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Part one


"I should have jumped off that boat, back in Italy," I tell my best friend, biting off of my sandwich. I've never enjoyed going to school, but coming back to school after you spent six weeks in Italy, is a whole new level. It's cruel. The getting up early, the being nice to people you don't want to be nice to and all that stupid new information these teachers are pumping in your mind. The definition of hell.

"You should have taken me with you. Spending six weeks with just my brother was awful. Next time you leave me alone, I want you to buy me earplugs," Flynn says with a very disgusted looking face. "You have no idea how many girls I've met in the past six weeks."

I just chuckle quietly. Flynn's brother Blake has always been a flirt, jumping everything, that's not too far away. Flynn and I became friends a long time ago. We were both six years old and all the teachers in first grade thought we were boys. That's what bounded us. The curse of an unisex name.

"No, but I can imagine how many."

Flynn takes a strawberry and shoves it into her mouth. She nods, her lips pressed into a small smile. "It's even worse, because I didn't have any boys visiting my bed. What about that guy you met in Italy? You're not still in contact with him, are you?"

Flynn is talking about a cute guy I met in Italy. He's not the usual type of guy I would go for, but he was living next to us and around my age, which made him very attractive. Don't get me wrong, he's nice and not actually bad looking but still, I don't think we'd be a 'thing', if  I had met him here.

"Federico? Well he's still texting me, but I'm not actually answering him. Just short answers," I tell her honestly. I earn a typical 'You sure about that, Billie' look from her and bite off of my sandwich again. "I swear it's just short answers."

"Give me your phone," she orders, reaching her right hand out to me. With the other hand she shoves another strawberry in her mouth.

I shake my head. "No."

"If you're not texting him anymore, why not showing me your phone?" she asks, still chewing on that strawberry.

I shake my head again. "Privacy."

"Billie I know you must be romantically frustrated, but a long distance relationship with a guy, who is living in Italy? Come on? Italy?! How long does it take to go there? And it's not like your father would allow this little relationship," she says, stealing a blueberry from me.

She was right. My dad is not actually chill about me dating or even hanging out with guys. He tries to be the 'cool dad' though and I appreciate that. I really do. Especially because he's the one, who needs to have all these talks about becoming an adult with me and I know he does not want to have these with me.

Flynn steals another blueberry from me. She throws it in the air and catches it with her mouth. "Stop eating my food!" I whispers yell at her. "You decided to buy yourself strawberries, eat them then."

"Hello there, little ladies," a tall red head greets us. He sits down next to us and steals one of my blueberries as well as Flynn just did. "These are delicious, Bill Bill. Not as delicious as you are though."

"Why does everyone keep stealing my food?! Julien, keep your fingers out of my blueberries! No one knows in which lady they've been the last time," I say, slapping his dirty fingers away from my food.

Julien is Blake's best friend and bothering me and Flynn since we know him. Well, back in 7th grade Flynn had a huge crush on Julien. He was older and taller and her brother's best friend, which all in one sounds very tempting. To me Julien is more like a sinewy little brother, even though he's older than me.

"Where's your minion, Ju Ju?" I ask the red head smirking, talking about a certain black haired boy.

"Evans is cleaning his skates and that's why I am sitting here with you, sharing your food with me," Julien answers my question with a little smirk on his face. "Seems like they got a bit dirty, when I kicked his ass on the rink. You know, Evans doesn't stand a chance against me, even though he claims the opposite," the red head adds cockily.

Even though Julien and Blake are best friends, they always compete against each other. They compete about how many girls they can get, about their achievements in hockey and about grades. The funny thing about them competing about grades is me mocking them, that I am way smarter than them.

"Don't talk about any dirt that has something to do with my brother. I've heard enough of his dirt the past six weeks," Flynn says groaning. She must be exhausted with Blake as her Brother. I am even exhausted and I live two houses across from his house.

"I bet you did. Evans told me everything about his achievements. Did you met the blonde on in person? I'd like to go for that ride-"

"Julien!" I interrupt him before he's telling us all about that blonde mountain he'd like to climb. "No one around here, except you, cares about Blake's achievements. And no one here, except you, wants to now how and in which way he climbed any mountain!"

Julien rolls his eyes, pretending to be annoyed but the smile on his lips is telling a whole different story. I know he enjoys me and Blake mocking each other. He even claims that I have a crush on him, which is definitely not true. Blake is an arrogant ass, who doesn't care about anything or anyone else except for him. He's the typical fuck boy in any movie. Also, why would anyone ever allow themself to fall in love with someone like him. He wouldn't care, if he'd be in a relationship and still fuck around with every girl standing close to him.

Flynn opens her mouth again and throws two strawberries in it. Her mouth still filled with food she says, "The only mountain my brother is going to climb the next weeks is the mountain of work I'm going to give him. There's no way he's getting six weeks of sex for free and I don't tell tales to mom. So his first option is to have a 'you have to be safe' talk with mom and option two is doing all my work."

Now I'm the one smiling. "Whatever he decides to do, this just made my day way better."

"Who is he and why does he have to make a decision to make Biscuit's das better?" the black haired guy, who just approached the bench we're sitting on says. "Please enlighten me."

I just glare at him. Biscuit is a nickname he came up with a long time ago. I don't know why he chose that one or why he even had to choose one but I was never interested enough to ask. Maybe he chose to tease me with a nickname because I refuse to call him by his last name. I don't know when everyone started calling him by his last name anyway. It's stupid.

"Actually, we were talking about your sex life, dearest brother," Flynn says, giving her older brother a small smile.

Blake walks towards her and takes a strawberry from her. "I didn't know you have such interest in my sex life, Biscuit. Maybe you'd like to hear more about it? I don't have a problem talking about it at all," he says cockily.

I just shake my head. If I learned one thing in those eleven years of knowing Blake Evans, it's not to get into one of those flirting conversations with him. He won't stop teasing you and I don't have the nerves for that today. Not on the first day of school.

I get up from the bench I was sitting on and pack my phone back into my bag. I throw the black bag I got from my dad for Christmas over my shoulder and turn around to Flynn. "I have to go. My class is starting in five minutes," I say. Walking away from them I look at Flynn waving me.

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