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Jet-Star's POV

Kobra accelerated his motorbike, no sign of Girlie or Scarecrow unit. This area of battery city land was almost completely vacant.

The noise of Kobra's breathing was piercing enough to echo inside his helmet, to be able to be heard through my own. "Are you alright, Kobes?" I asked, holding closer onto Kobra from behind him on the motorbike. I was concerned for him. Kobra nodded. Suddenly an abandoned shack was seen distantly. It was... odd looking. Shacks were built where two would stand next to each other. But this one stood alone.

"Kobes, Let's check here. Scarecrows usually leave things in odd open bases," I tell Kobra. He skids his motorbike to the side, locks it in place, as we both take off our helmets and leave it with the motorbike. I walk up to the shack door. "I guess I.." I pulls out my ray gun and aim it at the door before Kobra kicks it down. "Oh. That works too." I say stunned. He's really strong..

Him and I head in and we look around before checking upstairs and to their surprise it was a dark, dusty room. Dim and blacked out. "Kobra. Stay close to me, this all seems scarily sketchy-" I paused before Kobra gasped as he tripped on a wire. "Wait no, no it was a sensor trap!" I freaked out, my immediate bodily response was to shield Kobra and keep him from getting hurt. I shield him to the wall to keep him safe. Kobra's eyes widened and I internally felt blood rush to my cheeks. We were so close. "Sorry..." Lasers went off and the door of the upstairs locked as locks on the windows became stuck. "What kind of mad technology...?"

Kobra took out his ray gun and started firing it at the door. Nothing happened. "That sensor. It programmed bulletproof shielding onto things. Whoever owns this shack has us trapped." I asked.
Kobra raged, throwing his ray gun to the floor. Groaning and striking, angrily. Pulling at his hair, stressed, and punching the wall. I couldn't watch him like this. "Kobra, it'll be okay," I rub his back for condolence. "Breathe, Kobes..." I state softly grabbing ahold of him and settling him down next to him on the floor leaning against the wall.

Kobra rolled his eyes. I felt weak at the sight. "Are you mad at me, Kobra? I'm so sorry for getting us int-"
"No!" Kobra responded fragilly catching me off guard. I knew that Kobra was in a non-vocal-like behavior at the moment so to see that he responded made Jet feel more secure. "m Just, stressed...and mad," Kobra grunted.

"I know, Kobes, I'm sorry. Is there anything I can do to calm you?" I asked, continuing to rub his back as his breathing synced to slow down. "I- reassurance...?" Kobra sighed. "Kobra Kid, I promise you on my soul, We will make it out of here. Things will get better right now. You'll be okay. You're not in this alone, I'm here. I always will be." I delcare.

He shuffled closer to me and I wrapped my arm around him, letting his head rest on my shoulder. "I'm sorry for squirming. I'm just fucking irritated by this room," Kobra mutters. "Don't apologize Kobes, I get it." I assure him. "I can check in that corner pile of junk for something to rest your head on like a pillow or something comfortable, though, I can't see the stuff well..."

"You don't have to check,"
"Kobra, It's no bother. I think this might be a couch cushion.." I struggle to grab the cushion in the pile.
Kobra smiles at me, as he brings the cushion over. "I know you're tired, Kobes. Lay down on my lap if you need." I mutter, patting down on the cushion as Kobra blushes but does so. He's so cute.

"I'm sick of these ridiculous situations. I love being a 'joy. I love the victory from fighting and that adrenaline rush is just the best, but if I like it so much, why do I get so angry at shit like this? I feel like Scarecrow can so easily beat me up now like I'm not a threat." Kobra rants.

"It's not all that easy to be as good as we were, it's nobody's fault. We'll get out of this situation and improve from here. And if those scarecrow units even think of messing with The Kobra Kid, I'll knock them out." I chuckle to which causes Kobra to have a mesmerized look on his face.

"...And if they even dare to mess with Jet-Star, they're getting a fucking crane kick at full force to the skull!" Kobra smirks looking up from my lap. I smile. "That's the Kobra I know!"  I hype him up as he just chuckles. The cutest laugh ever.

"I'll never let them hurt you, I promise, Ko. You know I won't go anywhere without you. You're the other half of me. We're Jet-Star and The Kobra Kid! Always and forever." I smile softly down at him. "Jet, Do you ever get the feeling that, If you don't speak up about something in the best possible place, at such a very right time, then there's no use bringing it up ever again?" Kobra asks me.

"Like being trapped in a room with the sweetest, most comforting, and best person in your life. Not knowing how to commit your feelings to them?" I ask hesitantly.

"Um...exactly. That's exactly what I..." Kobra gulps. "Then yeah. I get it. Especially with being so horrible at wording things and just wanna express how they feel to you already. And have been with them through so much of their life wanting to just confess that-" I trail off as Kobra just grabs ahold of my hand.

"Jet! Jet! Do you-? Am I-? Are you-?" Kobra stutters. "Yes, Kobra! I'm talking about you! This whole time I have been!" I say as Kobra perks up. "You like me?" he blushes. "I've made it so obvious, Kobes.." I laughed.  Kobra hugged me and squealed.

"I'm so stupid, Jet-Star. Do you wanna go out with me when this is all over?" Kobra trembles unable to express his feelings at a fast enough pace." "You aren't stupid! And yeah, I'd love to..." I sighed.
"God that felt good to get out," I added.
"Exactly." Kobra sighed as they stayed in the hug together.

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