen, Party?" Kobra asked. Blurting out, not even saying good morning beforehand. "Are they not here?" I asked confused. "No. Been up for hours, they haven't been home.." Kobra says, his finger tapping rapidly at the table.

My eyes widened, a little nerve-wracked. The most unsettling part was that it wouldn't matter that much if Kobra didn't think anything of it, but he sounded actively worried, and talking fast. "What?" I said as chills ran up my spine. "Yeah, their ray gun, jacket, walkie, and all of their gear is here. Nothing to contact them even..." Jet murmurs.

"That can't be a coincidence. For a bunch of hours?" I scratched my head. "I'm afraid it isn't a coincidence. Kobra found this note from them on the front door." Jet says. I read it and was just trying to process the utter confusion it left me in.

"Guys, I'm worried." I paced back and forth. "Me too," Girlie speaks up worriedly looking at me "I'm not quite sure what to do though..." Jet says. "We gotta go look for them," I tell. "No, you need to get more great and stay in bed. You look feverish still and are limping like a hare," Jet says. "Jet, I gotta go look for them. The more time we waste, the worse things could be." I stress. "We need to do something!" Kobra says forcefully.

"Okay. Fine. I have an idea. We'll call up Dr. Death. Tell him to let you send out an emergency message on his radio show." I say as it comes to me. "We'll let the word spread for another hour or two after the broadcast, and if we don't hear any word back, we split up and search the zones," I tell.

"Ghoul, but you limping and have a fever," Girlie states. "Well, Never mind about the shape I'm in, right now! Knowing Party is okay, is more important to me! It always will be! They're that meaningful alright? I know you guys understand." I rambled, addressing how I felt, with a little bit of overwhelm, causing me to start having tears roll down. This had to be some emotional hormone side effect of the meds or... Maybe I was just a big baby. The three came over to comfort me with hugs, making me let the tears roll, as I briefly had some conversation with them about some potentially important topic to get off my chest at brunch, before calling Dr. D.

I rang up Dr. D, my eyes watery still and sniffles still stuffy as I tried to suvk up the pain. "Well well, Fun Ghoul!" he picked up. "Hehe...Dr. D! Thank the Phoenix Witch you're hosting the radio today. I have an emergency alert that needs all of your listener's attention. Mind if I make it?" I ask on the other side. He let me, and my call was suddenly live to the public, in less than an instant. I sighed, my voice still shaky and congested sounding.

"Hi, Bat City. This is Fun Ghoul of the Fabulous Killjoys. Uh.. this message is very very important but I'II make it quick, because I am sick. Uhm, there have been new unidentified units in the zones who have recently put us Fab 'Joys back in business but they're dealt with as far as we know, and uh, Party said they were going to get to the bottom of the reasoning behind where they're coming from as quick as possible. But they left strangely in the middle of the night supposedly, last remembered wearing their black short sleeve, yellow two-striped "05" shirt, and uh.. we haven't seen them since. we found a note saying something about being the next Mike Milligram, and something about life being a bag of shit, uh, they're wearing denim Dead Pegasus black jeans, and a black with a yellow and red striped shirt, so if you have any information on their whereabouts, please contact DJ, Dr. Death Defying. Thank you Battery City, Keep on making some noise. Ghoul out."

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