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"Well, we didn't switch the last time. It's just fair, that she is sitting with me," Chris argues, leaning against his car.

We are trying to figure out the seating situation right now and can't decide where everyone should sit. The luggage is placed in the middle of the backseats again and we are arguing who is going to sit on who's lap this time.

"You weren't even in the selection, Volleyball Mess. It's your car, you are driving," Blake says annoyed, running his hand across his face. Blake suggested to just stick with the seating plan we had on the last drive.

I sigh. I am tired and hate this fighting over nothing. I think it would be best for Chris to drive his own car but I don't want to sit on Blake's lap again, not after what happened last time.

The memory of that will haunt me in my dreams forever.

Lilly and Flynn come up to us, carrying the last bag. Lilly is wearing a tight skirt, that goes to her knees, and a white blouse, the first two buttons unbuttoned. She told me and Flynn that she has a date today, with a guy that came up to her in a café and asked for her number.

They've been texting each other for two weeks now. He didn't rush her for a meeting up and Flynn and I think he seems nice. Also the picture she showed us screamed Zaddy. I hope he doesn't turn out to be an asshole. Lilly promised us to tell us how the date went after.

"Look at you!" I whisper yell at her, excited for her. We promised to not tell Julien and Blake about the guy. Julien would ask way too many questions and Blake would play overprotective jerk, which is completely unnecessary, since Lilly is a grown woman.

Lilly blushes lightly. "You are too kind, Billie." Lilly puts her hands on her hips and watches the situation. "What are you guys doing here? Shouldn't you all be sitting inside the car already and not stand next to it? What are you waiting for?" she asks.

"This neanderthal men are fighting over our beautiful girl Bill Bill and can't decide on whose lap she will be sitting on for the drive. And because of that, I am going to make that decision for you and claim her for me. Billie you will be sitting on my beautiful and very comfortable lap," Julien tells me, motioning his hands around his lap area.

I smile at him and walk up to the red haired boy. "It will be my pleasure, Mr. McKenna," I tell him, resting my arm on his shoulder, which isn't very comfortable since this boy is much taller than me.

"Oh mine too, princess," he adds smirking. Julien claps his hands and walks towards the car. Opening the door, he blows a kiss towards Lilly. "I am going to miss you, Mamacita!"

Lilly just laughs and shakes her head. I already said my goodbyes to her and just wave in her direction. Blake hugs her, kisses her cheek and walks towards the car. Flynn also says her goodbyes and we all get into the car.

Chris is the last one closing the door and says, "Let's go then."

Next to me the wall of luggage gets smaller, by Blake taking a bag from the stack and putting it next to his feet. He turns his head and looks at me. "We don't want you to get smashed from luggage again, do we?"


"How's Lilly? I haven't talked to her in so long," my father asks, placing the dishes onto the table.

No surprise. My father doesn't leave the house much. To work mostly. Lilly and he were good friends as well, which isn't very surprising, since our families are very close.

"She's good and I am supposed to pass on her greetings," I tell him, watching my father place a third plate onto the table. "Do we have guests?" I ask him.

Eighteen Candles (you will remember me)Where stories live. Discover now