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It's been a day since Flynn had to leave for this one week trip. A day since I started using the bus again. Walking to school by foot would be torture. Sure, taking the bus isn't the most pleasant thing, but still better than walking.

Blake suggested to drive me but I refused as long as I am not the one driving the car. He declined letting me drive his Pick Up so I declined getting in it at all. I know it's stupid and unnecessary but I'll stand my ground.

Now I have to sit alone in front of the school on the old benches at lunch. I don't even have someone to steal food from. I never thought it would come to a point in my life, where I have to have more than one close friend to not each lunch alone. It's not like I couldn't just sit with some other people in the cafeteria, but it's not as fun spending my lunchtime with them as with Flynn.

"Bill Bill, my love. What are you doing here alone?" Julien greets me, sitting down next to me on the bench. He lays down his bag and smiles at me. "Just because the princess isn't around, doesn't mean you have to eat alone. You're quiet the popular girl. Go inside and show everyone!"

I shake my head chuckling. "You should really think through this whole lawyer thing again. You'd make a wonderful motivation coach," I tell him, ruffling through his hair. "And I'd rather sit alone here with my food than talk to people I don't like."

The red head next to me laughs. "Fair enough," he says. Julien pulls his phone out of his pocket and checks the time. It's already 3 p.m., he should be at hockey practice by now. "Have you seen Evans? We agreed to meet here before practice starts and I'm already late. If he continues being late, Coach will place him on the bench next to the rink."

I don't know when exactly everyone started calling Blake by his last name. Someday he just wasn't Blake anymore, it was Evans for everyone. Even his teachers are calling him by his last name. It's weird, that's why I don't do it.

I shake my head as a response and shove a piece of carrot into my mouth. "Probably hanging out with his girlfriends," I add sarcastically. I don't know if he's in a relationship right now and I don't care if he is. I just feel sorry for all the girls falling to their knees for him. None of them are knowing their worth, otherwise they'd already punch him in the face.

"Nah, Evans doesn't do relationships. Just hook ups," Julien says bored, getting up from the bench. He throws his bag on his shoulder and looks at me. "It's easier. No feelings, no heartbreak."

Lie. There's more than one girl, who talks and talks about their wonderful relationship with Blake and how sweet he is. All of them talking about the same 'dates' as well and all of them ended up sleeping with him.

I roll my eyes. "The only thing Blake Evans knows about heartbreaks is how to be the cause of them."

I earn raised eyebrows from Julien for saying that. He folds his arms and smirks at me. "Why? Experience with getting your heart broken by the one and only Blake Evans?"

I throw a carrot at him, which he catches easily. He bites off of it and opens his mouth again, "Don't worry, your secret's safe with me." With that he walks away, chuckling softly, the carrot I just threw at him in his hand.

I put my lunchbox back into my bag and get up from the bench just like Julien did. I walk in the opposite direction, right towards my locker. I try to unlock it, failing miserably.

"Dammit!" I try another time. And another time. Nothing changes. "Stupid lockers! My father is paying this stupid school with his hard earned money and they can't even afford working lockers," I murmur under my breath.

Everyone else already headed to their classroom, leaving me the only one in the hallways. "Open, you fucking-"

"Biscuit! I'm horrified, hearing those words coming out of your innocent mouth!" The tall guy, who just spoke, approaches me and my not opened locker. "If you need my help, you just have to scream my name and I'm coming," he says grinning.

I roll my eyes because of the sexual hint he just made and try again to unlock my locker another time. It still not opens and I slam my hand on the locker door. "You better fall open the next time I try!"

"Let me try," Blake suggests.

"You don't know my code and I'm definitely not telling you."

"I do," he says, starring into my eyes, like it's the most normal thing on earth. "Now step aside, Biscuit." He makes small effort to softly push me aside, his hand brushing my waist briefly. I step aside as fast as I can, noticing how the tip of his ears turn rosy.

Blake actually unlocks the locker door at his first attempt, making me questioning why he knows the code to my locker. Stalker much? "See? First attempt. Maybe you just have to learn how to control you anger-"

"One more word and I'm gonna rip your tongue out and eat it for breakfast," I tell him and take the books for my biology class out of my locker. Closing the locker door, I remember about Julien searching for Blake.

"Don't you have hockey practice? What are you still doing here?" I ask him.

Blake leans against the lockers, his arms folded, and smirks. "I decided spending my time talking to you about my tongue is much more interesting than running after a puck," he answers my question, earning another eye roll.

Someday he has to pay for some operation on my eyes because of all the eye rolling I did around him, mostly because of him. I take out my phone and just walk away from him, the sound of his raspy laugh hailing through the hallway behind me.

I unlock my phone and text Julien.

B: Found Blake. He's in the hallways. Probably heading to practice now.

J: 👍🏻

Just as I am about to put my phone away again, another text message flashes on my screen.

J: Party. Tomorrow. 11 p.m. At my house.


Yesterday I spent the rest of the day laying on my bed, listening to music. Sounds boring and was boring. But Flynn was busy the whole afternoon, walking around in some art museum. The only thing she did there, was looking at statues of naked guys and take some pictures in front of them.

Now she's sitting in front of her phone, watching me changing outfits through the screen. "Well, you look smoking hot in the red one, but that might be overdressed. Didn't Julien tell you something about a certain way to dress?" Flynn says, resting her chin on her arms.

I shake my head, my eyes drifting to the black dress on my bed. "No, he didn't."

Flynn sighs in disbelief. "Weird, since he always wants to determine about our outfits at his parties. Anyway, I think you should wear the black one. It's a safe choice. Not overdressed but still sexy as hell!" Flynn grins from one ear to another. "And your hair stays like this, some eyeliner and those boots, we bought two months ago."

I nod and change back into the black dress. It's kinda loose on the top but snatched tied on the waist and around the ass. The boots are two inches high and go up to my knees. I don't bother wearing a bra, since my back is pretty much bare.

I twirl two times in front of the phone and before Flynn can make another comment on my outfit, I hear someone yelling her name. Flynn turns her head away from the camera and yells back," Coming! Stop yelling! Billie, I have to hang up, Mr. Johnwill is asking for me again."

We both say our goodbyes and then hang up.

Eighteen Candles (you will remember me)Where stories live. Discover now